Ascending With Earth To Cultivation/C13 The Token!
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Ascending With Earth To Cultivation/C13 The Token!
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C13 The Token!

The exchange between Ling Han and Faang Yi was brief, and Ling Han's behavior outside was impeccable.

"Ling Han, wait here for me," Faang Yi said with a warm smile. "I'm going to fetch a VIP token for you from the inner pavilion. With this token, you'll be able to undertake missions issued by the Tower Master, and you might even get a chance to meet the Tower Master yourself."

At the Outer Pavilion of Lunar Crest Keep, scantily clad women were enthusiastically welcoming guests amidst a lively atmosphere filled with laughter and chatter.

A few women made attempts to grasp Ling Han's hand, but upon noticing Faang Yi, they refrained from approaching any further.

Indeed, the women of the Outer Pavilion were ordinary, untrained in the ways of cultivation, and their clientele consisted of regular men. Faang Yi, however, was of a different caliber, as evidenced by her ability to effortlessly procure a VIP token for Ling Han.

As its name suggests, Lunar Crest Keep was a gathering place predominantly for women, a statement that particularly applied to those of the Outer Pavilion.

Faang Yi bypassed the Outer Pavilion, making her way directly into the inner pavilion with haste.

Meanwhile, Ling Han remained near the entrance to the inner pavilion, finding a tranquil spot away from the gaze of the Outer Pavilion's crowd.

Being a newcomer, Ling Han understood Faang Yi's hesitation to bring him into the inner pavilion and chose to wait patiently on the sidelines for her return.

"The scholarly-looking man I encountered earlier seems to understand the situation well. He didn't want to cause me any trouble, so he waited patiently," Faang Yi mused to herself.

Even at the edge of the inner pavilion, Ling Han could sense the pulsations of genuine energy and the presence of astral force.

"It seems this inner pavilion is a den of formidable figures. It's not a place to enter lightly. Sticking to my earlier decision was the right move," Ling Han thought, relieved.

Facing a master of the astral force realm, Ling Han couldn't help but feel intimidated. The last time the Chief Elder had sought his life, Ling Han's most powerful system had grimly informed him that he had a mere thirteen seconds to survive.

Ling Han was unaware that he had already found himself in a dire situation. In the realm of Awakening, his mana had not yet been fully tapped into. Essentially, all his genuine energy remained at a superficial level.

It was only by refining genuine energy into astral force and transforming the illusory into reality that he could wield more arcane spells and weapons.

The essence of Eternity itself was a weapon of heavenly caliber.

Ling Han's genuine energy, however, was unique; it was a rich, purple energy, infused with the power of faith.

In a true confrontation, even a master at the eighth level of Awakening, like the Second Elder, was no match for him.

Faang Yi had initially sought him out precisely because of his potent genuine energy, which was significantly more formidable than that of others at the seventh level of Awakening.

"Ling Han, I'm out. Here's your token," Faang Yi said, emerging swiftly, as if she couldn't linger in the Outer Pavilion for long.

Ling Han took the VIP token and examined it closely. The token bore a single word: 'moon.' It was clear that the inscription was the work of someone with profound cultivation. A mere glance from a mortal would leave them overwhelmed by the subtle aura it emitted. But with his genuine energy shielding his eyes, Ling Han was unaffected.

"Who could possess such skill to infuse this word with such exquisite depth?" Ling Han couldn't help but inquire of Faang Yi.

"Haha! I'll tell you the truth—this was inscribed by the master of Lunar Crest Keep herself," Faang Yi replied, her pride evident as she recognized Ling Han's discernment.

"Hmm? She couldn't have carved this many tokens, could she?" Ling Han questioned.

Time was a cultivator's most valued treasure, after all.

Only upon reaching the Transcendent Realm could one hope to extend their lifespan. Otherwise, even if one had advanced to the tenth level of astral force, they would continue to age with each passing day until they comprehended the power of space and attained the Transcendent Realm, or until their life naturally came to an end.

"Hehe! Of course not. Your token was replicated from the original that the Lunar Crest Keep's master had carved. The initial 'moon' token still hangs by the master's side," Faang Yi explained.

"I see," Ling Han replied.

After all, even someone at the Transcendent Stage wouldn't bother with the menial tasks that mortals who repeatedly draw tokens engage in, no matter how much free time they had.

"Okay, Ling Han, next we need to visit the Wang family, as Wang Ji is also one of our allies," Faang Yi said.

"Sure, sure." Ling Han recalled Senior Sister Xiao Xiu mentioning that they had enlisted another helper.

Both of them were at the Awakening Stage, so they made quick work of the journey and soon arrived at the Wang Estate.

The Wang Estate was home to a family of considerable wealth.

While the decor wasn't as lavish as Lunar Crest Keep, the estate was fully staffed with servants.

Ling Han had come from an obscure, nameless sect. At one point, he felt his humble origins made him unworthy of comparing himself to someone like Faang Yi.

But Ling Han quickly dismissed such thoughts. Having amassed a significant amount of the Power of Faith on Earth, he was confident about his future. A dragon is not meant to be confined to a pond; once it finds the open sky, it soars.

"Miss Faang, you've kept me waiting!" At that moment, a courteous young man in his twenties, holding a folding fan, approached them and said, "This must be the helper you've mentioned. Greetings, greetings. I am Wang Ji, the nephew and second in command of the Wang Estate."

The young man was exceedingly polite, a far cry from the arrogance and overbearing nature of Chu Qing back at the sect.

Seeing his warm welcome, Ling Han stepped forward and introduced himself, "I am Ling Han. I was once merely a scholar who, by chance, stumbled upon a path of cultivation through a book."

Ling Han was bending the truth slightly. He had indeed discovered a divine text, but he was far from being a mere scholar; he was a man revered by many on Earth.

"It turns out you had no initial intention of pursuing cultivation, merely a reader of the wise sages' texts. Yet, you managed to reach the seventh level of the Awakening Realm simply by perusing a cultivation method. You truly are a prodigy," Wang Ji remarked. "I only reached the eighth level of the Awakening Realm after several years under my father and uncle's tutelage. Compared to you, I must admit I feel somewhat dull-witted."

The man exuded humility, seemingly flawless in his demeanor.

Yet, in that instant, Zhou's voice echoed in Ling Han's thoughts, "Ling Han, remember that time reveals a horse's strength and a person's heart. Wang Ji may have a silver tongue, but you mustn't let down your guard."

"Naturally. No matter how flowery his words, I'll judge him by his actions," Ling Han responded.

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