Awakening Of Spiritual Energy/C11 Metal Wood Water Fire Earth More Handsome than Wu Yanzu
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Awakening Of Spiritual Energy/C11 Metal Wood Water Fire Earth More Handsome than Wu Yanzu
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C11 Metal Wood Water Fire Earth More Handsome than Wu Yanzu


After stretching languidly, Faang Wei had made it through the morning's theory class with a surprisingly clear head, thanks to his knack for sleeping with his eyes open.

He wasn't like the previous owner of his body, who was utterly clueless. He could easily grasp and even challenge Mr. Tung's teachings in a matter of minutes.

Paying attention in class was simply out of the question.

"Let's go grab some lunch."

It was 11:30 AM when Faang Wei looked at the clock and called out to Han Dongchuan, who was furiously scribbling away, not bothering to look up.

"Hold on, let me just jot down this note. I feel like I won't remember it otherwise."


Faang Wei rolled his eyes in silence. It was the final key point Mr. Tung had discussed, concerning the differences between the spiritual energy of Heaven and Earth and Internal Energy.

The spiritual energy of Heaven and Earth is categorized into the five elements: metal, wood, water, fire, and earth. Cultivators absorb these elements from the environment, transforming them into their own spiritual energy.

Internal Energy, on the other hand, also aligns with the five elements. Cyborgs tap into their inherent elemental powers, converting them into Internal Energy to fortify their bodies.

In essence, the paths of cultivation share the same roots; they just differ in practice.

The power of the five elements is the ultimate source.

"You don't need to memorize all that. Just remember the five elements: metal, wood, water, fire, and earth. You're already cooler than Wu Yanzu. The rest will come naturally with practice. The power of the five elements isn't about rote memorization; it's about intuitively feeling it."

Faang Wei spoke off the cuff, and before Han Dongchuan could even snap out of his daze, a voice echoed from behind —

"Well put, indeed."

"The power of the five elements isn't about memorization; it's about personal enlightenment and transmission. Faang Wei is spot on!"

"Let's all remember this mnemonic — Metal, Wood, Water, Fire, Earth, more charming than Wu Yanzu!"


Faang Wei turned with a sheepish grin. His offhand remark had somehow been elevated to gospel truth by Mr. Tung.

There was no need for that!

"Hey Wei, I heard about yesterday. You've got some nerve, a real man! If the teachers had been at school, they wouldn't have let everyone get so riled up!"

"It was no big deal."

Faang Wei just smiled, not adding much else. In the school, only Faang Zhengyi and Jin Zhuo were aware of his capabilities, and Mr. Tung was not among them. He preferred to keep it that way.

"By the way, before my class started, the principal mentioned he wanted to see you after lunch. Seems like he needs to discuss something with you. Better head over there soon!"

Tung Peirong said this as if he had just remembered, slapping his forehead in a hurry. Clearly, if it weren't for Faang Wei's playful presence, he might have forgotten entirely.


Faang Wei chuckled awkwardly but didn't argue, simply nodding before heading out.

He wasn't sure what that stand-in dad wanted with him, but he wasn't concerned.

After all, he had thoroughly impressed him the day before!

Was I just fooling around?

Jumpy led the way to the principal's office, navigating the sprawling Everdawn Academy.

"Knock! Knock!"

After two knocks, a voice from inside responded.

"Come in."

Upon entering, Faang Zhengyi was rubbing his hands together with an eager grin.

"Hey Wei, feeling tired after class? Want something to drink? I've got milk tea here."

"Here, just bought it."

He passed over a cup of milk tea and a small box of pudding, which he clumsily stuffed into Jumpy's arms, nearly causing both to topple over. Fortunately, Jumpy's lower body strength kept them upright.

Licking his lips at the scent of the strawberry-flavored pudding, Jumpy eagerly took it to the sofa to enjoy.

Faang Wei also tried the milk tea. It was quite good, with chewy pearls and decent taro balls, though the Roasted Immortal Grass lacked flavor, probably due to too much water during preparation.

"Xiao Wei, can I ask you something?"

Faang Zhengyi sat opposite him, sipping his milk tea.

"Go ahead."

Faang Wei nodded, prodding at the taro balls that were clogging his straw.

"Cough cough."

Faang Zhengyi cleared his throat, his face taking on a more serious and contemplative expression.

"Actually, I wanted to ask about your current level. When you made your move yesterday, I couldn't quite discern your level. And... it seemed like there was a surge of spiritual energy when you acted. You shouldn't have been able to... to connect with the spiritual energy of Heaven and Earth, right?"


Upon hearing this, Faang Wei's heart lurched, and he exchanged a wide-eyed look with Jumpy, who had just peeked up from his pudding.

Faang Wei desperately tried to signal with his eyes, pleading for some kind of plan. This was his dad, after all. Didn't he know him at all?

Jumpy's mind went haywire, and he nearly rolled his eyes back in frustration, silently conceding that Faang Zhengyi was not his father.

Then he just went back to happily munching on his pudding.

Faang Wei felt a sense of despair, his pride as a... well, it was best to let it go.

"Cough cough..."

Faang Wei cleared his throat again, his mind racing. He had thought he'd dodged a bullet the day before, so he hadn't bothered to come up with a plausible excuse.

Now, with his back against the wall, how could he concoct a foolproof explanation?

"Could it be because of this extraordinary spirit animal? Did you form a contract with it, which allows you to absorb the spiritual energy of Heaven and Earth?"

The sound of Faang Zhengyi's voice brought a sudden revelation to Faang Wei, and his tense expression softened.

He was still fixated on the spirit animal, which made things much simpler!


Faang Wei decided to be forthright, his gaze intense and his demeanor earnest.

"I'm going to be straight with you. Please, don't share this with anyone. Even if Uncle Jin inquires about it, you must keep it to yourself. Can you do that?"

"Sure, sure. Your dad understands the importance of discretion. I won't hold you back."

Relieved by Faang Zhengyi's eager nodding, Faang Wei moistened his lips before continuing.

"The truth is, I found a bead the day before yesterday near the old dormitory. It was about this big."

Faang Wei gestured with his hands to show the size, and Faang Zhengyi listened with rapt attention.

"At the time, I didn't think much of it, assuming it was just someone's toy. But then it accidentally dropped and shattered with a 'crack,' and out popped this little hamster."

"You're aware of what happened next. We entered into a contract, and suddenly I was able to absorb the spiritual energy of Heaven and Earth. My strength skyrocketed, and it seems like all the innate talent genes you passed down to me were activated!"

"Dad, my success today is all thanks to you!"

Faang Wei gave Faang Zhengyi a thumbs up.


Jumpy stood by, utterly confused. How was it that he was unaware of such an extraordinary background?

"Big guy, you might want to draft your tall tales better. What are you even saying? This is..."

"That's how it is."

Before Jumpy could finish his rant, Faang Zhengyi adopted an expression of sudden understanding, leaving Jumpy rolling his eyes and jumping up in frustration.

"That's how it is?"

"Dad, are you even listening?"


With a gesture, Faang Wei playfully pushed Jumpy into the pudding and glanced at Faang Zhengyi, who arched an eyebrow in response.

"Has this school ever been graced by someone of renown? Perhaps they left behind an exceptional spirit animal?"

"With the significant boost you've given me, you couldn't possibly be just an ordinary person, right?"

Listening to Faang Wei's persuasive words, Faang Zhengyi put on a show of contemplation, then suddenly slapped his thigh in revelation.

"I've got it!"

"This school was once a manor, and before that, it was a retreat for a venerable elder. What was that elder's name?"

Faang Zhengyi furrowed his brow, straining to remember.

Faang Wei wasn't as concerned with the details, decisively concluding,

"Regardless of his name, he's been a great benefactor to me. If I ever have the chance to find him, I'll make sure to repay his kindness!"

"Yes, absolutely, we must repay him well."

Faang Zhengyi agreed, though the elder's name still eluded him. It was on the tip of his tongue, yet frustratingly out of reach.

Ah, the trials of aging!

But the elder had provided such invaluable assistance to his son, and he was determined to discover his identity. At the very least, he thought, a statue would be a fitting tribute to express his gratitude.

"Dad, I've got to focus on my studies, so I'll be heading out. You've got things to handle too."

Seeing his father thoroughly engrossed, Faang Wei, with Jumpy in tow, decided it was best to take his leave.

"Off you go, then. Prioritize your studies, and don't get complacent, alright?"

Faang Zhengyi casually waved his hand, sipping his milk tea as he appeared lost in thought.

"Alright then!"

Faang Wei left with a smile, feeling as if a great weight had been lifted from his chest.

Let the senior take the fall—it's the perfect excuse!

The Cloud Realm has been around for eons. Just a stroll outside and you're bound to stumble upon a couple of elders!

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