Average Joe's Road To Immortality/C3 Calm
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Average Joe's Road To Immortality/C3 Calm
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C3 Calm

As the youths observed the situation, they exchanged glances with Steward Zhao. Noticing his subtle signal, they quickly fell in step with Wang Zhig's brisk pace.

After trekking up the mountain for nearly half an hour, the youths were gasping for breath, exhausted. It was then that Wang Zhig halted and, with an even tone, instructed, "Wait here for me!"

It was only then that Hsu Mu realized they had unwittingly circled to the rear of Liverlam Rise's main peak, where majestic halls towered before them.

Each of these grand halls was more splendid than the village chief's home, adorned with intricately carved beams and painted rafters that captivated the youths, their eyes wide with wonder.

In the distance, peaks shrouded in clouds and mist hinted at more structures perched atop them—structures the youths had never before encountered.

Above, numerous figures flew back and forth, likely the legendary immortals capable of sword flight. Yet, they seemed to deliberately skirt around the peak, never crossing directly overhead.

Despite this, the sight left the youths spellbound, their minds adrift in awe for what felt like an eternity.

The nearest structure to the youths was a modest two-story pavilion, the "Flying Eagle Pavilion," as the bold characters on the plaque announced.

Wang Zhig strode into the pavilion without hesitation and remained inside for quite some time.

It wasn't until half an hour later that Wang Zhig emerged, accompanied by a young man named Lu Yu, another Outer Sect disciple.

"Senior Brother Wang, you're too much," Lu Yu grumbled as they walked. "These kids have been here for years without a single one showing spiritual roots. What's the point of testing?"

Their conversation was too distant for Hsu Mu and the others to overhear, which was perhaps for the best, given the youths' likely reaction.

However, Hsu Mu, ever observant, noted that Senior Brother Wang's small pouch appeared somewhat deflated after his visit to the Flying Eagle Pavilion.

Wang Zhig responded to Lu Yu's complaint with a wry smile, "Junior Brother Lu, we must honor the rules our Ancestral Master set. I appreciate your assistance."

Lu Yu nodded, dropping his complaints, and they approached the waiting youths.

"Listen up, everyone," Wang Zhig announced. "This is Junior Brother Lu, keeper of the Spirit Plucking Board. If you wish to attempt the trial, you'll need to impress him shortly."

Lu Yu chuckled. "Senior Brother Wang, you jest. Having spiritual roots is a matter of fate, not effort. Relax, everyone. Every year, countless hopefuls falter at this very step."

Wang Zhig, faced with Lu Yu's lack of tact, simply shook his head with a resigned smile and stepped aside.

Lu Yu then revealed a round disc etched with the Eight Trigrams, glowing faintly in his palm.

"Let's start with you," he said, pointing at Sheh Yu.

Sheh Yu glanced nervously at Hsu Mu and the others, who encouraged her, "Go on! Don't be afraid!"

Tentatively, Sheh Yu approached Lu Yu, who instructed, "Place your right hand on the disc, close your eyes, and clear your mind."

With a timid nod, Sheh Yu complied, and as Lu Yu began to chant, a white light burst from his fingertip, merging with the disc.

Expecting no reaction, Lu Yu was about to call the next youth when he was suddenly silenced. The disc beneath Sheh Yu's hand was radiating a tri-color glow of red, yellow, and blue.

"Three spiritual roots?" Lu Yu gasped in surprise.

Wang Zhig couldn't help but smile. "See, Junior Brother Lu, never underestimate others."

Lu Yu, regaining his composure, mused, "Impressive. Three spiritual roots indicate a medium aptitude. The Foundation Stage might well be within reach."

The other youths, though not fully grasping the conversation, sensed something significant about Sheh Yu's result. Could it be that she was now on the path to becoming an immortal?

"May I remove my hand?" Sheh Yu asked cautiously.

Lu Yu laughed heartily. "Of course, Junior Sister. Stand aside for now. Once your friends have been tested, we'll proceed to the trial."

"Truly?" Sheh Yu's eyes lit up with excitement. Hearing Lu Yu's address confirmed it—she possessed spiritual roots, and elation filled her heart.

"Really!" Lu Yu said with a warm smile, his eyes softening considerably as he looked at Sheh Yu.

Sheh Yu stepped aside, and Lu Yu resumed the testing. As expected, none of the youths from the other three small mountain villages possessed spiritual roots, casting a somber mood over the group.

Soon, it was Hsu Mu's turn.

"I have to have spiritual roots!" Hsu Mu silently prayed, stepping forward and placing his right hand on the Spirit Positioning Board, following Brother Lu's instructions.

The time for ten breaths passed swiftly, yet the board showed no sign of activity.

Lu Yu didn't rush Hsu Mu this time. After Sheh Yu's surprising result, who could say if another young man from the mountains might have spiritual roots?

Besides, Hsu Mu was the last one to be tested, and Lu Yu felt no need to press the issue.

But once the ten breaths elapsed, the spiritual energy Lu Yu had channeled into the board was depleted. If there was still no response, it would confirm that Hsu Mu truly lacked spiritual roots.

However, just as he was about to declare the test concluded, the Spirit Positioning Board beneath Hsu Mu's hand burst into a dazzling display of multicolored light, strikingly beautiful.

"This... Is this a full spiritual root?" Brother Lu blurted out in astonishment, struggling to believe what he saw.

The so-called full spiritual root, or five-spiritual root, was indeed a sight to behold during the test, but it was considered the least useful type of spiritual root. The Cultivation World had even begun to consider classifying those with full spiritual roots as mere mortals, given their painfully slow cultivation progress and the slim chances of them ever reaching the Foundation Stage.

To true cultivators, failing to reach the Foundation Stage rendered one indistinguishable from a mortal.

Yet, the young onlookers were unaware of the five-spiritual root's reputation. Seeing the Spirit Positioning Board under Hsu Mu's hand come alive with light, they were filled with excitement and wonder.

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