Ascending With Earth To Cultivation/C1 Earth System!
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Ascending With Earth To Cultivation/C1 Earth System!
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C1 Earth System!

On the precipice of Green Cloud Mountain, a striking young man sat cross-legged at the fog-enshrouded peak, his hands forming an intricate seal. With each breath, a wisp of Profound Qi could be felt.

After a long and arduous wait, dawn broke at last. A faint purple aura, infused with Ling Han's breath, flowed directly into his dantian along his meridians. Gradually, it integrated into the purple orb within, becoming one with it.

"Phew, the ninth strand of Innate Purple Qi," Ling Han exhaled softly, a hint of joy on his face. "I just wonder if I'll ever have the chance to ascend to the rank of Profound Master in this lifetime."

Ending his meditative breathing, Ling Han held his breath and turned his inner gaze to inspect the Innate Purple Qi in his dantian. But the moment he did, he was jolted by a startling discovery—a faint blue substance was emerging within the purple light.

Frowning, Ling Han knew the contents of his dantian intimately and had never before encountered such a phenomenon. Without hesitation, he dispersed the purple light, revealing a small azure planet within his field of vision. Despite its minuscule size in his dantian, Ling Han could sense the immense energy it contained. The blue surface of the planet radiated a powerful aura, reminiscent of standing before a raging tsunami.

"Earth?" Ling Han gasped in astonishment.

Having lived on that planet for over two decades in his past life, Ling Han was intimately familiar with it. But why would Earth appear within his dantian?

"Ding! The Strongest Conviction System is now integrating!" a mechanical voice announced in Ling Han's mind, sparking a flash of excitement across his face.

Ling Han was not merely a native of this land; he was also a part of that distant blue planet. Eighteen years had passed since his rebirth in Aetheria, and through perseverance, Ling Han had joined the Aquacloaks as an Outer Sect disciple.

Yet, Ling Han's ambitions soared beyond his current station, his dedication and effort far surpassing those of his contemporaries.

Due to limited resources, he had always struggled to keep pace with others. But with the emergence of the system, he couldn't help but feel elated.

"Ding! The Strongest Faith System has successfully integrated!"

"Host binding in progress!"

The mechanical voice echoed once more, catching Ling Han off guard, but he quickly erupted into ecstatic celebration.

"After eighteen long years, I've finally made my rise!"

Ling Han's eyebrows lifted, unable to conceal the thrill in his gaze. He had dreamed of this day countless times, and now his persistence had paid off.

"Ding! System binding complete."

"Host: Ling Han

Level: Early Stage Profound Master

Techniques: Third Level of the Aquacloaks Body Forging Technique

Second Level of the Aquacloaks Qi Refining Technique

Believers: 0"

Data streamed into Ling Han's mind, fueling an unstoppable surge of excitement within him.

Yet, upon seeing the number of believers, Ling Han paused, puzzled.

"What in the world does 'Believers' mean? Am I supposed to start a religion?"

Ling Han murmured in confusion, but the system was quick to clarify.

The strongest Earth System signified that Ling Han was Earth's sovereign, and he could impart all his knowledge to Earth's inhabitants for cultivation.

For every individual who succeeded, Ling Han would receive a significant boost.

"Holy smokes! This is like a cheat code! With billions of people aiding my cultivation, could I ascend to the heavens in a single bound?"

Ling Han was so thrilled he could hardly contain himself, yet he overlooked one detail: not everyone could master the skills he intended to teach.

"So, if I share the Body Forging Technique with them, and they succeed in cultivating it, I'll gain a boost?"

Ling Han couldn't resist asking the system, sensing his dreams were within reach.


The system's confirmation sent waves of excitement through Ling Han.

"But why does the Earth appear within my Dantian?"

He posed another question, everything seeming so fantastical.

"You were chosen by the system from among millions. Your task is to harness the world's collective faith, and Earth is the first planet where you must gather this faith."

The system's explanation left Ling Han in awe.

"How can I bring them together?"

Ling Han was taken aback, realizing that the task was not as straightforward as he had anticipated.

"You must impart your cultivation technique to the people of Earth. Once they successfully practice it and venerate you as their deity, you will have successfully garnered their faith," the system's voice chimed in once more.

"When can I begin?"

Ling Han was now eager, with the Aqua Body Tempering Spell already in mind as the technique he intended to pass on.

The Aqua Body Tempering Spell and Qi Refining were the foundational techniques of the Aquacloaks. Only by mastering these techniques to the ninth level could one hope to ascend to the esteemed realm of the Profound Master.

The Body Tempering Spell was designed to fortify the physical body, strengthening the meridians and making the body resilient enough to hold the vast Profound Qi of the future.

Qi Refining, on the other hand, was about mastering the control of Profound Qi. In battle, being able to manipulate one's Profound Qi effortlessly was crucial for maximizing the potential of a Profound Skill.

"You may begin at any time. Would you like to start transmitting the technique immediately?" the system inquired, its voice resonating once again.

Without any hesitation, Ling Han replied affirmatively.

But then he furrowed his brow in concern. Eighteen years ago, he was just another soul living on Earth. Life hadn't been perfect, but he still held a deep affection for his home.

If he indiscriminately shared the technique, allowing everyone to cultivate it, wouldn't Earth descend into chaos?

"May I select a specific group to receive the technique?" Ling Han posed the question to the system, recognizing the gravity of his decision. He couldn't risk the destruction of his homeland.

"Yes," the system confirmed, bringing a wave of relief to Ling Han.

"The Chinese military!" Ling Han declared, choosing a subset of the population. If the military's might was enhanced first, then the subsequent introduction of the technique to others would be less problematic.

The next moment, darkness enveloped Ling Han's vision. When he reopened his eyes, he found himself back on Earth, seated cross-legged and suspended in midair.

Suddenly, the sky erupted with flashes of lightning and peals of thunder, creating black vortexes that swirled around Ling Han as if they were cosmic black holes.

"What's that up in the sky?"

"Holy crap! Could it be the end of the world?"

"Does anyone else see a person up there?"

"Mother of all, am I dreaming?"


The entire Huaxia military erupted into chaos. Soldiers marching in step on the parade ground were immediately drawn to the bizarre spectacle above. Each face bore a unique expression of astonishment as the situation completely boiled over.

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