Attractive Beloved Wife/C14 Aggrieved
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Attractive Beloved Wife/C14 Aggrieved
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C14 Aggrieved

Inside the villa, Liu Yan and Yao Weihang were also waiting for news of the two of them. However, when they saw Yao Ke Meng and Qin Xiangjie return, they had already guessed the outcome. So when he saw Xiao Meng smile and say, "He still doesn't want to come back," Liu Yan couldn't help but rush over to hug her.

"Good girl, if you want to cry, then cry loudly." Liu Yan gently caressed her back, hoping that her heart would be comforted.

However, Xiao Meng did not cry loudly in her arms. Instead, she said lightly, "Liu Yan, tell me, should I give up now?" Just assume that Qin Haoran died in that accident. At least, at that time, he still loved her. Then, she would use the love he left for her to persevere on.

Liu Yan, Yao Weihang, and Qin Xiangjie remained in the living room staring at each other, at a loss of what to do. Although they knew that Xiaomeng was sad, they did not know how to persuade him. Even though they knew that Qin Haoran was a bastard, they could only let him go and not force him to do anything.

The most important thing was, even if they used force, could it really make Xiao Meng happy? Speaking of which, this Qin Haoran was pretty bad. At least, the three of them were all focused on Little Meng.

"Boss, what do we do now?" Liu Yan habitually asked Qin Xiangjie at this moment. She had listened to his commands for many years, and whenever something happened that she could not find the answer to, her boss would be present. She would ask such a question. Perhaps others would think that this was the result of his subordinate's incompetence, but Qin Xiangjie knew that she had only done so because she trusted him too much.

Qin Xiangjie frowned. He didn't know what to do, "Little Meng said she wanted to give up, but can she really?" He did not have an answer. Perhaps he did, but he did not know what this answer would bring him.

Yao WeiHang sighed, "I saw Xiaomeng together with Qin Haoran. We know her feelings for Qin Haoran very well, she should be giving up now because she has no other choice. If she doesn't want to give up, do you have a good way to help her?"

Qin Xiangjie remained silent. He did not know how to answer. "I've been telling my subordinates to investigate the Heather family's situation. If they want Qin Haoran to come with us, we can only do it from Lina. I don't want to trouble anyone else to put pressure on her because I don't know if it will work the way I want. If they do, then we'll have to wait for a chance. I've heard that the Heather family's failure to invest in their business has caused them financial difficulties. If this is true, we'll have a chance to discuss terms with Lina." After Qin Xiangjie finished speaking, he turned around and went upstairs as well. "Tell the maid what you want to eat tonight. I'll go check on the information."

Liu Yan gloomily looked at his boss who was upstairs, "Yao Weihang, do you think my boss is getting old recently?" As she spoke, she seriously glanced at Qin Xiangjie's back before nodding her head. Then, wouldn't it mean that a man would age once he turned thirty?

You don't think I'm getting old," he said, patting her on the head. However, it was fortunate that this girl was still able to joke around at this time. His mood had always been a bit gloomy because of the matter between Qin Haoran and Yao Ke Meng. Although things had reached a point where it seemed like they could no longer do anything, he looked at Liu Yan who was giving him a silly smile. Even though he felt like Liu Yan had returned from another world, he would still be happy for a moment and would truly have the impulse to hug her.

"I'll tell you." Yao Weihang's expression suddenly turned serious.

"Go ahead." Every time Liu Yan saw his expression, he would feel a bit nervous. To be honest, she was afraid that he would seriously tell her something. She always felt that what she said was something that she couldn't handle.

"Let's get married when we get back." Yao WeiHang looked at her calmly as if he was telling her to go have a meal at a favorite restaurant when they got back.

Liu Yan looked at the man with a serious expression, and blew away the hair in front of his forehead, "Do you know what you're saying?" Really, even if it's a proposal, it should be more formal, right? Besides, had they ever been in love? How can you get married without having been in love? However … They seem to have been living together for a long time. Aiya, I don't care anymore. Anyway, this kind of proposal from him made me feel all sorts of dissincerity.

So it was just a lack of sincerity? Liu Yan felt confused. It had to be said that his words had completely thrown her into chaos, to the point where she couldn't control herself.

"Of course I know what I'm talking about." "I think it's time for us to get married. I need you to stay by my side." In the past, he had always felt that there was nothing bad about the two of them being together, after all, everyone's way of pursuing love was different, since they were both young. But now, he suddenly felt that they might not have much time, and before the heavens allowed them to separate, he wanted to be together with her, to be a safe and peaceful little woman in the depths of her heart. He wanted to let her feel at ease, to let her not use his thorns as a disguise when she was afraid.

Of course, it wasn't that he didn't want to propose a more formal marriage proposal, but he just wanted his heart to calm down first. Furthermore, he didn't believe that Liu Yan was a woman who liked those things.

However, how could he just skip over a marriage proposal like this? Liu Yan was not only a woman, but also a little woman. Even if she didn't care about these unnecessary things, she would still be shy! When Liu Yan is shy, he won't be like other girls, blushing and beating his heart. She will directly glare at you and then turn around and leave!

Yao WeiHang obviously knew that this was her habit. However, he didn't allow her to leave just like that, so he reached out to hold her, "Hey, I said, let's go back and get married." This time, he did not use a question, but instead used a slightly commanding tone to speak affirmatively.

Liu Yan was a little annoyed, "Yao Weihang, who do you think I am? Is it the woman you said would marry you? " Was she unable to marry or what? When she wanted to go upstairs, she suddenly couldn't bear to do so. She knew that Yao Weihang was a very serious person, and after living together for so long, she understood that he was just like him. She stopped and mumbled, "I will think about it." She hurried upstairs.

Looking at her flustered back, Yao WeiHang couldn't help but laugh. It seemed like he would have to carefully plan a marriage proposal now. God really had his own plans for everything. If it weren't for the incident between Qin Haoran and Xiao Meng, who knew when he would propose marriage with Liu Jie? Even if he didn't mention it, Liu Yan wouldn't have mentioned it, right?

No matter what, his mood had finally brightened up a little.

He needed to know what Xiao Meng's true intentions were so that he could do some things. Although he understood Xiao Meng's personality very well, matters of the heart were not something that others could help to decide, so he could not be that decisive.

He needed to confirm some things, such as whether or not Xiao Meng would choose to give up after knowing that there was still a way to keep Qin Haoran. If she really wanted Qin Haoran to change his mind, then he wouldn't have to do anything.

Upon hearing a knock on the door, Xiao Meng rushed to open it. She was stunned when she saw it was Qin Xiangjie. Then, she thought of what Qin Haoran had said and felt a little embarrassed. She didn't want to deny that she understood how special she felt towards Qin Xiangjie, but knowing that didn't mean that she had to respond to such feelings. Besides, a golden-haired and elegant fine guy like Qin Xiangjie would always queue up to marry a bunch of good girls if he wanted to. It wasn't wrong to like someone. Qin Xiangjie wouldn't do something despicable just because he liked him. Therefore, Yao Ke Meng was relieved.

"What's the matter?" She had just been in a daze. Although there were no longer any traces of tears on her face, her eyes were still red.

"I want to ask you what you think about Qin Haoran's matter." Qin Xiangjie spoke bluntly, "If I still have a way to keep him, would you choose to give up?"

Yao Ke Meng did not understand what he meant. She opened the door and stood behind him. "Come in." She sat down on the bed. People with big bellies don't like standing around for long periods of time.

Qin Xiangjie sat down on a stool beside the dressing table. "I want to know if there's a way to get Qin Xiangjie to return to you, but it's not on his own free will. Do you still want to choose to give up?"

Yao Komeng knew that Qin Xiangjie was prepared to use some sort of forceful method for her sake. Although she had never seen Qin Xiangjie's ruthless side, she knew that he dealt with things in the same way as Qin Haoran. If he truly had some sort of goal, then he would use a method that she found difficult to accept. Thus, after marrying Qin Haoran, she had accepted his way of working. After all, those opponents who wanted to reach the top of the Qin family had done many disrespectful things to her, so there wasn't anything unreasonable about them.

"Can I hear your solution first?" Yao Komeng knew Qin Xiangjie had good intentions, but she did not want to injure people who were unrelated to her because of her. Even if they were people who had nothing to do with her, Little Meng did not want them to be implicated.

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