Awakening Of Spiritual Energy/C13 Isn't This the Mimicry Fist?
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Awakening Of Spiritual Energy/C13 Isn't This the Mimicry Fist?
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C13 Isn't This the Mimicry Fist?

Mimicry Fist was originally known by an even more impressive name at its inception: the Six Joint Fist of Heart and Will. However, people found the name to be a bit of a mouthful, so it was eventually shortened to the essence of "heart and will" – thus, Mimicry Fist was born.

The core philosophy of Mimicry Fist is the integration of heart with will, will with qi, qi with strength, shoulder with hip, elbow with knee, and hand with foot. Its foundational practices include the Standing Exercise of Three Positions, Five Elements Fist, and Twelve Forms Fist.

The Standing Exercise of Three Positions is a unique fundamental and internal energy training method of Mimicry Fist, often referred to as "the origin of myriad techniques." The Five Elements Fist incorporates the concepts of metal, wood, water, fire, and earth, breaking down into Cleaving Fist (Metal), Penetrating Fist (Water), Crushing Fist (Wood), Explosive Fist (Fire), and Crossing Fist (Earth). The Twelve Forms Fist, on the other hand, is inspired by the distinctive traits of twelve animals: dragons, tigers, bears, horses, monkeys, alligators, snakes, chickens, swallows, kites, deer, and eagles.

Whether practicing the Five Elements Fist or the Twelve Forms Fist, each movement is executed with precision. The external form is visible, while the internal intent remains concealed. Intent is the primary focus, with form providing support. When form and intent are harmoniously combined, the practice reaches its highest level.

Currently, Faang Wei is demonstrating the first part of the Standing Exercise of Three Positions from Mimicry Fist, as Tung Peirong had only recently instructed on this section. Faang Wei's movements are crisp and fluid, yet he senses something off in the atmosphere. Murmurs from the crowd reach his ears:

"Was this what was taught last week?"

"I think so..."

"But it doesn't quite seem right. You don't remember either, do you?"

"No, it feels familiar, yet it's not quite the same."

"Exactly. Faang Wei looks so proficient, could we have remembered it incorrectly?"

"That might be the case..."

"No, the teacher definitely didn't cover this move last time. It seems like a different technique..."

"Take a look, I'm certain it was like this."

Amidst the noise of the crowd, Faang Wei felt his confidence waver. Damn, had he just faked a defeat? Wasn't this the Mimicry Fist he had taught them? Had they somehow come up with a different version for him? As these thoughts raced through his mind, Faang Wei decided he couldn't afford to be overconfident. He feigned forgetfulness and gradually ended his move, only to be met with Tung Peirong's furrowed brow and piercing gaze, which only intensified the headache he was feeling.

How was he going to explain this?

What kind of Mimicry Fist had they learned?

"Big brother, we're done for... Didn't you say you knew it?" Han Dongchuan asked, concern evident in his voice.

Upon seeing Faang Wei halt, Jumpy leaped from Han Dongchuan's shoulder, a look of utter dismay on his face. He regretted trusting Faang Wei's earlier bravado.

"What on earth was that just now?" Jumpy groaned, his head in his hands, as he desperately sought forgiveness. It was one thing to embarrass himself in front of his father; that could be smoothed over. But losing face in front of everyone else was a different story altogether.

"What's going on with the Mimicry Fist here?" Faang Wei whispered, knowing they needed to find a solution and couldn't just leave things hanging.

"Isn't it the Five Elements Fist? Last week we taught the Cleaving Fist. You said you knew it, so I didn't..." Jumpy's explanation trailed off as Faang Wei looked skyward, at a loss for words. Who teaches Mimicry Fist without starting with the basics, jumping straight into the Five Elements Fist? This was absurd!

"Faang Wei, didn't I teach you just yesterday? How could you get it wrong again?" Tung Xiaoxiao approached, seemingly trying to smooth things over, while glancing back at Tung Peirong.

"Mr. Tung, rest assured, I'll take care of Faang Wei. I'll make sure he gets it right," she said, ready to whisk Faang Wei away. But before he could gather his thoughts, Tung Peirong's voice rang out— "Wait!"

"Mr. Tung..." Tung Xiaoxiao began, only to be silenced by a gesture from Tung Peirong.

"Xiaoxiao, there's no need for you to continue."

"Go over the Cleaving Fist we covered last time with your classmates. I need to have a word with Faang Wei."


Before Tung Xiaoxiao could finish her sentence, Tung Peirong had already whisked Faang Wei away.

The rest of the group exchanged puzzled glances, unsure of what was happening.

Tung Xiaoxiao was fuming, silently cursing Faang Wei over and over in her mind.

'Damn you, Faang Wei!'

'Stinking Faang Wei!'

'If you can't master the Cleaving Fist, how will you defend yourself at Lumenarc Academy?'

'So infuriating!'

'If we hadn't grown up together, I wouldn't bother helping you!'

'So infuriating!'


Amidst Tung Xiaoxiao's internal turmoil, Faang Wei was genuinely confused about Mr. Tung's intentions.

As they approached the sports equipment room, he couldn't shake the feeling that something unusual was about to unfold.

'Teacher, this isn't right. We could get in trouble for this.'

But Mr. Tung appeared to have no such designs. He halted at the equipment room door, ensuring they were alone before turning to Faang Wei with a grave expression, more serious than his tone.

"Wei, I need you to be honest with me. Where did you learn that fist technique from?"


Faang Wei was taken aback by the question, exchanging a bewildered look with Jumpy on his shoulder. He hadn't anticipated this line of inquiry.

He had a hunch about why Mr. Tung was asking, though. Taking a deep breath, Faang Wei's gaze turned solemn.

He was ready to bluff.

'I could spin a tale that would convince you I've been limping for a lifetime!'

"Mr. Tung, what I'm about to tell you must remain between us."


Tung Peirong's heart tensed as he observed Faang Wei's earnest demeanor.

"Go ahead. This sounds serious. I won't breathe a word to anyone."


Faang Wei exhaled deeply, then proceeded.

"Good to hear."

"The truth is, the moment I heard about the Mimicry Fist, I had a sudden insight. I then executed the fist technique that seemed to have some connection to the Five Elements Fist, yet also seemed unrelated. It was quite peculiar."


Had Tung Peirong not recognized the sophistication of Faang Wei's martial arts just moments ago, he might have dismissed his words as mere bluster.

Yet, it was undeniable that Faang Wei's technique bore a significant relation to the Five Elements Fist, even enhancing it in some way, which explained Tung Peirong's anxiety.

"Mr. Tung, I can sketch out the sequence of moves from memory when I get back. After that, you should consult Mr. Faang, and you'll understand the situation," Faang Wei said with earnest eyes before heading towards the academic building. Tung Peirong, snapping out of his reverie, furrowed his brow in contemplation.

"What does this have to do with Mr. Faang?"

But then it dawned on him that consulting Mr. Faang was indeed the next step. If they could grasp this technique before the Academy Grand Tournament, it could provide a significant advantage.

They absolutely could not afford to lose this time at the Academy Grand Tournament. They just couldn't!

Yet, these were merely Xiaoxiao's aspirations...

With a heavy sigh, Tung Peirong acknowledged the difficult position he was in. Torn between his daughter's connection to Lumenarc Academy and his loyalty to Everdawn Academy, he found himself caught in a dilemma.

Such a difficult choice to make...

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