Attractive Beloved Wife/C4 Survey
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Attractive Beloved Wife/C4 Survey
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C4 Survey

Lina pursed her lips and flipped through the pages of information related to Qin Haoran. She felt that the most useful part of the photos were the photos of Qin Haoran. They were all very handsome. She smiled and decided to study her schedule for the next day. She felt like she shouldn't think too much about things that she couldn't control.

The most nervous person right now should be Qin Xiangjie, who was drinking red wine by himself in the hotel. He had originally thought that he would be able to take Qin Haoran away immediately, but he had not expected that he would encounter such a bottleneck. Facing such a person, other than him taking the initiative to cooperate with him, there was nothing he could do. Perhaps he could consider kidnapping Qin Haoran and sending him back to Bamboo City, but if he did, he really didn't know what Qin Haoran's reaction would be. He might even vent all of his resentment onto Little Meng.

Unfortunately, after so many years, he still hadn't had the relevant experience in the foam drama. Now, it seemed that he truly felt that no matter what he did, he had to give it a try. Even if he was watching too many foam dramas, it would still be a reward.

Qin Xiangjie expressed that he had a headache.

Even so, Qin Xiangjie would not give up. If such a small setback could make him give up, then he would not be able to find Qin Haoran's whereabouts. He decided to send an invitation to the Heather family's heir at two o'clock in the morning. He wanted to get straight to the point. Now that Qin Haoran was her bodyguard, he felt that it was necessary to know what the Heather family's sole heir thought of Qin Haoran.

After Lena's meeting, the assistant brought in an invitation in a pink and blue envelope. Although Heather's family didn't know Qin Xiangjie very well, they knew him as a vegetarian in Country C. When the assistant saw the look of confusion and disdain on Lina's face, she said in understanding, "President, Chairman Qin Xiangjie is not just a person with a small company. His business is influential in all of Asia, even in Europe and the United States." Emily was someone who had grown up with Lena. She was also a helper the Heather had developed to get Lena into a family business. She had been with Lena all these years, not because she was grateful to the Heather family for raising her, but because she truly liked Lena.

On the other hand, even though Emily was Lena's little assistant, Lena would think about everything she said, because Emily wouldn't give herself any unnecessary advice.

It was the same this time. After Emily finished speaking, Lina stopped her expression and asked, "Emily, do you know why this Qin Xiaojie came to find me?" Emily knew about her investigation of Qin Xiangjie and even Qin Haoran's information. She believed that Emily knew what she truly wanted to ask. A tacit understanding was something where people did not need to talk too much when interacting with each other.

Emily smiled. "CEO, I think you know more about the kind of person Sven is. Since Qin Xiangjie came for Sven, we need to see him even more to see what he's up to." In fact, if there was one, she would understand it if she didn't say it. For example, if Seven had to leave, even if they did everything they could to get him to stay at Hathor's house, it wouldn't be what Lena wanted. Knowing she must understand, Emily didn't want to say anything more. Now that Lina was hesitating to see Qin Wenjie, she decided to let her doubts go away as she saw fit.

Lina nodded. "Alright, I'll go check out what Qin Xiangjie is up to." She wanted to see how this person would change after seeing her.

After Emily left, she took out her cell phone and decided she should call Seven.

Bamboo City.

Of course, this was only because of Little Meng's thin and weak body. Right now, there was no extra fat on her face, and other than her protruding stomach, there was no other place that showed that she was pregnant.

She indifferently looked to the west, where a round red sun was slowly descending. She could see unknown birds flying from the horizon and disappearing into the horizon, as if they were rushing home. Even the birds knew that they were going home, but her man, Qin Haoran, still hadn't received any news.

Qin Xiangjie had already left for three days. Although he took his phone call, he had a nagging feeling that he was no longer just going back to the Kingdom of Thunderroar to manage his business. Feng Junhua, Liu Yan, and her brother were all unwilling to tell her the truth.

Thinking of this, Yao Ke-meng's face turned dark. She knew that if Qin Xiangjie had anything to hide from her, it would be nothing but news related to Qin Haoran. She also knew that her current situation wasn't good to hear anything that was too exciting, but even if she wasn't told anything, she would still worry! Although there was no news of Qin Haoran, she had always believed that he was fine. Every day, she would try her best to make herself happy because the doctor told her that it was good for the baby in her womb. In addition to this, she also listened to soothing music every day and read a lot of novels she liked. She didn't expect her baby to be a genius in the future, she just hoped that his cleverness would catch up with his father's.

No matter where Qin Haoran was right now, she had to be strong and wait for him to come back because she believed that the arrival of a baby was God's way of giving her confidence. Thus, even if her heart was a little unsteady, she hoped that she could let go of all these distracting thoughts and properly nurture her baby.

Yao Ke Meng smiled at the orange sun. She stood up and let the maid enter the house. When she was giving birth to her baby, she was alone no matter what she did. Even when she was about to give birth, there was no one by her side. In the end, wasn't her baby born healthy and healthy? Although Qin Haoran hadn't appeared at her side like in the past, there were at least a lot of people who took care of her. As a person, she had to be content!

Yao Komeng tried her best to cheer herself up, hoping that Qin Haoran would suddenly appear one day and give him a big smile.

Country C.

Qin Xiangjie was playing around on his cell phone in a daze. Xiao Meng probably didn't understand the concept of jet lag, so she called him at three in the morning to ask if he had left Bamboo City because there was news of Qin Haoran. At that time, Qin Xiangjie smiled without hesitation. He had only gone back to the State of Thunderroar to deal with some business matters. To be honest, if it wasn't because he had made up his mind not to tell Yao Kexin about it, he probably would have exposed a flaw.

Although he had coaxed Yao Ke Meng, he felt a little uneasy. He understood Yao Ke-meng's feelings and knew that even if he told her that, she would still let her imagination run wild.

Liu Yan reported that Little Meng was just as happy as she was in the past. However, it seemed that the frequency of Qin Haoran's mention was decreasing. It seemed to be a good phenomenon, but everyone was worried about him.

Xiao Meng was definitely not the kind of girl who would let go just like that. Although she appeared to be more happy than anyone else, they knew in their hearts that this little girl just liked to suppress some of their pent-up emotions.

When she was too sad, she had no choice but to put on an act to make the people around her feel at ease. Those who knew her all knew that the current Little Meng was in a state where no matter what she said, she couldn't be comforted. She missed Qin Haoran very much. She was waiting for him to return, so the only way to make Little Meng happy was to find Qin Haoran and send him to her side.

Qin Xiangjie pinched his swollen acupoint. Even though he had finally found Qin Haoran, he didn't know how to bring him back to Little Meng's side. He swore that when Qin Haoran recovered his memories, he would definitely use his old fist to make that fellow pay for the brain cells that had died because of him.

However, he couldn't care less now. Lina had already promised to have dinner with him tomorrow night, and had made it clear that she would be taking her bodyguard, Seven, with her.

Seven, who would have thought that after Qin Haoran lost his memory, he would have such a code-like name. What did he think he was? Robots? Seven even has Elven! After Qin Xiangjie thought of all these things, he felt that he was somewhat childish.

Qin Xiangjie had reserved a rather high-class private club and arrived at the appointed location thirty minutes earlier. It had to be said that it had been many years since he'd paid so much attention to a banquet.

Lena was even more beautiful than in the photos, and it was hard to tell if the makeup was really good. She looked more attractive than a mature woman of her own age, but of course, this wasn't to say that Lena looked old in a nice way. It was very interesting.

Qin Xiangjie didn't want to hide anything. He liked to interact with women with good taste because just looking at such women was enough to make people happy. However, it couldn't be denied that this Lena woman smelled completely different from Xiaomeng. Little Meng was a pure and innocent child who Qin Xiangjie wanted to protect. However, Lina was a woman. She gave off an aura that would make people wary. Qin Xiangjie would feel like he was meeting his match.

He smiled and suddenly felt that this negotiation might become very interesting.

"Hello, Miss Lina. I'm Qin Xiangjie." As she walked over slowly, Qin Xiangjie stood up in a very gentlemanly manner and extended his right hand.

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