Average Joe's Road To Immortality/C10 Tripitaka Sutra Pavilion
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Average Joe's Road To Immortality/C10 Tripitaka Sutra Pavilion
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C10 Tripitaka Sutra Pavilion

When Hsu Mu received the letter and saw the amount of silver mentioned, he was taken aback. He realized that insisting on going home now might be seen as ungrateful.

Over the past year, Liu Yan had not only taught Hsu Mu the ways of cultivation but had also allowed him to peruse various ancient tomes from his collection. Hsu Mu had absorbed many valuable lessons from these readings.

While these texts weren't particularly useful for the practical aspects of cultivation, Liu Yan insisted that Hsu Mu complete one book each month and then discuss his insights, which Liu Yan would evaluate.

Despite never voicing it, Hsu Mu's desire to return home never waned. He had only eaten two of the sugar pancakes his mother had made for him upon his departure.

The last one had been in his storage bag for a year, too precious for him to consume.

If not for the bag's ability to preserve its contents indefinitely, that pancake would have spoiled long ago.

The gift of a thousand taels of silver also served as a catalyst for Hsu Mu, driving him to double his efforts in cultivation. While most would practice for a maximum of five hours a day, he pushed himself to eight.

If his cultivation level hadn't required him to sleep, he might have foregone rest entirely.

"Next year, my sister might come to the mountain for the test. Then, I'll be able to see her!" Hsu Mu mused with anticipation.

Having advanced to the Qi Refining Fourth Layer, Hsu Mu was eager to share the news with Liu Yan and hurried towards the Scarlet Fire Hall.

At that moment, Liu Yan was seated in the hall, ready to impart monthly teachings to the Outer Sect disciples. His thoughts, however, were preoccupied with Hsu Mu's progress.

Liu Yan had taken note of Hsu Mu's diligence and was pleased, though he lamented Hsu Mu's limited natural talent.

He understood that the first journey to the Qi Refining Fourth Layer was the slowest, and that Hsu Mu would likely progress faster with other techniques in the future.

Only a year had passed, and while it would have been understandable if Hsu Mu hadn't reached the fourth layer, his progress did not hinder the overall plan.

But understanding this did little to alleviate the frustration that even cultivators, who were not true immortals, occasionally felt.

"Master!" Hsu Mu called out respectfully as he arrived at the entrance of the Scarlet Fire Hall.

Liu Yan, usually irked by interruptions during his teachings, was today distracted. Hearing Hsu Mu's voice, he turned and, for a moment, was surprised.

In an instant, he was by Hsu Mu's side. Grasping his wrist, he asked with palpable excitement, "You've broken through?"

"Yes!" Hsu Mu replied, nodding with pride and joy.

Liu Yan laughed heartily. "Who says those with five spiritual roots can't cultivate? Haha! Hsu Mu, you've done well!"

The nearby disciples began murmuring among themselves.

"That's the disciple with the Five Spiritual Roots? He's actually under Uncle Liu's tutelage and has reached the Qi Refining Fourth Layer already?"

"Hey, did you know Uncle Liu was once a great cultivator in the Core Formation Middle Period? His wealth is beyond what any ordinary Foundation Stage cultivator could imagine. To be Uncle Liu's disciple, heh..."

Aware of their envious thoughts, Liu Yan dispersed the crowd to protect Hsu Mu's focus on his cultivation.

As the Outer Sect disciples departed, their envious gazes lingered on Hsu Mu, leaving one to wonder what thoughts crossed their minds.

Soon, only the master and disciple remained.

"Did you hear what those Outer Sect disciples were saying?" Liu Yan inquired once they were alone.

"Yes, I heard everything," Hsu Mu replied respectfully. With his enhanced senses from cultivation, he had heard every word.

Curious, Liu Yan probed further, "And what are your thoughts on their words?"

Hsu Mu paused, knowing this was a test. He then spoke, "Master, the disciples envy me for the opportunity to study under you. Yet, I envy their natural aptitude. They don't have to forgo sleep and food as I do to achieve the same level of cultivation."

"The Heavenly Dao has its own order, and human life is full of uncertainties. You envy others, not realizing they envy you in turn. As cultivators, we should not fear the Heavenly Dao or be daunted by life's unpredictability. We should seek only contentment."

"Exactly. It's impressive that you've grasped the essence of what you've read. Knowing this, I can leave the sect with peace of mind," Liu Yan said, beaming with approval.

"What? You're heading out, Master?" Hsu Mu asked, his voice tinged with astonishment.

Liu Yan replied irritably, "Of course, what do you think? You've nearly depleted my stock of low-rank pills over the past year. Since Liverlam Rise isn't known for pill refining, I must venture out to procure suitable spirit medicines for you!"

"Otherwise, given your aptitude, when the five-year term concludes, are you actually considering undergoing that enlightenment technique?"

"I most certainly do not wish to!" Hsu Mu shuddered at the thought, quickly adding in a respectful tone.

The deeper Hsu Mu delved into his cultivation, the more acutely aware he became of the perils associated with this so-called enlightenment. A high-rank cultivator might retain a fraction of their power after such a process, but for someone who hadn't even reached the Qi Refining Fourth Layer, enlightenment could mean not only a complete loss of cultivation but potential physical disability as well.

After giving Hsu Mu a good scare and ensuring he understood the stakes, Liu Yan dropped the subject. Instead, he outlined the precautions Hsu Mu should take while he was away on the mountain.

To Hsu Mu's surprise, Liu Yan instructed him to visit the Tripitaka Sutra Pavilion and exchange for a secular world's inner force cultivation method to incorporate into his practice. Hsu Mu, already pressed for time in his cultivation schedule, worried that adding a martial arts technique might derail his progress. Yet Liu Yan made the request without offering an explanation, leaving Hsu Mu to speculate that perhaps cultivating inner force could somehow aid his overall cultivation. He didn't dare to question further.

Seeing Liu Yan in good spirits, Hsu Mu felt a strong urge to ask if he could visit home. But recalling the firm rejection he received last time, he decided against it. In any case, he would reunite with his family in four years.

The following morning, Liu Yan departed from Red Fire Peak, his destination unknown. Hsu Mu rose early too, making a beeline for Plymton Highlands.

Plymton Highlands was sparsely populated with disciples, but the peak's policy of only accepting female disciples made it a lively place within Liverlam Rise. The Tripitaka Sutra Pavilion, situated atop the peak, attracted a steady stream of visitors daily, predominantly young male disciples.

The reasons for their frequent visits to Plymton Highlands were, of course, left unsaid.

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