Awakening Of Spiritual Energy/C3 I Have a Weird Uncle Here
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Awakening Of Spiritual Energy/C3 I Have a Weird Uncle Here
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C3 I Have a Weird Uncle Here

At the entrance of Everdawn Academy —

Faang Wei hadn't anticipated anyone witnessing his actions, so he hadn't bothered to conceal his abilities in front of the students.

But after the crowd dispersed, a figure emerged from the shadows, his right hand and left leg both outfitted with artificial limbs, much like Faang Wei.

Yet, he appeared to be at least fifty years old, his unkempt hair making him seem even older.

Watching the direction Faang Wei had gone, Jin Zhuo pulled a cigarette butt from his pocket, lit it, and took a deep drag before snuffing it out.

He exhaled a long ring of smoke, squinting his eyes.

"Man, Faang really knows how to keep a low profile."

"Is he really that worried about me finding out about his son?"

With a cold glance in the direction Cai Qitian had left, Jin Zhuo silently made his way into Everdawn Academy.

He walked for a while before turning into a small courtyard nestled beside a grove of trees.

"Faang! Faang! Where are you?"

Jin Zhuo, carrying a jug of homemade wine, roamed around the yard, calling out but seemingly to no avail.

But then again, Faang's rundown place was hardly a target for thieves; it was likely the least visited spot by burglars in the whole academy.

They'd probably feel compelled to leave something behind rather than take anything.

"What brings you here?"

Faang Zhengyi emerged from a cellar in the courtyard, covered in dust as if he'd been immersed in a major project. Spotting Jin Zhuo, he eyed the wine jug with thirst.

"Which brew is that?"

"Only the best for you!"

Jin Zhuo grinned, passing it over.

"I had to bring something good for my old friend!"

"Right, right, I've got something for you too!"

Faang Zhengyi rattled a small porcelain bottle in his hand, the crisp sound indicating something special inside.

"Hey! You've concocted a new one? What kind of pill is it this time?"

Jin Zhuo asked, his face alight with anticipation.

Faang Zhengyi was no ordinary principal of Everdawn Academy; he was a cultivator at the eighth level of Spirit's Awakening and a master alchemist.

Although I typically pay little attention to cultivators, Faang Zhengyi is an exception. It was he who founded Everdawn Academy, providing cyborgs with a livelihood. He gradually brought in fresh talent and offered ordinary people hope and opportunity.

In my eyes, Faang Zhengyi stands apart from the cultivators of the nine great academies; he aligns with the cyborgs.

"This is the real deal. It's called the Replenishing Pill. Take one, and you'll feel as mighty as a dragon and as fierce as a tiger, unable to leave the bed for three days!"


Jin Zhuo's excitement quickly faded upon hearing Faang Zhengyi's pitch. What use did he have for such a thing?

"Look, Faang, we're not exactly spring chickens anymore. What's the point of this for us?"

"You're missing the point. It's about the high price."

Faang Zhengyi wore an expression of smug certainty, as if to say, 'Take it or leave it.'

"The price?"

Once the topic turned to money, Jin Zhuo immediately got it and let out a sigh. Life wasn't easy for his elder brother.

The nine great academies always had financial backing from wealthy families and corporations. Rumor has it that the Heaven Gate at Lumenarc Academy was funded by student family donations.

At the end of the day, it's the sheep that bear the cost of their own fleece.

Most other academies operate similarly, and with the recent rapid growth of cultivator families on top of their existing wealth, there's no shortage of money.

In contrast, Everdawn Academy is worlds apart, with no hope of garnering such sponsorships.

Even as one of the more successful cyborgs, I'm a mere speck compared to the cultivators.

Everdawn Academy's finances rely entirely on Faang Zhengyi's sales.

Being an alchemist is still a coveted role, after all.

"So, what's the financial crisis this time? Did a teaching building collapse?"

Jin Zhuo dragged over a stool to sit down, accepting the wine Faang Zhengyi poured.


Faang Zhengyi just chuckled, eyeing the spirit wine in his hands with longing.

He didn't have many vices, but he did enjoy a good drink. Yet, with the steep price of spirit wine, he'd rather spend that money on air conditioning for the students' dorms.

Jin Zhuo always had a fondness for this particular pleasure.

With a soft tsk, he savored a sip and could feel his entire body relax. In one word—



Faang Zhengyi exhaled deeply, setting down his cup with care before speaking.

"This isn't about the school. The Academy Grand Tournament is approaching, and we can't have our students making a poor showing. I'm thinking of getting them new clothes at the very least, and there will be expenses for accommodations and meals along the way."

"And if they see something they want to buy, we can't let our kids feel shortchanged. Whatever the other nine great academies have, we should be able to provide as well!"

"Absolutely, that's the spirit!"

Jin Zhuo agreed. He had always admired how Faang Zhengyi treated Cyborgs and cultivators with the same respect—a commendable quality in these times.

"Oh, by the way, what brings you here?"

Faang Zhengyi then filled a small bottle with two Essence Replenishing Pills and handed it to Jin Zhuo. Even if Jin Zhuo didn't need them, he could always pass them on to someone else. They were close enough to forego formalities.

Jin Zhuo accepted the bottle without hesitation, glancing around and smacking his lips thoughtfully.

"You know, I haven't really seen much of your son over the years, have I?"

"My son?"

Faang Zhengyi paused, puzzled by Jin Zhuo's odd look, sensing that something was amiss.

It took him a moment, but then he chuckled and gestured dismissively.

"My son's just turned eighteen. It's a bit early for him to be dating. You're getting ahead of yourself, Uncle!"


Jin Zhuo was at a loss for words. He wouldn't have rushed over if it were just about matchmaking. The young man was quite the catch; surely, he already had his eye on someone.


Jumpy, emerging from his dorm, sneezed involuntarily. He wondered to himself, "Am I coming down with a cold?"

"It's not about that."

Jin Zhuo stated plainly.

His gaze fixed on Faang Zhengyi, he gave his shoulder a consoling pat.

"You've kept a low profile all these years! To think you have such a fine son and haven't let me, his uncle, take part in his upbringing!"

Hearing that, Faang Zhengyi narrowed his eyes suspiciously. Something about that statement didn't sit right with him.

Could this uncle be a little off-kilter?

"Cough cough! Jin, my son is straight as an arrow, not bent."

"… I'm straight as an arrow too!"

Jin Zhuo was at a loss for words. What was going through Faang's head?

Perhaps he should cut back on the movies. It's hard to believe he's reached an age where he's misjudging people.


Taking a deep breath, Jin Zhuo recounted the recent events, worried that if he didn't clarify things, he might face Faang Zhengyi's immediate judgment.

Yet, Faang Zhengyi, upon hearing Jin Zhuo's account, burst into laughter and shook his head.

"You must have mistaken him for someone else, right?"

"The kid's got talent, sure, and being in Profound Class One is like being at the fifth level of Alpha Dawn, but you're at the seventh level of Evolution's Spark. That's a two-level gap, isn't it?"

"Are you sure you're not seeing things, uncle?"

Faang Zhengyi couldn't possibly believe Jin Zhuo's story. It was laughable!

He knew his son better than anyone. At seven, his son was poisoned, necessitating a body switch, which meant no more cultivation opportunities. Though he trained from a young age, he was only a bit stronger than the average person.

It wasn't until he was sixteen that he moved from the regular class to the Yellow Class, beginning his martial arts training. The idea that something like Jin Zhuo described could happen was simply unthinkable.

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