Awakening Of Spiritual Energy/C21 A Happy Person Always Feels Refreshed
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Awakening Of Spiritual Energy/C21 A Happy Person Always Feels Refreshed
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C21 A Happy Person Always Feels Refreshed

"Chair Liu."

Cai Qitian gently pushed open the door and, upon seeing that Liu Boxin had already arrived, entered and closed the door behind him.

Liu Boxin glanced at Cai Qitian, his face cycling through shades of anger and pallor. The memory of last night's debacle sent waves of fury through him. It was an utter embarrassment!

In his whole life, he had never been so duped. If he ever found out who was responsible, there would be hell to pay.

"Are you absolutely certain that no one else is aware of the incident?"

Cai Qitian nodded emphatically as he listened.

"Rest assured, no one else knows—"

Except for me.

There was no way he would let anyone else capitalize on this situation.

Of course, he kept that last thought to himself. Cai Qitian, with a stern face, handed over the USB drive containing the freshly copied surveillance footage.

"Here's the recording. Would you like to take a look?"


Liu Boxin watched the video, his breaths growing heavier with each frame. Clenching his teeth, he plugged the USB into his computer and played the footage.

Upon the first viewing, he sighed in relief; the incriminating scene hadn't been captured. At least he had managed to salvage some of his dignity.

But he swore to himself, if he didn't fully restore his reputation, he wouldn't be Liu Boxin!

"Can you see the hooded man's face in the video?"

Liu Boxin inquired, suspecting that the individual had targeted him deliberately, likely as payback for his confrontation with the Cyborg.

It was almost inconceivable that a Cyborg could possess such power to immobilize him in a blink, especially since he was a Primordial first level.

The voice he heard had sounded young, yet the power it wielded was astounding. Could a Cyborg truly be that formidable?

"You can't make out the hooded man's face, but I suspect, as you mentioned, he's driven by revenge. He's probably a Cyborg, and it's possible he witnessed the incident in the library."


Cai Qitian's suggestion seemed to strike a chord with Liu Boxin, who nodded in agreement. The theory made sense.


Liu Boxin began combing through the library's surveillance footage and, whether by sheer luck or fate, he spotted someone who could very well be the suspected Cyborg.

The suspicion arose because the footage was incomplete; it only captured a right ankle, which was part of a mechanical skeleton.

"Retrieve the library entrance surveillance footage for me. I need to identify this individual," Chair Liu instructed, his hand quivering on the mouse, his voice seething through clenched teeth, a clear sign of his intense irritation.

"Understood... Understood," Cai Qitian replied, hastily making a phone call. Shortly, the surveillance footage from the main entrance was swiftly emailed to them, and they began to review it side by side.

After half an hour, they spotted the person they were looking for.

Upon seeing the individual, Liu Boxin and Cai Qitian had distinctly different reactions.

Liu Boxin was taken aback by the person's youth, doubting he possessed the necessary capabilities.

Cai Qitian, however, was agitated to recognize a familiar face, scratching his head in vexation, feeling as though adversaries were destined to cross paths.

Watching the composed expression of the man in the video, Cai Qitian was surprised to encounter him here, and it appeared he might be the same person who was Liu Boxin's nemesis.

This situation was...


An idea quickly formed in his mind.

Why get his hands dirty with murder when there was a ready-made weapon at his disposal? It would be foolish not to use it.

Was he joking?

"Chair Liu, this is the kid. And you know, he walks a lot like that hooded man. All that's missing is the hoodie!" Cai Qitian exclaimed with fervor, conveniently omitting the fact that he knew the young man. After all, his acquaintance with the individual was irrelevant!

The important thing was to bring down Fang Wei!

Everdawn Academy had caused him great embarrassment last time.

This time, he would start with Fang Wei's son, ensuring they understood the consequences of crossing Wyvernwood Academy!


Liu Boxin scrutinized Faang Wei, feeling that his build and demeanor closely resembled the hooded man. Regardless of whether it was him or not, the priority was to track down the person in question.

I absolutely have to set this kid straight!

Yet, there's something oddly familiar about him, as if I've seen him somewhere before. Mulling it over, Liu Boxin had an epiphany and slapped his thigh in realization.

"Damn! Isn't this Faang's son?"

Cai Qitian was momentarily taken aback, but he quickly regained his composure. He had figured it out, saving himself the hassle of connecting the dots.

"Chair Liu, are you suggesting this kid is from Everdawn Academy?"

Faang's notoriety was well-known, and Cai Qitian was fully aware of it, even without the personal vendetta with Faang Wei.


Liu Boxin's hatred was palpable as he sneered with a cold glint in his eyes.

"This kid has walked right into the line of fire."

"With the nine great academies gearing up against Everdawn Academy, taking this kid down first won't raise any eyebrows."

"This kid is begging for trouble!"

"He's definitely asking for it, brazenly attacking you, Chair Liu. We can't let such behavior slide, but..."

Cai Qitian paused, choosing his words carefully before continuing.

"Chair Liu, given that this involves the nine great academies, it would be problematic if your involvement were to be inadvertently revealed. However, I do have a strategy we could employ..."

"It's foolproof, and we might even hit Wyvernwood Academy's recruitment goals ahead of schedule. We just need to request some funding."

Liu Boxin glanced at Cai Qitian, fully aware of his ulterior motives. But the prospect of completely dismantling Everdawn Academy and tormenting that youngster was too enticing to pass up.

With a grand gesture, Liu Boxin tossed a checkbook.

"Write down whatever amount you need. If you handle this well, my position is yours when I retire. Got it?"

"Absolutely... I understand!"

Cai Qitian nodded vigorously, like a pecking hen. He hadn't expected such a windfall to come his way.

Indeed, joy has a way of invigorating the spirit. What a delightful surprise this turned out to be!

After jotting down a number, Liu Boxin glanced at it and promptly signed his name. After all, there was only one goal in mind—

Eliminate Everdawn Academy and take down Faang Wei!

It was as straightforward as that!

Cai Qitian, stepping out of the office, clutched the check in his hand, feeling a bond with it that surpassed even that with his own mother. He had firmly resolved to diligently execute Chair Liu's earnest directive.

He was determined not to disappoint Chair Liu.

Now, with the knife in his grasp, it was time to... eliminate someone...

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