Average Joe's Road To Immortality/C9 Wood Spirit Pendant and Dream Lead Technique
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Average Joe's Road To Immortality/C9 Wood Spirit Pendant and Dream Lead Technique
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C9 Wood Spirit Pendant and Dream Lead Technique

Shortly after his arrival at Hsu Mu's cave dwelling, Liu Yan took in the familiar surroundings with a touch of melancholy. Yet, he quickly shook off the nostalgia and focused on the present.

Hsu Mu was seated in meditation, his head drooping forward as if he had succumbed to sleep. With a resigned smile, Liu Yan gently lifted Hsu Mu and laid him on the bed.

Observing Hsu Mu's peaceful slumber, Liu Yan placed a green jade pendant on his forehead and softly recited an incantation. Within moments, a pale red aura flowed from Liu Yan's hands into the pendant, which soon burst into a brilliant light, bathing the cave in a mystical green hue.

"Rise!" Liu Yan commanded, his voice low but firm. A surge of soul energy burst forth, snapping Hsu Mu's eyes open. Yet, the eyes that met the world were devoid of any spark, resembling those of a living corpse.

Hsu Mu abruptly rose, his limbs moving with purpose as he resumed his meditative stance, his eyes unnervingly white. Oddly, the jade pendant clung to his forehead as if glued there.

He too began to chant, and those nearby would recognize the verses of the Awaken To Spring Spell. Liu Yan watched without surprise, muttering the same verses under his breath, as if all was unfolding according to plan.

A soft 'puff' emanated from Hsu Mu, and his body was enveloped in a cascade of green light, intertwining with the radiance of the pendant, evoking the emergence of something divine. But then, with a sharp 'crack,' the pendant split in two, its magical adhesion gone. It fell, shattered into dust, and was swept away by a gentle breeze.

A pang of regret flickered in Liu Yan's eyes as he watched the pendant's remains vanish. Yet, seeing Hsu Mu's radiant form, his expression softened into one of satisfaction. "Hsu Mu, Hsu Mu, you must not let me down," he sighed, then turned and strode out of the cave.

Hsu Mu awoke from a dream of a vibrant forest, teeming with life, only to find himself covered in a foul-smelling black substance. It took him a moment to realize that this was the result of a successful Qi cultivation, mirroring the transformative process of cleansing and renewal. Elated, he focused inward and felt a refreshing coolness as a thread of spiritual energy wound through his meridians.

"Did I actually succeed?" he wondered, astonished at the breakthrough that seemed to have occurred during his sleep.

"Master!" he exclaimed, leaping from his bed and dashing to the Scarlet Fire Hall. There, he found Liu Yan in meditation and respectfully announced his success.

"Oh?" Liu Yan opened his eyes, feigning ignorance. "Succeeded at what?"

"I've successfully drawn Qi into my body!" Hsu Mu declared, his voice tinged with excitement.

Liu Yan chuckled. "Well done. But perhaps you should wash up before we celebrate? You do know you're quite odorous after such a cleansing, right?"

Realizing his oversight, Hsu Mu dashed back to his cave, took a brisk bath, and scrubbed himself clean. Despite the cold water, he felt no chill, attributing it to the wonders of his newfound cultivation—though it was likely just the thrill of his achievement.

After a heartening talk with his master, Hsu Mu returned to his cave, his confidence bolstered, ready to resume his training. He now believed his talents were greater than he'd been led to believe; otherwise, how could such a transformation occur with a mere nap?

Liu Yan watched his pupil with a knowing smile, pleased with the outcome. The Wood Spirit Pendant, now reduced to dust, had been a wood-attribute spiritual artifact in Liu Yan's possession for years, meant to accelerate the training of wood-attribute techniques. Intended for trade, it had instead served its purpose in aiding Hsu Mu's advancement.

Hsu Mu's nocturnal cultivation was no accident; it was the result of Liu Yan's Dream Guiding Technique, a subtle nudge towards his disciple's success.

This spell was reserved for those who had reached the Core Formation stage of cultivation, typically employed to aid their disciples' training. But the cost was significant, and it was rarely used unless the recipient was a dearly beloved one.

The spellcaster would need a full month of dedicated cultivation to restore their soul to its prior condition after casting the spell.

Liu Yan's cultivation had plummeted to the Middle Period of the Foundation Stage, yet his soul remained as potent as when he was in the Core Formation Stage, which allowed him to wield this spell, albeit with some difficulty.

Hsu Mu, however, remained oblivious to these details, and Liu Yan had no intention of enlightening him, fearing it might shatter the fragile self-confidence Hsu Mu had painstakingly built.

As seasons changed, Hsu Mu devoted an entire year to cultivation within his cave dwelling. With the support of Liu Yan, once a master of Core Formation, Hsu Mu achieved a breakthrough to the Qi Refining Fourth Layer precisely on the anniversary of his seclusion.

Throughout that year, Hsu Mu never once left Red Fire Peak. His needs were catered to, with meals and necessities delivered right to his cave's entrance, much like a pampered scion.

Hsu Mu had expressed a desire to visit home, but Liu Yan sternly refused, insisting that a commitment to the path of immortality required severing ties with worldly attachments.

To ease Hsu Mu's concerns, Liu Yan arranged for a thousand taels of silver to be sent to his family, which prompted a reassuring letter from Hsu Baoshan.

The unexpected windfall astonished Hsu Baoshan, as no one from the village who had joined Liverlam Rise had ever sent home such a sum within a year. Informed of his son's need for tranquil cultivation, Hsu Baoshan penned a heartfelt letter back, urging Hsu Mu to focus on his training and reassuring him that a reunion could wait and all was well at home.

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