Awakening Of Spiritual Energy/C12 Mimicry Fist
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Awakening Of Spiritual Energy/C12 Mimicry Fist
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C12 Mimicry Fist

At noon, the cafeteria served up hearty roasted dragon bones, with the meat coming off in satisfying chunks. Faang Wei devoured several pieces, clearly enjoying his meal.

Despite his ability to forgo food entirely given his level of strength, he couldn't see the point in missing out on the myriad of culinary delights the world had to offer. Life was lonely enough for him, living eternally without companionship. To deny himself the pleasure of eating would only add to his misery.

He knew that many old scholars scorned those who engaged with the world as he did. But frankly, he couldn't care less about their opinions.

He had no interest in fleeting beauty; for him, the pursuit of exquisite flavors was a way to fulfill his desires, making his long life worthwhile. So why not indulge in a couple more pieces of meat?

The cold dragon whisker vegetable salad was also quite refreshing, especially with the Cloud Realm's constant, oppressive heat.

Jumpy, sitting nearby, also had a hearty appetite, his belly rounding out as he continued to stuff his face. Faang Wei couldn't help but laugh at the sight, playfully snatching away half of the corn Jumpy was holding.

"Easy there, brother, or you'll lose your abs," he teased.


Jumpy glanced down at his protruding stomach and rolled his eyes skyward.

"Who says? I've got a solid six-pack!" he retorted, quickly reclaiming his corn and resuming his feast.

Faang Wei shook his head, amused. It seemed Jumpy had turned his frustrations into an impressive eating capacity. Poor kid.

"Speaking of which, is there a big library around here? One with rare collections, perhaps special cultivation methods or ancient texts?" Faang Wei inquired.

Normally, you'd expect to find such a resource at an academic institution, but Everdawn Academy was an exception. The nine great academies could probably build another Everdawn Academy with the resources they put into their libraries alone.

"A library?" Jumpy pondered for a moment. "There is one in the city. We go there whenever we need to research anything. What do you need a library for?"

"Hehe," Faang Wei replied with a mischievous grin, meeting Jumpy's curious gaze.

"Just looking to do some research. We can check it out after school..."


Jumpy couldn't help but roll her eyes at Faang Wei's teasing. After finishing her last bite of corn, she patted her stomach contentedly.

Checking the time on her phone, she noted it was getting late. "Let's head back to the classroom. We've got an outdoor class this afternoon."


Faang Wei agreed with a nod, wiped his mouth, and began to clear the dishes. They had a two-hour lunch break, and he'd already been held up by Faang Zhengyi, so class time was fast approaching.

"Hey, this way. Mr. Tung mentioned he's going to review Mimicry Fist with us after lunch," Han Dongchuan called out as he approached, slinging an arm around both Jumpy and Faang Wei as they walked off together.

Tung Xiaoxiao, trailing behind Faang Wei, was still visibly upset, her frown betraying her lingering anger.

Seeing Faang Wei bouncing around ahead only seemed to fuel her irritation.

Then, her gaze shifted as she spotted someone passing by. A sly glint appeared in her eyes, and she swiftly followed with her long strides.

"Hello, fellow student. I'm a cultivator too. My name is Tung..."

But the student seemed oblivious to Tung Xiaoxiao's presence, not even pausing in his stride, and continued on his way, leaving her frozen in place.

'What on earth is happening?'

'That Cyborg jerk Faang Wei ignores me, and now this cultivator transfer student does too?'

'That's just too much!'

'Is it because I've been cultivating too much lately, and I look haggard?'

Tung Xiaoxiao mused to herself as she pulled out a small mirror.

Yet, the reflection showed a face that could launch a thousand ships, her smile captivating.

Boys passing by were already swooning, but Tung Xiaoxiao was inwardly fuming at being treated like she was invisible!

"This is so infuriating!"

She gritted her teeth and quickened her pace to catch up.

The boys left in her wake couldn't help but admire —

"Senior Sister Tung is stunning, even when she's furious..."

"Ahhh, I can't take it anymore...!"


At 1:30 PM, the break time officially ended, and it was time to start the two-hour outdoor class, after which they would have some free time.

The schedule was designed this way because everyone's talent points varied, and as the saying goes, the master can lead you to the door, but the practice is up to the individual.

The teacher would cover what needed to be taught in the first two hours, and the remaining time was for personal practice. The extent of one's understanding would depend on their individual talent.

Through this repetitive cycle, even those with lesser talent could eventually have a breakthrough, and those who hadn't yet could improve with additional practice.

Everdawn Academy's philosophy was to never abandon or give up on anyone. As long as you're willing to learn, the teachers won't give up on teaching you.

Here, there was no favoritism; those with higher talent didn't receive special treatment. In fact, teachers often devoted more attention to those with lower talent to ensure all students could keep up.

"Alright, everyone, gather up!"

Tung Peirong called out. At this time, the training ground was bustling with more than just Profound Class One; several Yellow Classes were present, all looking enviously at the Profound Class.

They were eager to practice diligently in hopes of advancing to the Profound Class soon.

"Cough, cough!"

Once everyone had settled down, Tung Peirong continued.

"We're now in the second week of the semester. Last week, we went through Mimicry Fist once, and I demonstrated it for all the students, breaking down the first part."

"It's time to see the fruits of your labor and check if you've been practicing diligently!"

"Jin Ziyan, you can step aside for now. The rest of you, line up according to your student numbers. Let's go, one at a time!"


As soon as Mr. Tung finished speaking, a chorus of groans filled the air.

"Do you know it?"

"I don't know it!"

"It's too hard!"

"My head is spinning!"

"How could we possibly know it after being taught just once!"


"Did you practice when you went back?"

"I practiced... but I didn't master it."

"Did you memorize all the movements?"

"I did memorize them all!"

"Then what are you complaining about!"

"Hey, hey, hey, didn't you ask me?"



The training ground was abuzz with noise. Despite their jitters, everyone lined up according to their student numbers as instructed.

It was only natural to be unsure after a single lesson, so no one could be blamed for not mastering the technique just yet.

Eventually, the crowd settled into a calmer state.

Faang Wei, unaware of why his student number was 001, found it absurd. Jumpy had explained that it was based on the Yellow Class results, and aside from Tung Xiaoxiao, Faang Wei had the best performance in Profound Class One this term.

Faang Wei felt he could accept that reasoning.

He wasn't intimidated; it was only Mimicry Fist, a technique he was familiar with. After all, the emergence of the Cyborgs years ago was tied to his own legacy.

To be honest, did he not carry the heritage of these four Internal Martial Arts within him?

So, there was nothing to fear.

"First up, Faang Wei."

Tung Peirong checked the roster and began calling names.

As Faang Wei stepped forward, Tung Peirong watched with a hint of admiration. He had high hopes for Faang Wei, who had already distinguished himself in the Yellow Class with his Harmonious Fist skills.

Even though Tung Peirong had only taught the first part of the Mimicry Fist last time, he believed Faang Wei might just be able to execute it properly.

This approach was designed to assess the students' learning outcomes for tailored cultivation.

Through trial and error, this teaching method had proven to be highly efficient.

With that thought, Tung Peirong's gaze followed Faang Wei in the center of the arena, and the other students turned their attention to him as well, hoping to refresh their memories and learn from his performance.

Faang Wei gave a respectful nod to Tung Peirong and then began to move into position.

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