Ausfagner/C16 Chapter 16
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Ausfagner/C16 Chapter 16
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C16 Chapter 16

Monday, May 19, 1681

Enrique did not know whether to forget or face up to what had happened on May 5. The owner had not passed on Boldmir’s message and he was still unsure what to think. When he thought about forgetting it, he would see himself returning to his old routine, but then he would remember his friends and feel like a coward for having chosen the easy route. When he thought about facing Emma’s murderer, he remembered how easily his friend had been shot down and the power that the individual had demonstrated against the monster, making him feel insignificant in comparison. Deep down inside, he wanted to do something to get the truth out. Those monsters and the masked figure, who seemed to know Emma, were his targets, but he was afraid of what could happen if he dared challenge the unknown.

That afternoon, after coming home from classes which now felt meaningless, he put his things on a chair and sat down on his bed. Illuminated by the light that barely came through the curtains, he put his hand out in front of him, opened his palm and a blue flame with a light blue center appeared, suspended a couple of inches in the air. He had not fully used his powers again since the day of Emma’s death. He limited himself to these small flames out of pure curiosity. Despite the fact that it brought back memories that he would rather forget he was interested in discovering more about this power. He did not know the consequences it could have on his body, and he wanted to find out if it were something that could help him or harm him.

The instructions that Emma had given him moments before her death had helped him better understand the use of ’Exogenous Power’; without her, he most likely would have been devoured by the Zanszprët.

Using his ’exogenous’ energy he could create and control the size and intensity of the blue flames, keeping them ablaze and moving them using just his thoughts. He did not know whether other people could feel his power, which is why he tried not to use it in large quantities. Sometimes he wondered whether one day he would be strong enough to take revenge on Emma’s assassin. He had not been able to do anything to stop her death and he did not understand anything about the ’bubble’ they had been trapped in, which filled him with frustration. It was made worse by the fact that he did not even know who to turn to for help understanding what had happened. More so, he was filled with terror, insecurity and rage at himself that he was almost sure that he was no match for that individual in the silver mask. He needed to become stronger, but he was yet to understand how.

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