Awakening Of Spiritual Energy/C8 The First One to Eat You!
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Awakening Of Spiritual Energy/C8 The First One to Eat You!
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C8 The First One to Eat You!

It wasn't until Faang Wei had walked a considerable distance away that Tung Xiaoxiao finally snapped back to reality. What just happened? Wasn't he supposed to lecture her about the great principles of how Everdawn Academy had nurtured her from the beginning? Why had he remained silent?

She had fully intended to join Lumenarc Academy after her anticipated downfall at Everdawn Academy; negotiations had already taken place. When Faang Wei showed up unexpectedly, she assumed he had caught wind of her plans, and without much thought, she was ready for a confrontation.

Even if her foster father attempted to convince her otherwise, she was determined not to stay. Moreover, for the sake of her future, her foster father shouldn't even try to persuade her! As a cultivator with exceptional talent, she would stand out even at Lumenarc Academy. How could she allow herself to be confined to the lackluster Everdawn Academy?

But Faang Wei's demeanor had thrown her for a loop. What did he mean by saying it had nothing to do with him? Without her participation in the Academy Grand Tournament, Everdawn Academy was sure to face utter defeat. So why did Faang Wei seem so unconcerned? He was the one who most wanted to preserve Everdawn Academy!

What was really going on? Had he decided to just give up?

Tung Xiaoxiao couldn't fathom Faang Wei's true intentions. The Faang Wei she knew from the past was not the man she saw today. Meanwhile, the real Faang Wei was strolling down the street, seemingly unaffected by the recent turn of events, while Jumpy perched on his shoulder, brooding. Faang Wei had always deeply cared about Everdawn Academy.

He had grown up there, never once regretting the loss of his status as a cultivator, but rather embracing his duty to protect and elevate Everdawn Academy. He had always believed that Tung Xiaoxiao shared this sentiment. Even as a cultivator, she was among those in Everdawn Academy who supported the Cyborgs.

He had never imagined that she would come to view Everdawn Academy as a hindrance, a weight dragging her down. His emotions were a complex blend, leaving him unsure of what to say.

Suddenly, a sharp pain shot across his forehead. Jumpy inhaled sharply, coming face-to-face with an infuriating expression. There was no hiding the annoyance.

"What's up?"

"What do hamsters eat again?"

Faang Wei seemed oblivious to Jumpy's sour face as he stroked his chin in thought.


Jumpy was at a loss for words. Can't you see I'm in a foul mood?

"Come on, what's there to get mad about? Anyone would think you're about to turn into a zombie from hunger."

Faang Wei teased with a cool edge, poking Jumpy's belly and arching an eyebrow—

The sensation was quite satisfying.

"Damn it!"

But before he could poke again, Faang Wei winced from a sudden pain in his finger, left without a comeback.

"Biting people isn't a good habit, you know..."

Faang Wei admonished with a hint of gravity.

"Ha ha ha!"

Jumpy was so frustrated that she made an odd noise, rolling her green eyes and pouting in silent protest.

"If I turned into a zombie, you'd be the first one I'd eat!"

"Heh heh!"

Faang Wei chuckled, stretching his arms lazily, the playful glint still in his eyes.

"Getting worked up over some girl isn't worth it, and besides, Everdawn Academy doesn't need her to win."

"Why not rely on...!!!!"

Jumpy blurted out, but then something dawned on her, her eyes widening in realization.

Damn! How could I forget about that?

With this guy here, what's there to worry about?

Guess I was overthinking it...

"I'm starving. Time to eat."

With those blunt words, Jumpy flopped onto her shoulder, completely letting go of her concerns.

Exactly, why worry at all?

This guy had moved in, and even though she didn't know the extent of his abilities, he was surely more formidable than Tung Xiaoxiao!

If he could lead Everdawn Academy to a safe retreat, she'd gladly live as a hamster for the rest of her days!

Damn! She was all in on this bet!


Faang Wei watched Jumpy's sudden surrender without a word, but it didn't really bother him. After all, he had to stay in this place for a while longer.

His journey to the Cloud Realm was in search of the Undead.

Outside the Cloud Realm, he had received a fragmented distress signal from the Undead. It took considerable effort to pinpoint the source of the message within the Cloud Realm.

Upon arriving in the Cloud Realm, Faang Wei unexpectedly found himself in a body swap situation, which caused a slight delay. Despite this, there was no trace of the Undead to be found.

He had two theories about their absence.

One possibility was that the Undead had vanished completely.

The other was that they had gone into deep hiding.

If the first theory held true, there was no need for concern; if they were found, it would be too late to save them anyway.

Regarding the second theory, if the Undead were trying to conceal themselves, even he would struggle to locate them quickly.

Searching the Cloud Realm, or the entirety of the Nine Realms for that matter, was akin to searching for a tiny grain of sand at the bottom of the ocean.

Years ago, the Undead had saved his life, which is why he had given them a Whispering Stone.

Given the current situation, although he hadn't located the Undead, they had last been seen in the Cloud Realm, and he had no immediate plans to leave.

Besides, he needed to find a way to switch back to his original body. Otherwise, he wouldn't be able to pass through the barriers between the Nine Realms with Jumpy.

He would manage on his own, but Jumpy...


Taking a moment to catch his breath, Faang Wei decided not to dwell on it. He was here now, and that was that; it wasn't a major issue.

With his mind at ease, Faang Wei and Jumpy headed to the supermarket. After sampling a myriad of foods, Jumpy settled on corn and walnuts.

Faang Wei purchased a bagful, which should keep Jumpy satisfied for some time.

The walnuts were particularly tasty; he couldn't help but want a few for himself.

With a chuckle, he carried the bag through the bustling streets, eventually reaching the gates of Everdawn Academy. Just before entering, he cast a glance across the street at a figure in the shadows.

A faint aura lingered there, identical to Jin Zhuo's. It seemed likely that the individual had been hiding there all along.

He had been negligent, not anticipating that someone could detect his movements, which had led to his exposure.

Now, considering the two individuals seemed a bit offbeat but generally dependable, he felt there was no cause for concern.

At least everyone was on the same page; they all wanted to preserve Everdawn Academy, so it was unlikely they'd turn their sights on him.


Upon reflection, Faang Wei realized that his stand-in father probably hadn't even considered this issue. Whether that was a good thing, he couldn't tell.

He felt torn.


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