Awakening Of Spiritual Energy/C20 Five Hundred Thousand to Buy a Future
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Awakening Of Spiritual Energy/C20 Five Hundred Thousand to Buy a Future
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C20 Five Hundred Thousand to Buy a Future

"Headmaster! Headmaster!"

Cai Qitian was completely taken aback when he received the call late at night. He had almost dismissed it as a student's prank until Liu Boxin mentioned the three thousand-year-old ginseng roots he had once given him to boost his virility. Without that detail, Cai would have never believed it.

Now, standing outside the police station after posting bail, he was looking at the esteemed headmaster of Wyvernwood Academy, wrapped in a blanket, and his worldview was shattering.

What in the world was happening?

Why was the headmaster behaving like a hooligan?

One needed some serious guts to pull off such antics. Was Liu Boxin really that desperate?

But after all, the man was his boss. As long as Cai wasn't left holding the bag, he could handle the rest.

"Ahem, Headmaster, what exactly happened here?" Cai whispered, helping Liu Boxin out. A gust of wind had just passed, and it was painfully clear that something was off. Was the headmaster truly out of line?

Fortunately, it was late, because if word got out, it would be a major scandal for Wyvernwood Academy!

Before he could get an answer, Liu was already in the car. With no other choice, Cai followed and drove him back to his villa.

"Headmaster, should I stay with you for a bit tonight? Or perhaps I could arrange for some company?" Cai offered, catching a glimpse of Liu Boxin's fluctuating expression before getting out of the car.

He might have been better off keeping quiet. His offer nearly made Liu Boxin explode with rage, wishing he could flay him on the spot.

Today had been utterly humiliating for Liu. If he didn't reclaim his dignity, he wouldn't be Liu Boxin!

"Immediately retrieve all the surveillance footage from the library to that alley and send it to my phone. If you miss anything, don't bother coming to work tomorrow!" Liu commanded before stepping out of the car and slamming the door with such force that Cai was left in a daze.

This was a lot to take in.

The phone call had only hinted at misconduct, but now it was clear the situation was far more complex.

Upon reflection, Cai Qitian began to doubt that Liu Boxin was the type to engage in hooliganism in broad daylight. Could it be that...

He had been duped by a so-called immortal?

With this thought, Cai Qitian found the idea plausible. That must be why Liu Boxin had asked him to retrieve the library's surveillance footage. He must have been swayed by someone, leading him to act out of character.

There's truth to the saying that you can't walk by the river without getting your shoes wet.

But for someone to try and deceive Wyvernwood Academy took audacity to a whole new level. If he didn't set things straight, how would the Academy maintain its reputation?

Determined to handle the situation correctly, Cai Qitian decided against calling his assistant, fearing he might stumble upon a scene not meant for the faint-hearted. Instead, he chose to investigate personally.

Late at night, he drove to the library. Once he identified himself, obtaining the day's surveillance footage was a breeze, and he even managed to take the master tape without any objections from the security staff.

The same went for the alley's surveillance; it was best to keep such things in his own hands.

Should there be any compromising footage, he would keep a backup. You never know when a moment of folly might strike, and such footage could prove invaluable.

At the very least, Chair Liu would owe him a favor. If not, he could always threaten to release the footage and see if Liu could handle the fallout.

After purchasing some instant noodles, Cai Qitian settled back in his car to fast-forward through the footage. To his disappointment, the anticipated scene never materialized. The highlight turned out to be Liu Boxin's stern talk with the security guard, which was quite commendable.

How could the library, funded by the nine great academies, hire a Cyborg to work there?

He resolved to file a complaint the next day. Just the sight of a Cyborg was enough to irk him!

After quenching his thirst with half a bottle of water, Cai Qitian changed the tape to the street footage and resumed watching. It showed only Liu Boxin until he reached the mouth of the alley, where he noticed what appeared to be a hooded man tailing him.

Within minutes, the hooded man emerged, clutching a bundle of clothes and pants, which he nonchalantly tossed into a trash can.

Clearly, he had located the person he was seeking.

Yet, the scene took Cai Qitian by surprise. It was a far cry from the "celestial jump" scam he had anticipated.

It seemed less like a scam and more akin to a mugging.

Still, he remembered that Liu Boxin possessed first-level Primordial strength. Why would someone surpassing that level stoop to robbery?

Had he lost his mind?

The situation was baffling, but it was evident that the hooded man was indeed the individual Liu Boxin was after. It was a shame there were no surveillance cameras in the alley; the footage would have been quite useful.

What a missed opportunity...

Massaging his temples, Cai Qitian stowed his computer and managed to catch some sleep in the car.

In the dead of night, birds chirped softly.

Time passed, and Cai Qitian was abruptly awakened by the insistent ringing of his phone. As soon as he recognized the caller, his drowsiness vanished, and he quickly answered.

"Chair Liu... Chair Liu, should I come over to your place immediately, or would you prefer to meet at the school?"

"Does anyone know about last night's incident?"

The voice on the other end was tense with frustration. Clearly, Liu Boxin was deeply concerned about his reputation and the potential fallout if word got out.

Cai Qitian was well aware of the stakes—news of the Wyvernwood Academy's Director of Instruction acting indecently in broad daylight and getting detained by the police would devastate the academy's enrollment rates.

This incident was directly linked to his recruitment duties, and he was determined to handle it discreetly, ensuring no one would find out.

"Rest assured, Chair Liu. I've made sure our acquaintances have erased the records. We'll act as if last night never happened. You have no need to worry."


Liu Boxin's voice relaxed, reassured that his position was secure as long as the incident remained under wraps.

Regaining his composure, he instructed.

"Meet me at the school. I'll be there shortly."


Cai Qitian nodded vigorously, ending the call with a relieved exhale. He noticed a new email on his phone, opened it, and found a dossier signed by Liu Boxin, which brought a smile to his face.

Though he hadn't located the video of the "immortal jump," this dossier was more than enough to keep Liu Boxin under his thumb in the future.

After forwarding and saving the dossier to a secret folder, Cai Qitian accessed his mobile banking app, entered an account number from his records, and transferred five hundred thousand yuan.

A prompt response appeared on his phone confirming receipt and indicating eagerness for future collaboration. Cai Qitian was quite pleased; half a million yuan was a small price to pay for securing his prospects.

With that settled, he pressed the gas pedal and headed to Wyvernwood Academy. Once back in his dormitory, he freshened up, changed his clothes, and then made his way to Chair Liu's office.

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