Average Joe's Road To Immortality/C8 Five Elements Arts
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Average Joe's Road To Immortality/C8 Five Elements Arts
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C8 Five Elements Arts

Before long, Hsu Mu encountered his master in deep meditation at the center of the Scarlet Fire Hall within the cave. He approached swiftly, bowing with deep respect, "Master!"

As he bowed, Hsu Mu noticed five small storage bags lying next to his master, similar to those he'd seen on his senior brothers' waists.

Liu Yan, roused by Hsu Mu's voice, opened his eyes and smiled. "You've arrived. These are the storage bags your senior brothers used. Such bags are common among cultivators and lack ownership recognition—anyone can use them. Guard your own storage bag well."

"This storage bag is yours," Liu Yan continued, handing over another bag. "Inside, you'll find a standard set of Inner Sect disciple gear and a disciple token. I've collected them for you. Make sure to keep both your senior brothers' bags and your own safe."

"All of them?" Hsu Mu was taken aback, eyeing the six storage bags before him with bewilderment.

"Yes, all of them. Inside your senior brothers' bags are their Five Elements cultivation techniques and insights on cultivation and tool refinement. I've removed everything else. Reviewing them will make using the spirit fixing rings easier for you."

"Understood!" Hsu Mu realized his master wasn't simply bestowing gifts; it was all to facilitate his cultivation and use of the spirit fixing ring.

Yet, without any cultivation level, Hsu Mu could only dangle the six storage bags from his waist, which looked quite comical.

Liu Yan seemed unconcerned with appearances. Once Hsu Mu had finished organizing the bags, Liu Yan instructed, "Today, I'll teach you Senior Brother Feng's Awaken To Spring Spell. Listen well, for in the dawn of creation, wood birthed all life..."

Liu Yan's expectation for Hsu Mu wasn't merely to reach the Qi Refining Fourth Layer with one technique, but to master all five foundational techniques to that level.

Naturally, Hsu Mu couldn't practice all five simultaneously. Liu Yan planned for him to train in the sequence dictated by the generative cycle of the five elements.

Given Hsu Mu's name included 'wood,' Liu Yan started him on the Wood-based Awaken To Spring Spell, followed by the techniques of fire, earth, metal, and water.

This approach would sidestep conflicts from opposing elements while leveraging their generative properties to accelerate his cultivation.

Thus, over five years, Hsu Mu was to elevate each technique to the Qi Refining Fourth Layer annually.

In Liverlam Rise, such aptitude was common. Those with at least three spiritual roots typically succeeded.

Regrettably, with five spiritual roots, Hsu Mu's progress was slow, leading Liu Yan to peg his chances at fifty-fifty.

Shortly after absorbing Liu Yan's teachings, Hsu Mu's mind swam in confusion, struggling to grasp the concepts.

Liu Yan offered a reassuring smile. "Return to your cave and practice. Should questions arise, come to me."

Snapped back to reality by his master's words, Hsu Mu stood and respectfully replied, "Yes, Master," preparing to leave.

Curiosity struck him, and he turned back, inquiring, "Master, if I may, what attribute does your cultivation technique possess?"

"Me?" Liu Yan paused, then chuckled, "I practice a fire attribute technique."

"Ah, I see." Hsu Mu nodded, asked no further, and respectfully withdrew.

On his way, Hsu Mu mulled over his master's words, murmuring, "No wonder Master has reached the Core Formation Stage—his mastery of wood attribute techniques is profound."

Soon, Hsu Mu was back in his cave, laying a stack of jade slip-like objects on the table.

These jade slips, resembling rolled bamboo, couldn't be unfurled. By placing one against the forehead, its contents would manifest in the mind, and those with cultivation could even alter the information with their spirit energy.

Though devoid of cultivation, Hsu Mu could still peruse the slips.

He pressed a green slip to his forehead, and the text of the Awaken To Spring Spell filled his thoughts.

The slip described it as a fundamental Five Elemental Art—modest in power but robust in foundation, often yielding greater magical potency than peers.

The other Elemental Arts were similar, lacking esoteric powers but offering solid cultivation speed and depth of magic.

Liu Yan's aim for Hsu Mu to reach the Qi Refining Fourth Layer was strategic: at that stage, a cultivator could wield the Controlling Spirit Technique and magic tools.

Hsu Mu now possessed two such tools, necessities for an Inner Sect disciple. One was the green leaf-shaped flying tool he'd seen earlier, primarily conserving spirit energy during flight.

The second artifact was a small red sword, none other than the fabled flying sword.

Both artifacts originated from Red Fire Peak, yet they were crafted by the hands of ordinary Outer Sect disciples, not by Liu Yan himself.

Indeed, Red Fire Peak housed Outer Sect disciples as well. The sheds Hsu Mu had previously observed were the very places where these disciples honed their skills in forging magical tools.

Once a month, Liu Yan would instruct these individuals in the art of weapon refinement and address their questions about cultivation. The level of attention they received paled in comparison to Hsu Mu's, highlighting the stark divide between Inner Sect and Outer Sect disciples.

Inner Sect disciples were personally mentored by masters of the Foundation Stage, each one a chosen talent of the heavens. At the very least, they possessed dual spiritual roots or some unique constitution.

Naturally, Hsu Mu's quintuple spiritual roots were also quite extraordinary.

After some time, Hsu Mu set aside the jade slip, reflecting on his master's guidance. He gently closed his eyes and began to channel the spiritual energy of the world around him.

The initial step in cultivation, the drawing of Qi into the body, was a journey one had to undertake alone.

Only through personal perseverance and an attunement to the fluctuations of spiritual energy could a cultivator forge a bond with the universe and successfully draw Qi into their being.

Hsu Mu never considered himself a prodigy, yet he hadn't anticipated his aptitude to be so lacking. Despite following the cultivation method's instructions and closing his eyes to sense the energy, he felt nothing.

He had the nagging sensation that a barrier enveloped him, stifling the expansion of his consciousness.

After striving for over two hours, Hsu Mu still couldn't penetrate this barrier. Overcome by mental fatigue, he succumbed to a deep slumber.

As he drifted off, Liu Yan, ensconced within the distant Scarlet Fire Hall, abruptly opened his eyes, a resigned smile tinged with bitterness crossing his face.

After a moment's pause, he retrieved a green jade pendant from his pocket and departed the hall, making his way directly to Hsu Mu's cave dwelling.

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