Average Joe's Road To Immortality/C7 Master's Goal
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Average Joe's Road To Immortality/C7 Master's Goal
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C7 Master's Goal

Hsu Mu discreetly stuck out his tongue, choosing to remain silent after realizing that although Liu Yan appeared stern, he was genuinely kind to his disciples. This emboldened Hsu Mu, yet he still refrained from challenging his master.

Liu Yan, lost in thought once more, caressed the ashen ring in his grasp and mused, "This spirit fixing ring, crafted by ancient methods, contains powers of the Heavenly Dao that even I cannot decipher."

"However, my guess is that if completed, it would render its wielder unbeatable among peers. Alas, the attempt has claimed the lives of your five senior brothers. That is my failing," he lamented.

With that, Liu Yan took a hearty swig from his wine gourd and fell silent, fixating on the ring. Hsu Mu did not intervene. He thought he saw a glimmer of tears in Liu Yan's eyes, but they were swiftly dissipated by his spiritual energy.

A Core Formation cultivator moved to tears—Liu Yan was clearly a man of deep emotion. Hsu Mu, still youthful and unacquainted with life's harsh farewells, offered what comfort he could: "Master, take heart. Surely, if the senior brothers witness this treasure's success, it would fulfill a deep-seated wish of theirs."

"Heh, success," Liu Yan scoffed with a bitter smile. "If only the treasure had truly succeeded."

"Did the treasure's refinement fail?" Hsu Mu inquired, taken aback. Could it be that after consuming five lives, it still wasn't successful? Was it waiting to consume a Core Formation cultivator like Liu Yan to be content?

"It's not exactly a failure," Liu Yan replied, giving Hsu Mu a peculiar look. "Tell me, Hsu Mu, do you know why I accepted you as my disciple?"

Caught off guard by the shift from 'Huomizi' to 'Hsu Mu,' he quickly responded with respect, "I do not, Master."

Liu Yan regarded him steadily. "A cultivator with five spiritual roots is seen as having the lowest potential, with an exceedingly slow cultivation pace. Even with my assistance, reaching the Foundation Stage in your lifetime would be unlikely."

"And yet, this spirit fixing ring requires someone with a complete set of the five elements to operate it. Doesn't it seem like the Heavenly Dao is playing tricks on me?"

His demeanor took on a wild edge, hinting at an impending outburst, but he managed to contain himself. Anyone would be driven to the brink after sacrificing so much for such a result. A less stable cultivator might have already succumbed to madness.

Hsu Mu was dumbstruck. The reason the spirit fixing ring's refinement wasn't deemed a failure was because it needed a cultivator with all five elements—like him. He now understood the bewilderment of the senior brother who had brought him to Red Fire Peak. With his meager talent, he had been taken in by a Peak Master, a master refiner, and a former Core Formation cultivator of considerable wealth and status. No wonder there was confusion when Liu Yan decided to accept Hsu Mu as a disciple.

As for comforting Liu Yan, Hsu Mu was at a loss for words. In the face of such a tremendous setback, any attempt at consolation seemed feeble.

Thankfully, Liu Yan's Core Formation-stage determination prevailed, preventing him from railing against the heavens. After a brief moment of distraction, he regained his composure and addressed Hsu Mu with a decisive tone, "If you truly wish to become my disciple, I have but one condition: reach the Qi Refining Fourth Layer within five years, and I will help you achieve the Foundation Stage."

"Should you fail, I will use a special technique to elevate your cultivation to the Qi Refining Fourth Layer after five years. But be warned, you will then lose all ability to cultivate further. However, I will ensure you a lifetime of prosperity."

"Don't take this lightly. Ponder it overnight before deciding. Any of the cave dwellings over there, left by your senior brothers, are yours to choose from."

Hsu Mu listened, his young mind swirling with emotions, struggling to process all that was said. He stood there, momentarily paralyzed by the gravity of the situation.

Liu Yan, growing impatient, prodded, "Any other questions?"

Snapping back to reality, Hsu Mu respectfully inquired, "Master, if I choose to follow you, what are my chances of meeting your requirement within five years?"

"Chances?" Liu Yan stroked his chin thoughtfully. "Fifty-fifty. It all hinges on your dedication."

"In that case, I am ready to become your disciple!" Hsu Mu declared, dropping to his knees and fervently bowing his head three times in front of Liu Yan.

Liu Yan, initially taken aback, soon burst into laughter and lifted Hsu Mu from the ground, exclaiming, "My good disciple! I knew I chose wisely! From this day forward, I will spare no effort in aiding your cultivation journey!"

The master and disciple exchanged glances, their eyes brimming with excitement.

Yet within Hsu Mu's eager gaze, there lingered a hint of nervous apprehension.

His commitment to take Liu Yan as his master was not only driven by youthful vigor but also by careful deliberation.

Liu Yan's words made it clear: with his full support, Hsu Mu's prospects of advancing to the Qi Refining Fourth Layer were a mere toss-up, starkly highlighting the dismal potential of someone with five spiritual roots.

Without Liu Yan's guidance and left to join the Outer Sect, whether Hsu Mu could ever achieve the Qi Refining Fourth Layer in his lifetime was uncertain.

Failing to reach the Qi Refining Fourth Layer within five years would mean a loss of his cultivation progress, yet it could trade for a lifetime of opulence and honor—a prospect beyond the wildest dreams of a boy from the mountains.

By any measure, taking Liu Yan as his master seemed a surefire bet with no losses in sight.

If Liu Yan were aware of how enticing his two conditions were to Hsu Mu, perhaps he would have reconsidered his offer.

To a cultivator of Liu Yan's caliber, worldly riches were ephemeral, while the true eternal treasure was the pursuit of higher cultivation.

These inner thoughts of master and disciple remained their secret. That very night, Hsu Mu settled into the dwelling of his fourth senior brother, Feng Yi, ready to embark on his cultivation path at dawn.

In the dead of night, Hsu Mu dreamt he had failed to meet his master's expectations after five years, resulting in his expulsion from the sect. Yet in his dream, he returned to his mountain village in grandeur, a stark contrast to his humble beginnings.

It was only when the familiar chime of morning bells stirred him from sleep that Hsu Mu hastily wiped away the drool at his mouth and freshened up to meet his master.

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