Ascending With Earth To Cultivation/C15 Crisis
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Ascending With Earth To Cultivation/C15 Crisis
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C15 Crisis

Ling Han's strategy was a resounding success. Faang Yi had already hijacked several chests in no time.

If things kept going this smoothly, Ling Han could wrap up his work early and wouldn't need to wreak any more havoc in this expansive stronghold.

But suddenly, a furious roar shattered the peace.

A door within the stronghold swung open, and a shirtless man emerged.

He bellowed, "Young lady, drop those chests now, or you'll force me to show you my strength!"

"Who is this thief daring to strike at a member of Lunar Crest Keep?" Faang Yi confidently revealed her affiliation, expecting it would deter any further action.

Indeed, the mere mention of "Lunar Crest Keep" sent the thief cowering in fear, like a mouse before a cat, too terrified to engage Faang Yi in combat.

But moments later, he burst into laughter, taunting, "Just the two of you? I was expecting someone of significant astral force. You're just marching to your doom. I've already deeply offended Lunar Crest Keep by stealing from you; what's one more enemy?"

"Brave words! You think you're not afraid of Lunar Crest Keep? Do you believe you've ascended to the Transcendent realm?" Seeing that words were futile, Faang Yi launched into action.

"Miss Faang, leave this fool to me. He's merely at the eighth level of the Awakening Realm; I can handle him on my own. You go ahead," Wang Ji, who had been monitoring the situation from outside, stepped in to offer his assistance upon spotting an Awakening Realm cultivator.

"Very well! Your reward will be dispatched to your estate once the mission is complete. Ling Han, you'll receive yours too—make sure to check for it," Faang Yi said, using her genuine energy to pull several chests outside.

"Hold on, hospitality dictates we don't rush off without a proper meeting with the host," an elderly voice called out.

Shortly thereafter, an old man stepped out from another room, declaring, "I am the master of this stronghold, and I am the one who stole these items."

"Hmm? The tenth level of the Awakening Realm?" Ling Han quickly discerned the level of the man before him through the communication device.

"Father, why have you emerged? Didn't you insist that you must complete your death seclusion before you could cultivate to the Astral Force Realm?" The bare-armed man eager to confront Wang Ji inquired.

"Heh, A Yu, that pearl stolen from Lunar Crest Keep is nothing but a useless trinket," the old man sighed, "It seems I'll never reach the Astral Force Realm. However, this time, I can capture a woman at the same level as you to be your wife. I'm determined to settle things with Lunar Crest Keep once and for all."

The old man was quite bold, openly declaring his intention to find Faang Yi as a wife in the presence of Ling Han and the others.

"Such wishful thinking. It seems the Tower Lord's inactivity over the years has emboldened even the likes of you lowly thieves," Faang Yi spat out angrily. "Let's see if your genuine energy at the tenth level of Perfection lives up to the hype."

"Humph!" the old man retorted, "Your genuine energy at the eighth level of the Awakening Realm is no match for me. It's utterly insignificant!"

"We'll see about that when we cross hands!" Faang Yi retorted, drawing a soft whip from her sleeve.

"What? The Scarlet Moon Whip?" The old man was taken aback, "That's a treasure reserved for those in the Astral Force Realm, said to be crafted painstakingly by someone at the fourth level. How could you possibly possess it?"

"Haha! You underestimate the depths of Lunar Crest Keep's legacy," Faang Yi taunted with a delicate laugh, brandishing the Scarlet Moon Whip at the old man.

Before long, the battle reached a stalemate.

Wang Ji's combat prowess was comparable to that of the bare-chested pirate; both cultivators relied on brute strength, and neither could gain the upper hand.

Faang Yi's situation, however, was less promising. Despite her agility with the Scarlet Moon Whip, allowing her to strike from the old man's flank, the disparity in their cultivation realms soon became apparent, and Faang Yi began to falter.

"Young lady, wielding the Scarlet Crescent Whip is like squandering a divine gift! Only cultivators at the Astral Force Realm can tap into the hidden Scarlet Crescent Demonic Power within the whip. You're merely at the eighth level of the Awakening Realm, and the demonic power you're able to draw forth doesn't even reach 30%." The elder, initially panicked, relaxed and spoke with a sense of satisfaction upon realizing the situation was well within his control. "I'll take that Scarlet Crescent Whip off your hands for now. Once you're my daughter-in-law, I'll gladly return it to you."

"Old thief, you wouldn't dare!" Faang Yi retorted with defiance, though she felt utterly drained inside.

Faang Yi had been enticed by the substantial reward for this mission, aware that it indicated the thief's Awakening Realm level would be exceptionally high. She had braced herself for the worst, anticipating an adversary at the tenth level of the Awakening Realm. Confident in her abilities and armed with the Scarlet Crescent Whip, she believed she could overcome an opponent at the ninth level. But now, faced with her worst fears realized, she regretted her greed for the mission's heavenly reward. "Curse my greed for this Earth Level mission's prize! I should have known better than to expect a tenth-level Awakening Realm challenger!" she lamented, wishing she could knock some sense into herself for the trouble her avarice had caused.

"Ha! Lay a finger on Miss Faang Yi, and you'll regret it!" Ling Han finally stepped forward.

Initially, Ling Han's intent was merely to disrupt the mission and send the common thieves packing.

Despite their crimes, Ling Han, who had once gathered the Power of Faith, knew that not all thieves deserved death—among them were those who acted with honor and righteousness.

After driving away the ordinary thieves, only five remained: Ling Han, Faang Yi, Wang Ji, and the duo of cultivator thieves, father and son.

As expected, the old man paused upon hearing Ling Han's challenge, turning his gaze toward him before bursting into self-amused laughter. "A mere boy at the seventh level, even weaker than the girl, hahaha, you're a joke! Playing the hero requires strength, and you, my friend, are like a mantis trying to halt a chariot!"

"Yes, Ling Han, go now. I fear my life may end here this time!" Faang Yi declared, accepting her fate, "It seems I won't be able to claim the reward. Should you manage to escape, please make sure to notify Lunar Crest Keep."

"Hmph!" scoffed the elder. "None of you will escape. If you've called for backup, then I'm as good as dead!"

"Old villain! Face my whip!" Faang Yi intensified her genuine energy and urged Ling Han, "Hurry! He's too distracted to focus on you right now!"

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