Awakening Of Spiritual Energy/C14 It Was the Most Suitable for the Market to Test It out
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Awakening Of Spiritual Energy/C14 It Was the Most Suitable for the Market to Test It out
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C14 It Was the Most Suitable for the Market to Test It out

In the late afternoon, Faang Wei meticulously sketched out the entire foundational Standing Exercise of Three Positions of Mimicry Fist from his mind. Beyond the Five Elements Fist, after consulting with Jumpy, it appeared that the reason it wasn't simply called the Five Elements Fist was that, in addition to it, four of the Twelve Forms Fist had also been handed down through the generations.

With a mindset of seeing things through to the end, Faang Wei decided to draw the Twelve Forms Fist as well, mainly to avoid future hassles. This way, if he inadvertently used it down the line, he wouldn't find himself in the crosshairs once more. Yet, as he continued to draw, his frustration grew, and he couldn't resist venting.

"Why the hell do I have to feign weakness when I'm this formidable?" he grumbled.

Jumpy, overhearing, remained noncommittal.

"So, if things change later on, are you suggesting I should just off myself on the spot?" Faang Wei asked pointedly.


With an eye roll, Faang Wei felt a strong impulse to throttle him then and there.

He resolved to visit the library after school to see if he could find what he was looking for. If successful, he wouldn't have to keep bottling up his frustrations.

This time, the possession had been his own doing, so he had no grounds for complaint.

Sighing, Faang Wei wrapped up his work after nearly two hours and electronically sent the document to Tung Peirong—it was, of course, not in paper form.

After stretching and taking a brief rest, he prepared to head out and tackle a significant task.

Tung Peirong had just dismissed his group when his phone chimed with a notification. He opened it to find an email. Puzzled by the lack of a subject line, his confusion evaporated when he recognized the sender. His mind buzzed, and his hand shook so much that he had to steady the phone with both hands. As he scrolled through the document, his astonishment grew with each line.

Who could this mysterious, divine benefactor be?

Not wanting to waste a moment, he hadn't even finished the document before realizing the magnitude of the surprise. He hurried to the principal's office, forgetting to knock in his excitement. The door swung open with a loud clang, but as he looked up, the words caught in his throat, and he quietly closed the door again.

*Cough, cough...*

*Knock, knock!*

After clearing his throat, he knocked on the door, and a serious voice from inside responded.

"Come in."

Tung Peirong then opened the door, glanced around, and shrank his neck slightly, relieved to see nothing inappropriate. He stepped inside.

"Principal, I have something important to discuss with you!"

His voice rose an octave as Tung Peirong handed over his phone, relieved to be discussing something less eye-watering.

Though the sight of the principal's flowery underpants might haunt him as a psychological shadow for at least a month.


This matter was far more important than any personal discomfort!

"I've got something important for you as well," Faang Zhengyi said earnestly, pulling out a pair of garish underpants from beside his desk that made Tung Peirong's eyes sting and drew a sharp intake of breath.

"Mr. Faang, the school has a washing machine. Do you really need to wear your underpants to such a state? How many years has it been since they were washed?"

From a distance, it was an eyesore, but up close, it was downright painful to look at!


Faang Zhengyi's eyebrows knitted together.

"These underpants are supposed to smell like this!"

"You're unaware, but these are my latest invention. They have a special effect. I don't have much use for them, but I'm not sure about the effectiveness..."

"How about you help me test them?"


Tung Peirong was at a loss for words when suddenly a thought struck him, and he lifted his head.

"I... I don't need them either!"

"Why not introduce them to the market and let the consumers decide?"

After a moment's thought, Tung Peirong spoke up.

"It might not be appropriate to ask acquaintances to test them. Who would admit to needing them, right?"

"Oh... true."

Faang Zhengyi stroked his chin thoughtfully.

"I'll reach out to some city stores to promote them. If they sell well, I'll start mass production. Then money won't be an issue!"

"Exactly, the market is the best place to test them!"

Tung Peirong agreed, but couldn't help stepping back to escape the overwhelming scent.

Who would have the guts to spend money on such a thing?

He sighed inwardly. Why was his principal so fixated on this bizarre venture?

Sighing silently to himself, he wondered why he was so interested in that particular area.

Could it be that he was compensating for something he lacked?

His thoughts were interrupted as he suddenly remembered the real reason for his visit—

He nearly let it slip his mind!

With a swift motion of his right hand, a gust of wind whisked away Faang Zhengyi's underpants and he handed him his phone.

"Mr. Faang, this is the matter at hand!"

"Please review this document carefully and share your thoughts with me."


Faang Zhengyi glanced at the floral underpants, then at Tung Peirong, who was all business, and finally turned his attention to the phone on the table.

Regarding the document mentioned, he gave it a cursory look. It seemed to contain movements resembling those of the Mimicry Fist.

With a puzzled expression, Faang Zhengyi couldn't resist asking.

"I say... Is there an issue with this Mimicry Fist manual?"

"Look again, more closely!"

Tung Peirong's eyes sparkled with excitement, and he licked his lips.


The old man's urgency made Faang Zhengyi's heart race. He picked up the phone, leaned back slightly, and scrolled through the document.

But in the brief moment he understood it, he felt a breakthrough in his heart, as if a blockage had cleared, bringing a sudden sense of clarity.

He exclaimed without thinking—

"What! What is this!"

"No! Where did this come from?"


Hearing Faang Zhengyi's excitement, Tung Peirong couldn't help but smile broadly. This was certainly more significant than any pair of fancy underpants.

"Cough, cough!"

Clearing his throat, Tung Peirong became serious again.

"Mr. Faang, I've always said that Wei had considerable talent. It's just unfortunate he couldn't cultivate before, but now his perseverance has paid off..."


Faang Zhengyi paused, momentarily puzzled, but then he quickly understood that the other party must have found out.

However, since Tung Peirong was Faang Wei's teacher, his knowledge of the matter was not a cause for concern.

Faang Zhengyi responded with a relaxed smile.

"Old Tung, even though that kid's pretty strong now, you're the teacher and he's the student. We can't let the rules slide. You can't give him any special treatment in the future!"

"Regarding Faang Wei's ability to absorb spiritual energy, try to keep it under wraps. It's our Academy Grand Tournament's ace in the hole. It wouldn't be good if the nine great academies got wind of it too soon."

"I've already instructed him to keep it quiet and to maintain a low profile to avoid any unnecessary complications."


Tung Peirong felt overwhelmed by the conversation. It seemed like a lot to take in, and it wasn't quite what he had been talking about.

Wait a minute, did he just hear Mr. Faang say that Faang Wei can absorb the spiritual energy of Heaven and Earth?

Could he have misheard?

Something didn't add up!

Definitely something off!

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