Ascending With Earth To Cultivation/C2 The Law of Inheritance!!
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Ascending With Earth To Cultivation/C2 The Law of Inheritance!!
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C2 The Law of Inheritance!!

"Report to the commanding officer, an unidentified flying object has been spotted in the sky. Should we investigate?"

"Report to the commanding officer..."


Calls echoed throughout the various military bases, yet those outside the military remained oblivious to any anomalies, as if nothing at all had transpired.

To them, the sky was devoid of lightning, thunder, black vortexes, and there was certainly no one sitting cross-legged.

"I am the ruler of Earth, Ling Han. Today, I shall impart my teachings!"

As the chief's office phone was on the verge of breaking from overuse, a clear and authoritative voice suddenly echoed in the ears of every soldier.

It was chilling, as though it emanated from the depths of hell, yet it possessed an irresistible power.

Ling Han, sitting cross-legged in the sky, then recited the Body Forging Technique from start to finish, the words resonating clearly in the ears of each soldier.

The soldiers below remained still, silently absorbing the words from the sky, instinctively etching the Body Forging Technique into their memories.

The moment Ling Han finished reciting the Body Forging Technique, the figure in the sky vanished without a trace, along with the lightning, thunder, and the eerie black vortexes.

Normalcy was restored.

Were it not for the lingering Body Forging Technique in their minds, they might have dismissed the experience as merely a dream.

"What is this Green Cloud Body Forging Technique? Some kind of fantasy novel?"

"This is absurd. Could it be someone's idea of a joke?"

"What kind of budget would you need for such a prank? Regardless, why not give it a shot and practice?"

"I'm not wasting my time on that nonsense. Body Forging, really? If it's so powerful, let's see it make me fly!"


The Huaxia military was abuzz with wild speculation. Many found the event too far-fetched, yet numerous soldiers sought out quiet corners to diligently practice the methods described in the Green Cloud Body Forging Technique.

Chaos ensued within the ranks of the Huaxia army, with many leaders convinced enough to have their subordinates begin training.

Out of the 2.3 million-strong Huaxia military, there were still many skeptics.

Despite this, the number of practitioners had already reached 1.9 million.

“Ding! 1,950,000 members of the Huaxia military have commenced training in the Green Cloud Body Forging Technique!”

“Ding! 950,000 individuals are eligible for the Green Cloud Body Forging Technique.”

“Ding! 400,000 have abandoned their training after five minutes!”

“Ding! 300,000 have ceased training after twenty-five minutes!”

“Ding! 240,000 have discontinued training after forty minutes!”

As the system notifications chimed in succession, Ling Han's expression was on the verge of turning to stone.

"Is their resolve really that weak?"

Ling Han felt a profound sense of helplessness, as in a mere moment, the number dwindled to less than ten thousand.

Yet, upon reflection, Ling Han came to terms with it. The constitution of Earth's inhabitants differed from those here; it was clear that some simply couldn't endure the physical toll of the Body Forging Technique.

"Ding! After five hours, a total of 950 individuals have successfully ascended to the first level of the Green Cloud Body Forging Technique!"

The long-awaited update from the system finally arrived, and despite the low numbers, Ling Han was elated.

With the support of these 950 individuals, his Green Cloud Body Forging Technique was sure to advance to the next level.

Once he knew everyone had completed their training, Ling Han promptly withdrew his consciousness.

His focus shifted back to the present, eager to experience the enhancements brought about by Earth's practitioners.

However, upon his return, Ling Han was taken aback. His attention had been so fixed on Earth that he hadn't noticed the time here.

He had spent six or seven hours there, yet it was still not even noon upon his return.

"System, does this mean my presence there doesn't affect the passage of time here?"

Ling Han inquired, addressing the system with the doubt in his mind. If that were the case, it would be an immense boon for him.

"Time does pass, but the ratio of Earth's time to real-world time is 60 to 1."

The system responded. Although it wasn't quite what he had imagined, the 60 to 1 time ratio was still a reason for Ling Han to be thrilled. It meant that an hour on Earth equated to only a minute in the real world.

Afterward, Ling Han stopped dallying and sat down cross-legged, silently tuning into his Aqua Body Forging Technique.

True to the system's word, his insight and grasp of the Body Forging Technique had significantly improved.

Both the Aqua Body Forging Technique and the Aqua Qi Refining Technique were mandatory for all Aquacloaks disciples, each consisting of nine levels.

Only by mastering these two techniques to the ninth level could one unlock the Ren and Du Meridians, allowing Qi to flow through all the body's meridians.

It is this achievement that marks the transition from a Profound Warrior to the esteemed rank of a Profound Master.

While it may appear straightforward, among the younger Outer Sect disciples of the Aquacloaks, the highest achievement was reaching the ninth level in the Body Forging Technique, and only the seventh in Qi Refining.

The challenge of ascending to the Profound Master level was evident, yet achieving it would garner immense respect within the Aquacloaks.

Ling Han quickly found a spot to sit cross-legged, eager to strike while the iron was hot and elevate his Body Forging Technique.

With his newfound understanding, leveling up was a breeze. After meditating for half an hour, Ling Han successfully leaped from the third to the ninth level of the Body Forging Technique.

Upon opening his eyes, Ling Han had no time to revel in his success; he noticed his body was caked in grime.

"What the..."

Confusion struck Ling Han, but he quickly realized it was the impurities expelled from his body.

Ignoring the filth, he stood up to examine his physique.

To his delight, he discovered he had indeed forcefully ascended from the third to the ninth level of the Body Forging Technique.


Feeling the surge of power within, Ling Han couldn't help but exclaim.

"Why not bring the Aqua Qi Refining Technique to Earth as well?"

His rapid increase in power left Ling Han itching for more, so he went straight to the system to transmit the technique, not even pausing to test his newfound abilities.


In China on Earth, the winds of change were stirring.

The entire sky was once again engulfed by fierce gales and ominous clouds.

"Here we go again. Damn it, I've been made a fool of and everyone's had a good laugh at my expense!"

"Seriously, who's behind these pranks?"

"The deity has arrived. Let's see what kind of secret techniques or manuals we'll be blessed with this time!"

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