Awakening Of Spiritual Energy/C5 You Made It out of Nowhere
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Awakening Of Spiritual Energy/C5 You Made It out of Nowhere
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C5 You Made It out of Nowhere

"Come here, Wei! It's been what, ten years since you last saw your Uncle Jin?"

Faang Zhengyi called out to his son, beaming with pride. He sincerely hoped that Jin Zhuo hadn't just been flattering him.

After all, what father doesn't want to see his son succeed?

"Wei, Uncle Jin already filled me in on your exploits at the school gate. You did a great job! I'm impressed!"


Faang Wei's heart skipped a beat at these words. He had thought his actions had gone unnoticed, but apparently, Uncle Jin had caught him.

He must have been hiding somewhere out of sight, with such a low profile that Wei had missed him.

Still, Wei thought, even though he hadn't intended to conceal his abilities, he needed to come up with a good excuse!

It would raise eyebrows if a boy suddenly transformed from underachiever to prodigy overnight, wouldn't it?

Besides, he wasn't even the man's real son. Right now, Faang Wei was brooding on his shoulder.

Seeing his dad's ghostly expression must have been unsettling for him.

Suppressing a chuckle, Faang Wei addressed him with due respect. "Uncle Jin, did you need something from me? If not, I should be on my way."

"Hey, hey, hey!"

Jin Zhuo grabbed hold of him, clearly eager for some news.

What was the point of being here if the guest of honor had left?

"Just a moment, Uncle Jin has something important to ask you."

Jin Zhuo tried to project an air of kindness, but to Faang Wei, he looked downright creepy, especially with that invasive once-over that almost warranted a call to the police.


Feeling uncomfortable with Jin Zhuo's gaze, Faang Wei cleared his throat and extricated himself, scratching his head with an awkward smile.

"What did you want to ask?"


Jin Zhuo was at a loss for words. He glanced over at Faang Zhengyi, who was grinning foolishly at his son, and his mind went blank. In desperation, he slapped Faang Zhengyi on the back and blurted out,

"Faang, what was it we needed to ask your son?"

"Oh, right, right, right!"

Faang Zhengyi winced at the slap, touched his nose, and held back his irritation. He had been so overjoyed to see his son that he'd completely forgotten the matter at hand.

Faang Zhengyi quickly regained his composure and eagerly inquired, "Son, Uncle Jin is curious to know if you've encountered some old man in a portable space. He's the one who taught you that martial skill, right?"

"???" Faang Wei's face scrunched up in confusion. Why wasn't he playing by the rules?

Jin Zhuo was equally baffled. Who asks questions like that? Who would ever admit to using a cheat?

"You're overthinking it. I just caught a glimpse of someone else's technique, that's all," Faang Wei explained, having figured out Faang Zhengyi's eccentric nature. The man was unpredictable and a bit of a nutcase. It seemed there was no need to concoct any excuses with him around.

"Really? I always knew you were incredibly gifted, but to think you're this exceptional!" Faang Zhengyi exclaimed, slapping his thigh in a burst of fatherly pride.

Jin Zhuo was at a loss for words, his skepticism hanging over him like a dark cloud. In a final attempt to remain level-headed, he posed the crucial question, "Hold on. How can you master something after just one look? Even with exceptional talent, that seems a bit too incredible, doesn't it?"

"Why not put it to the test?" Faang Wei suggested with a sly smile, arms folded as he regarded Jin Zhuo. "Show me your best martial skill, and I'll replicate it exactly. What do you say?"

"!!!" Jin Zhuo was incredulous. Even with a mentor from a portable space, could someone really be that skilled?

Witnessing Jin Zhuo's astonishment, Faang Wei remained unfazed. For someone with his talent points, replicating a cultivation method that a Seventh Level Evolution's Spark practitioner could perform was a walk in the park.

In the Cloud Realm, and indeed throughout the entire cultivation world, cultivation methods are ranked from Red to Violet. Red Level methods are the most basic, while Violet Level represents the pinnacle of cultivation. Yet even the most common Red Level methods number over five million, Orange Level exceeds ten million, and Yellow Level boasts over fifty million.

Regarding the Green level cultivation methods, they typically command a price well over a hundred million. The Malachite, Bluish, and Violet level methods, however, are beyond valuation, considered the exclusive heritage of the great powers.

Cultivation methods below the Green level are accessible to those with talent points, with mastery and potency directly linked to one's talent point score.

The methods above the Green level are a different story altogether; only true prodigies can wield them. Such extraordinary talent is rare in this world.

At present, with Jin Zhuo's strength at the Seventh Level of Evolution's Spark, he could at most harness Yellow level cultivation methods. While he wasn't clear on the specifics, replicating Yellow level methods was well within his capabilities.

"In that case, Uncle Jin, I'm game to join you."

Jin Zhuo's curiosity was now stirred, eager to see if the young man was all talk or if he truly possessed the claimed ability.

If he could indeed replicate his signature skills, Jin would accept it, even if it meant acknowledging the existence of a portable space or a reincarnated soul.

After all, the boy was Faang's son! A little assistance to his uncle every now and then wouldn't hurt.

Faang Wei was oblivious to his uncle's schemes; he simply aimed to avoid unnecessary complications.

Resolving their issues once and for all would mean no future hassles for him.

"Shall we head to the training ground?"

Faang Zhengyi licked his lips, his hands rubbing together in excitement. He was genuinely eager to discover whether his son truly possessed the touted skill.


"Let's just stay here, to avoid drawing attention."

Jin Zhuo hadn't finished speaking when Faang Wei interjected. The area near the small forest was secluded, and he preferred not to stir up any issues.

Jin Zhuo instantly grasped the significance of Faang Zhengyi's meaningful look.

"Come on, Old Faang, don't you get it? Low profile! Ever heard of it?"

"You're making Wei into an easy target!"

"Oh! Right!"

Faang Zhengyi came to his senses and smacked his forehead.

"Exactly, that's the logic!"

"So, shall we just stay here? Although—"

"If any buildings get damaged, you, as the uncle, will be footing the bill!"

Before Jin Zhuo could even get a word in, he caught the tail end of Faang Zhengyi's remark and rolled his eyes in silence.

What can you do when you're stuck with an older brother like this?

If I have to pay, then so be it! I can always pay in installments if need be.


Jin Zhuo cleared his throat slightly and gave Faang Wei a nod.

"Watch closely, Wei. This is my signature move, the Shadowmoon Blade!"

No sooner had he spoken than Jin Zhuo was in motion. Yet, it dawned on him that he couldn't recall ever hearing about a cultivation method named Shadowmoon.

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