Ausfagner/C17 Chapter 17
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Ausfagner/C17 Chapter 17
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C17 Chapter 17

That afternoon, Carol met Lindsey at her house to talk about what she had found. Carol knew that asking her father about it was not an option, she did not want him to discover what she was up to. She knew that she needed somebody else to give her information, as well as someone who could use the information she had found.

"Somebody like Jeff’s lawyer or Enrique’s lawyer," said Carol, excited. They were both in Lindsey Whitelock’s bedroom. Carol was sitting on a wooden chair, in front of her desk; Lindsey was on her bed.

"Are you sure you are studying the right degree?" asked Lindsey, turning and giving her a sidelong glance.

"This is not the time for that. I want to help them, really . . ."

"What are you planning to do?"

"I don’t know," Carol Flightrod stared at the ground. "If nothing else, send it to the press or the police."

"I am talking about how you plan to find out exactly what those drawings are. Um, show them to me again," Lindsey said as she got up.

They both went over to the desk and Carol got out the papers. Lindsey’s growing curiosity guided her hands, she placed each drawing next to the other and inspected them more carefully than before.

"Don’t you think they look a little . . . artistic? It’s as if they were part of a painting or . . . no . . . it could be part of a rug or item of clothing." Carol was deep in thought. Lindsey continued to speak. "Also, these are patterns one and five . . . "It’s strange . . . Where are two, three and four? And why is May 5 pending?"

"That’s what we need to find out."

"But it’s very odd, Carol. What do these drawings have to do with Emma’s death? Why do they have these other dates? Maybe they are from the assassin."

"Maybe . . ." the thought frightened her. She was more than aware that she was just an ordinary young woman. The lack of bodyguards meant she avoided public attention; however, if she wanted to get directly involved in something risky, she was unprotected.

"Going out looking for the murderer would be too dangerous, by the way . . ." she said in a slightly sarcastic tone.

"Obviously! We won’t be doing that!"

Lindsey smiled softly and looked back at Carol before speaking.

"I’m glad that isn’t the plan."

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