Ascending With Earth To Cultivation/C21 A Few Sects
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Ascending With Earth To Cultivation/C21 A Few Sects
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C21 A Few Sects

"Understood." Ling Han's mind was crystal clear on the matter.

One could be indiscriminate with food, but not with medicine. Some spiritual medicines not only had limitations but also required the consumer to be at a certain level of cultivation. In other words, individuals of lower realms couldn't even consume some of the more advanced medicinal pills.

Unlike weapons, most medicinal pills were single-use. Once consumed, they were gone, which is why Ling Han so greatly valued the Black Yellow Pill he possessed.

"By the way, Zhou, you advised me to seek out a prominent sect to join. Do you know of any that are particularly impressive?" Ling Han inquired.

Indeed, Ling Han had left his previous, obscure sect because Zhou had mentioned that the more elite the sect, the better the spiritual pills and even the weapons they provided.

The fact that Faang Yi, who was at the Awakening realm, had obtained the Scarlet Moon Whip, which required the Astral Force realm to wield effectively, was telling.

"A major sect?" Zhou was taken aback by Ling Han's question, pausing for a moment before responding, "Before my misfortune, there were several sects shining brightly, like the sun at midday. They were known as the Ironscars, Burning Rage, and the Solarsmiths."

Zhou added, "However, times have changed dramatically. Many renowned sects may have declined during this period, and even Transcendent realm masters may have fallen. I'm not sure if those sects still exist."

"Great! I'll go and inquire about the sects you've mentioned."

Ling Han was staying at an inn, a place where information was never scarce.

As expected, when Ling Han placed a silver ingot on a waiter's table, the waiter's face lit up with a smile. "What can I do for you, sir?" he asked eagerly.

Such individuals were often swayed by money, becoming exceedingly courteous at the sight of silver.

"I want to inquire about the Ironscars, Burning Rage, and the Solarsmiths. Do you have any information on them?" Ling Han didn't have time for roundabout conversations with a commoner; after all, even if the waiter knew something, it wouldn't be of any significant consequence.

"The Ironscars is a demonic sect. I dare not speak too freely, sir, for fear of having my tongue cut out by their kind," the waiter continued. "However, the Burning Rage Sect and the Solarsmiths are reputable orthodox sects. They are the genuine masters of cultivation, held in high esteem by countless people."

"Oh?" Ling Han's interest was piqued. "I must confess, I am a scholar from the countryside, unfamiliar with the lay of the land and the various powers at play, so I hesitate to align myself with any sect without due consideration."

"Are there any honorable sects out there I might join and apprentice with?" Ling Han asked, feigning timidity. "I have no desire to spend my days in constant fear of higher-level cultivators."

"Ah, I see," the waiter replied, a sly look on his face. "You've come to the right person. I've spent my days gathering information from numerous cultivators, and I've come to know quite a bit."

"But... well..."

The waiter rubbed his thumb and index finger together, hinting that he was dissatisfied with the amount of money offered.

"Oh, this is a token of my appreciation for you." Eager to hear more, Ling Han promptly produced two more taels of silver.

Ling Han wasn't particularly concerned about worldly silver; it neither enhanced his cultivation nor aided in advancing his realm.

As a result, over the years, he had managed to save a considerable amount of silver within his obscure little sect.

"Much obliged," the waiter said, his tone growing more cordial as he accepted the silver. "I'll be sure to share with you all that I know."

"Currently, the continent is home to several dozen prominent sects. But when it comes to the most formidable, there are only the Three Clarities Sect and the demonic pavilions."

The waiter went on, "The Three Clarities Sect comprises the Solarsmiths, the Charscars, and the Burning Rage."

"And the demonic pavilions?" Ling Han inquired in a hushed tone.

"They are the Ironscars and the Weeping Blood Pavilion," the waiter explained, visibly anxious. "These two sects are notorious for their wanton slaughter, and with powerful backers, there's no one brave enough to challenge them and uphold justice."

After that, the waiter fell silent, as though he had let slip something he shouldn't have.

"Could you tell me which of the Three Clarities sects is the strongest?" Ling Han pressed on with his questioning.

"It's difficult to say. Some argue that the Solarsmiths are the most powerful, while others favor the Burning Rage. The Charscars, however, are somewhat inferior," the waiter explained. "The reason being, both the Solarsmiths and the Burning Rage possess ancient Heavenly Weapons, which the Charscars lack."

"And where does Lunar Crest Keep stand in this ranking?" Ling Han inquired, his thoughts drifting to Faang Yi.

"Lunar Crest Keep is quite unique. All of its members are women, and the leader is shrouded in mystery, rarely seen by the common folk," the waiter elaborated. "However, because Lunar Crest Keep is situated within the secular world, it's often looked down upon by the larger sects."

"I see," Ling Han mused, quickly grasping the underlying logic.

After all, the major sects typically established themselves in remote mountains, far from the mundane world.

No sect would choose to be as accessible as Lunar Crest Keep, situated in the bustling mortal realm, with the Outer Pavilion staffed by ordinary women.

"Thank you for the information. I must be going now," Ling Han said, bowing slightly in a scholarly fashion.

"Take care," the waiter responded.

Once back at his resting spot, Ling Han eagerly turned to Zhou Yu, "Do you know anything about Charscars?"

"Not personally, but judging by the waiter's description, it seems to rival the Solarsmiths I've encountered in the past. It's definitely a formidable sect," Zhou Yu answered.

"So, Zhou, which sect do you think would be the best for me to join?" Ling Han inquired.

"Let's rule out Ironscars, Burning Rage, and the Solarsmiths," Zhou Yu advised. "I've encountered the masters of these sects in my prime. They're ancient beings who have lived for millennia."

"They're probably still around, and I fear they would detect my presence immediately if you were to join," Zhou Yu continued. "It's not the same as the intentional gaze from Lunar Crest Keep. This is a kind of detection that happens once you're within a certain proximity."

"Do you consider any of those three to be trustworthy friends?" Ling Han inquired.

"Pfft, each of them is a top talent in the Transcendent Realm. They all want to fully assimilate me to gain the power of the Heavenly Book's essence," Zhou said with a hint of self-derision. "If I were to actually encounter them, I'd likely be unable to avoid being fully assimilated. And by then, you'd probably be in danger of falling into their clutches as well."

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