Ascending With Artificial Intelligence/C9 Charging
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Ascending With Artificial Intelligence/C9 Charging
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C9 Charging

The dashing young Situ Deng was the legitimate heir of the Situ family in Heavenly Cloud City. While the Situ family didn't possess the same level of nobility as the West Marquis Mansion, they were nonetheless a prominent and wealthy household in the city.

From a young age, Situ Deng had a penchant for the kitchen, showing little to no interest in the path of cultivation—a rarity in both the Heavenly Cloud Kingdom and across the entire continent.

Despite being born into wealth and possessing a natural aptitude for cultivation, he chose to forsake the illustrious path of a cultivator to spend his days amidst the clatter of kitchen knives and chopping boards. His dedication to the culinary arts was unquestionable.

To be serious is to truly love.

At twenty-five, Situ Deng had earned the title of Chef King of Heavenly Cloud City, an impressive feat in a land where martial prowess and magical arts were held in the highest esteem. Yet, the people still revered the fundamental necessity of food.

The ambitious young master Situ Deng relished every culinary challenge. When Miss Nalan of the West Marquis Mansion developed anorexia and no chef in the city could help, Situ Deng secluded himself for three months and emerged with a groundbreaking new dish.

Brimming with confidence, he aimed to cure Miss Nalan's anorexia, hoping to gain renown throughout Heavenly Cloud City and leverage that fame to win the royal chef selection, thus making a name for himself worldwide.

He prepared a lavish spread, showcasing his most exquisite culinary techniques. As he presented the final dish—a result of three months of meticulous research, the light salt bean product—he witnessed Miss Nalan retching, clutching her stomach...

"It must be that she's seen all these dishes before. Please, try my newly developed creation—the light salt bean product from my chicken series. Its hallmark is the delicate, vegetarian flavor that maintains the chicken's natural savoriness, enhanced with smoked herbs, colorful leaves, and the aroma of green jade..."

Regaining his composure, Situ Deng confidently approached Miss Nalan with his innovative dish. Despite her notorious temper, which could unsettle the whole of Heavenly Cloud City, her beauty was equally famed. It was said that a single frown from Miss Nalan could cause turmoil, but her smile had the power to make the entire Heavenly Sun Continent shimmer.

After successfully treating Miss Nalan's anorexia, he would not only become renowned throughout Heavenly Cloud City but might also win the affections of this breathtaking beauty. And if he were to marry into the West Marquis Mansion, his future would surely be without equal.

"Take... take it away!"

Nalan Ziyan clutched her chest, struggling to speak as she eyed the bland bean product set before her. Its pale appearance did nothing to entice her appetite; in fact, it only intensified the churning in her stomach. She had managed to eat a full meal earlier that evening, hoping her anorexia was behind her, but now...

"Miss Nalan, please trust me, you'll find this dish to your liking."

"Miss Nalan, do give it a try."

"Miss Nalan?"


Nalan Ziyan vomited again, more violently than before.

Situ Deng stood frozen, his facial muscles twitching uncontrollably as sorrow washed over him. He had spent three months in seclusion, perfecting his culinary skills to delight Miss Nalan's palate and capture her heart, arriving full of confidence only to face this debacle.

"Ah, my lord, madam, the young miss has vomited!" A red-clad maid exclaimed with ill-concealed excitement, pointing at the mess Nalan Ziyan had expelled.

"Drag her out and execute her!"

Nalan Zhan's face was a thundercloud as he gestured dismissively. His daughter's anorexia was already a heavy burden, and now this maid seemed to be taking pleasure in their distress—this was unforgivable.

"Ah, my lord, madam, this is a misunderstanding!" The maid's protests were cut short as she was seized by two sword-bearing guards, poised to drag her away and decapitate her outside the West Marquis Mansion.

"Master, wait."

Qin Caiyun, the lady of the West Marquis Mansion, called out, her face etched with astonishment. Her eyes were fixed on the vile substance her daughter had vomited. It wasn't the usual yellow bile or green medicinal fluid, but actual food. Though it was impossible to discern what she had consumed, one thing was clear—her daughter had eaten.

All eyes, including the grief-stricken Situ Deng's, were drawn to the vile pool on the floor. As he took it all in, the sorrow in Situ Deng's heart morphed into a profound and hopeless despair.

He had once boldly claimed that he was the only one who could cure Miss Nalan's anorexia, yet he ended up botching the whole thing. To make matters worse, Miss Nalan had already started eating...

Talk about a slap in the face!


At the West Marquis Mansion, there was jubilation all around as Miss Nalan finally began to eat. Meanwhile, in the tranquil backyard of Ganoderma Hall in Heavenly Cloud City, Lin Yu sat in deep meditation on a stone bench.

How on earth could he recharge the computer?

How indeed?

He pondered long and hard as the sun dipped toward the horizon. His efforts weren't in vain; he had at least formulated a theory on how the computer in his mind was activated—confidence, justice, and altruism seemed to be the key.

Whether in his past life or his current one, Lin Yu had always been timid, shying away from confrontation. But today, by some twist of fate, when no one else dared to treat the Blue Bamboo Cat and he faced the scorn of the West Marquis Mansion's vile servant, he stood his ground and insisted on treating the animal. In that moment, he found an unprecedented surge of confidence, and with a 'ding' in his mind, the computer materialized.

This was merely an initial thought; there was no longer a need for confirmation. It was simply a rationale to bring him some peace of mind.

As night approached, Lin Yu prepared to retire to his room. Just then, a knock sounded at the courtyard's side door, followed by a young girl's voice, "Brother..."

It was Lin Linger. Lin Yu quickly turned and made his way to the door.

"Brother, did you miss me?"

Dressed in a floral shirt, Lin Linger's fair face beamed with mischief and wit, her black eyes twinkling with vivacity.

"Weren't you supposed to return tomorrow?" Lin Yu asked, puzzled. Although Heavenly Cloud Academy was not too distant, it still took over half an hour to reach. The academy practiced closed education, allowing students to visit home once a month for a day. Lin Linger would usually come home the day before month's end, stay for a day, and then head back to continue her studies.

"I missed you, so I came back early," Lin Linger announced, carrying a small cloth bag as she stepped into the courtyard. "Brother, I'm starving. Can you whip up something to eat for me?"

"Just a moment."

Lin Yu was incredibly fond of his sister. With their memories now intertwined, his heart brimmed with affection for her. Linger had always been bright and nurturing, often taking care of him to the point where she seemed more like the older sibling, always looking out for him.

Now, the best thing Lin Yu could offer was to prepare a meal she loved.

Back when their father was alive, Lin Yu didn't have to worry about much. But with his father gone, he had matured almost overnight. His current priority was ensuring Linger could gather enough for her tuition and successfully graduate from Heavenly Cloud Academy.

He slaughtered the chicken...

It was the last one in the pen, and he cooked the same three dishes as before: Kung Pao Chicken, Spicy Chicken, and Chicken Stewed with Mushrooms.

Lin Yu finally realized why Aunt Liu hadn't been fond of the dishes he'd cooked for her. He had mixed up the seasonings. The spices in this world differed from those on Earth, yet their fundamental properties were similar.

As he'd anticipated, Linger was initially astonished by the unfamiliar dishes, but then she dove in with gusto, declaring them delicious while eating. The Black Jackal joined in, devouring a good amount as well.

"Brother, this is for you," Lin Linger said, tossing the small cloth bag to Lin Yu.

"What's this?" Lin Yu asked with a smile, opening the bag to find a long, snake-like creature that wasn't actually a snake.

"Thunder Worm, from the East Sea. It can generate instant lightning..."


Before Lin Linger could finish, Lin Yu's hair stood on end like a porcupine's quills, and he froze, astonished as the computer screen in his mind suddenly flickered to life.

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