Ascending With Earth To Cultivation/C14 Destruction
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Ascending With Earth To Cultivation/C14 Destruction
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C14 Destruction

"It's about time for us to head out. Miss Faang, after you," Wang Ji said with a gentlemanly gesture, allowing Faang Yi to proceed first.

"Hmm, this handkerchief shows the location of the bandits we need to subdue, as assigned by the Tower Lord's mission." Faang Yi pulled out a handkerchief, which depicted a forested area with a fortress nestled within.

"Xia You Valley?" Wang Ji, familiar with the region within a several dozen mile radius, remarked, "I've heard this place boasts serene mountains and crystal-clear waters—a perfect hideout for bandits."

Bandits had to remain hidden; the world was full of reputable sects. Being killed by a disciple of a major sect in a public place could spell disaster.

Bandits often lacked powerful support, unlike disciples who had major sects backing them. Even if such disciples stirred up trouble, it would rarely lead to serious consequences.

"Exactly. My Senior Sisters mentioned Xia You Valley too. Apparently, some of the bandits have reached the Awakening Realm, which is why they've sent inner court disciples after them," Faang Yi added.

"As for the exact number of people who have reached the Awakening Realm and their specific levels, that remains unknown."

"No wonder you wanted us to assist you, Miss Faang. It all makes sense now," Wang Ji said, as if he'd just had an epiphany.

Ling Han, intrigued, chimed in, "Could there be any cultivators who have reached the Astral Force Realm?"

They were tasked with taking down the entire stronghold. If there was a cultivator of astral force among the bandits, they might be capable of lethal force in a fit of rage.

Yet, individuals like Faang Yi and Wang Ji wouldn't be targets, protected as they were by Lunar Crest Keep and the Imperial Residence. Ling Han, however, was a minor character; his death would go unmourned.

"I can assure you there won't be!" Faang Yi stated confidently. "I've only accepted an Earth-level mission; no cultivators of astral force will be involved."

"Good to know. That puts my mind at ease," Ling Han replied.

Should a cultivator of astral force indeed emerge, Ling Han's first instinct would be to flee, concerning himself with nothing else. He was certain Faang Yi and Wang Ji would likely do the same.

"Alright! Since that's the case, we three should make haste and set out immediately!" Wang Ji declared, leading the way at a brisk pace.

The trio moved swiftly, yet they weren't fatigued in the least. With genuine energy flowing through their feet, they barely needed to exert any physical strength. It was said that once one reached the realm of astral force, it would envelop the body, allowing one to run for hours on end without even gasping for breath.

They quickly reached the canyon.

Inside Summer Valley, the air was moist, carrying the fresh scent of earth and mud. It was clear that the area was quite habitable.

Ling Han was indifferent to the conditions; the backyard of his anonymous sect had been much the same. Faang Yi, on the other hand, was far less composed. With every step, she carefully avoided the damp soil to keep her white shoes pristine, preserving her ladylike aura.

Wang Ji also frowned; his boots appeared to be of a fine make, and he was reluctant to soil them. Ling Han, in his simple straw sandals, had no such concerns. They were so common and inexpensive that one could easily find a pair on any street, allowing him to walk without a care.

This cautious progress significantly slowed their pace.

Eventually, the trio arrived at the target's stronghold, the very place where the thieves were holed up.

"We've arrived," Faang Yi announced, after checking the map in her hand for confirmation.

"We can't just rush in recklessly. Brother Ling Han, do you have any ideas?" Wang Ji turned to Ling Han, entrusting him with the strategy.

Ling Han remained calm and collected.

After all, making a mistake wasn't a big deal, and he was confident in his own plans.

"I do have a strategy in mind. I wonder if it's feasible," Ling Han proposed.

In that brief moment, Ling Han had exchanged a flurry of thoughts with Zhou. Zhou, an ancient being who had lived for untold years, had far more experience with such matters than Ling Han could ever hope to have.

"Brother, please share your thoughts," Wang Ji invited, ever the gracious listener.

"Ling Han, let's hear your plan," urged Faang Yi, eager for Ling Han's response.

"Well, here's what I'm thinking: the three of us will go in first to wreak havoc, while one of us keeps the thieves who have reached the Awakening realm at bay. The last one will retrieve the stolen goods."

"I'll handle the retrieval. These are items from Lunar Crest Keep, and I trust neither of you would object," Faang Yi said with a playful wink.

"Absolutely not. The master of Lunar Crest Keep possesses extraordinary powers. I wouldn't dream of coveting anything from there," Wang Ji affirmed. "I'll gladly take on the task of engaging the cultivators at the Awakening realm."

"That leaves the first task to you, Ling Han," Wang Ji added.

"Me, causing the disruption?" Ling Han pondered briefly, recalling Yu's earlier suggestion that creating chaos would throw the thieves into disarray, allowing them to take advantage. Despite his reservations, Ling Han's face remained impassive as he agreed, "Naturally, that's no problem. Let's get moving."


Ling Han, tasked with sabotage, was the first to infiltrate the stronghold. The first person he encountered was a man seated at the entrance, his dark skin and menacing appearance quite intimidating.

As Ling Han stepped inside, the man bellowed, "Who's this presumptuous scholar daring to trespass in our lair?"

The thief lunged to grab Ling Han's collar, but with a subtle exertion of genuine energy, Shen Lie repelled the assault.

Without uttering another word, Ling Han swung his hand, and a resounding slap echoed throughout the room. He didn't pause, continuing to smash chairs and cabinets.

The onlookers stood dumbfounded, silent for an uncomfortably long stretch.

The dark-skinned man who had initially tried to confront Ling Han could only stammer, "You... you..." without advancing any further.

Most of the thieves were mere mortals, and witnessing Ling Han's powerful slap rendering the man speechless, they were all thoroughly intimidated.

Before long, the thieves began to scatter, just as Ling Han had predicted, eager to make their escape rather than linger any longer.

Chaos quickly ensued all around, with some thieves attempting to flee with their arms laden with boxes.

"Where do you think you're going?!" Faang Yi burst in, effortlessly dispatching the box-laden thieves one after another.

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