Back to the Three Kingdoms/C1 Great desert thunderclap
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Back to the Three Kingdoms/C1 Great desert thunderclap
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C1 Great desert thunderclap

Africa, the night sky was hazy, a few east wind assault vehicles were speeding across the vast wilderness. The loud rumbling sound was like thunder as it reverberated through the world, but the surroundings were deathly silent. All the animals that could be seen in the wilderness during the day seemed to have disappeared, as if they were the only ones left in the world.

The passengers of these Easterly Wind Raiders were soldiers from China's most mysterious special forces, who were on a top secret mission. Chen Lang, the commander of this group of raiders, who had the rank of major, was currently sitting on top of an Easterly Wind Lance, looking at the electronic map in his hands. Behind him were two fully armed soldiers. The one on the left who was as strong as a bear, was the heavy firepower user of the assault team, while the one on the right, who was nicknamed 'Monkey', was good at sneak attacks. He was also one of the most talkative guys in the team, causing some people to call him a chatterbox.

"wolf brother, what's so special about this box? Why did you send us to retrieve it?" the monkey asked curiously.

Chen Lang put down the electronic map in his hands, looked at the alloy box beside him, and said: "It's not important what it is, we just need to complete the mission."

The rhinoceros shouted, "Monkey, you talk too much. What does this box have to do with us!? We'll just have to send it to where it is! "

Monkey pointed to the back and said, "I heard that the guy in the back is a second-generation official. I wonder what kind of trouble the higher-ups are sending this thing to meddle in? I think he doesn't know anything at all! "

The rhinoceros' mouth twitched as it snappily said, "I already knew about this matter, but you actually didn't know about it. You're really stupid!"

Monkey was not convinced and said, "Then what do you think is going on?"

The rhinoceros snorted and said, "Isn't that obvious? This guy is here to get rich. If he has such an experience, won't his relatives be able to properly promote him to the next rank?" "Idiot!" Monkey was stunned and could not help but scold, "F * ck! "F * ck you!" The rhinoceros' mouth twitched. "That's still considered good. Haven't you seen the beautiful mayors and beauties of recent years, one after another?" What the hell is that! " Monkey looked even more angry, but he also felt helpless.

Chen Lang said: "Alright, cut the crap!" The two men stopped talking nonsense.

Just then, countless of glaring lights suddenly shot out from outside the window, Chen Lang and the rest were shocked, all the carriage stopped in their tracks at the same time.

Following which, countless silhouettes appeared under the bright light from all directions, and at the same time, there were the silhouettes of quite a few armed vehicles.

Monkey exclaimed, "We're surrounded! Is that true?"

Chen Lang immediately ordered through his headphones, "All teams, be on your guard and be prepared for battle!" The commandos on the vehicles were all ready for battle, and the machine guns on the vehicles aimed at the unknown enemies.

Chen Lang turned on the loudspeaker, and shouted to the other party: "This is the Chinese army, they are on a mission! Please leave immediately, otherwise you will be considered as enemies of the Chinese Army, and you will bear the consequences! "

Through the window, Chen Lang saw a tall and sturdy looking man standing on a hillside on the left side of the road. He used a loudspeaker to speak loudly in Chinese: "Chinese people listen, you are surrounded, hand over the meteorite fragment or I will annihilate you all! My patience is not good, you guys only have one minute! "

After Chen Lang heard the other party's words, he knew that there was no way he could do it. He could not be bothered with the other party's nonsense, and immediately ordered through his headphones: "Everyone listen, in ten seconds prepare, break out from the encirclement towards the west!" All the Rangers were surprised, because they came from the west side. They were heading towards the evacuation location in the east side, so why was the wolf brother trying to break out of the encirclement in the west side? However, all the raiders had always respected the wolf brother and did not think too much about it.

Seconds passed by second by second. The unknown enemies in the surrounding looked at the Chinese soldiers in the encirclement. In their eyes, these Chinese soldiers were like turtles trapped in a jar, they could not pull any tricks. They did not think that the other party would dare to resist in this situation. It was not surprising that they thought this way, since only a few years ago, the most elite of the American Delta commandos had surrendered to their trap in the Amazon forest, a situation very similar to the one that exists today. If the Delta Rangers did so, the Chinese certainly did not.

Bang! The engine of the East Wind Rapist suddenly rumbled loudly. All of the mercenaries were stunned. They were surprised to see that the Easterly Wind Soldiers suddenly turned around and charged towards the direction they came from! Before the mercenaries could react, the machine gun on the East Wind Great Mage's vehicle spewed out a blazing fire. As the bullets rained down, many of them were unable to dodge in time and were knocked to the ground. The mercenaries immediately fell into chaos!

The mercenary who was leading the group picked up the walkie-talkie and shouted in English. All of the mercenaries reacted as they shouted and fired at the Easterly Wind Soldier. In an instant, the scene was filled with gunfire as countless lines of fire flew everywhere in the night sky!

The Chinese army's actions were out of the other party's expectations, and several east wind warriors cars broke out of the encirclement.

However, at this moment, a rumbling sound could be heard in the night sky. Chen Lang frowned, he immediately looked up into the night sky, to his shock, he saw two little bird helicopters flying over from the side of the forest, he immediately shouted into the microphone: "Everyone pay attention, an enemy helicopter has appeared!"

The heavy machine gun in the Easterly Chaser immediately changed direction. The Musketeers howled as they pulled the triggers, and in the midst of the intense gunfire, bullets rained down on the two helicopters that were flying directly at them. A helicopter suddenly burst into flames and fell to the side, exploding into a ball of dazzling flames. However, the other helicopter had fired two rockets at the East Wind Mage that was running at the forefront of the group! He watched as the two rockets flew down with long tails and came into close contact with the East Wind Mage. Almost at the same time, a huge fireball rose, and the East Wind Mage somersaulted a few times in the air before slamming heavily onto the ground. Soon after, the other two Easterly Wind Raiders came to an emergency stop.

Chen Lang immediately observed his surroundings and noticed that the Eastern Wind Scholar's carriage was blocking the entire road. He quickly made a decision and ordered, "Everyone abandon the cars and retreat on foot! "Faster!" The two Easterly Wind Raiders immediately dismounted and began to retreat westward on foot in a battle formation. One of them was not dressed in a black combat suit, like the other members of the Special Forces, but was a handsome young man in a suit and suit. This person was the person Monkey spoke of as the second generation official. Everyone called him Gongzi. He was sent by the authorities to contact the local government, but it was useless. At this moment, this young master dressed in an oily clothing looked like he was panicking and shouting at the top of the mountain. If it wasn't for the monkey dragging him, he might have already run towards the enemy.

At that moment, the bird helicopter that had destroyed the East Wind Raider turned in the distant sky and headed in this direction. The young master was so frightened that his face turned pale and he started shouting hysterically. Chen Lang snatched the sniper rifle from the monkey's hands and aimed it at the bird helicopter. The mercenary who was piloting the helicopter saw what was happening through the night vision goggles and said mockingly, "Trying to shoot down my helicopter with a rifle? You're really stupid!" At that moment, he saw the other party's gun flash. Almost at the same time, a hole appeared on both the windscreen and his forehead! The helicopter suddenly went out of control, spinning as it fell! It turned out that Chen Lang's aim was not the helicopter, but the mercenary piloting the helicopter.

Chen Lang returned the sniper rifle to Monkey and led the group to retreat towards the west.

However, before he could get far, he was surrounded by countless mercenaries. Both sides were engaged in an intense exchange of fire. The fire threads interweaved into a dense web of fire in the night sky as shouts in English rose and fell in the surroundings. Although Chen Lang and the rest had killed many people, there were just too many enemies. They were suppressed in the small forest, unable to escape. Why are there so many mercenaries here? Originally, these mercenaries were going to raid and excavate the place, but halfway through, they found out that Chen Lang and the rest had left with the meteorite fragment, so they came back from the west, where they met Chen Lang and the rest.

Just as the battle became intense, the other mercenaries that had surrounded Chen Lang and the others followed along and joined in. The attacks became even fiercer! These mercenaries were well-trained, had powerful fighting capabilities, and also had a large number of people. Although the Chinese soldiers had killed countless enemies, they could not completely eliminate them. On the contrary, they felt like there were more and more enemies.

The mercenary finally rushed into the small forest, the remaining Chen Lang and a few others were fighting with each other in a bloody battle. As the rhinoceros saw more than a dozen mercenaries rushing towards it, it pulled the trigger with all its might and shot down several people. However, the bullets were all gone, and the other party's bullet struck his left shoulder. All of the mercenaries swarmed forward and held down the rhinoceroses that were struggling to get up. The rhinoceroses actually screamed and pulled the safety ring on their grenades. With a loud rumble, seven or eight of them perished together with the mercenaries!

With the sniper rifle in hand, Monkey had shot countless numbers of enemies. He was already riddled with scars! The mercenary sniper in the distance pulled the trigger on the heavily injured monkey. Through the aiming lens, the monkey fell to the ground! Seeing how strong and sturdy their opponents were, the mercenaries couldn't help but tremble in fear. However, they began to attack even more crazily. Humans were like this. When they were scared, they would often become even crazier!

Chen Lang emptied his rifle's bullets, and also emptied his handgun. A few sturdy looking mercenary soldiers wielding large military blades rushed forward to try and kill Chen Lang. Chen Lang quickly threw away his handgun and pulled out his dagger to fight with the white blade. In the midst of the furious roars, flesh and blood flew, Chen Lang was riddled with wounds, but he had still managed to kill the few mercenaries that were as strong as bears! Chen Lang couldn't help but stagger and kneel on one knee. The blood that flowed from his crazed and bloodthirsty eyes was enough to shake a person's soul!

Seeing that the surrounding mercenaries were all destroyed, Chen Lang stood up with all his might and immediately picked up the chests, pulling the young master who was paralyzed with shock towards the southwest.

The Young Master finally regained his senses and shouted hysterically, "We won't be able to escape! We can't escape! They were originally the strongest and most elite Western special forces, they will kill us! Let's surrender! "

Chen Lang turned his head and looked at the young master coldly. The young master was so frightened that he trembled, and did not dare say another word.

Chen Lang turned his head and continued to lead the way. Pow! A gunshot rang out from behind him. He felt as if someone had pushed him in the right shoulder, and he dropped to one knee.

Chen Lang wanted to stand up, but such a simple movement was currently so difficult.

That young master walked in front of Chen Lang and shouted hysterically, "If you want to die, I don't want to die with you!"

Chen Lang frowned, and cursed: "F * cking thing!"

The young master crazily shouted, "I am a fucking thing, I can live on! You are a hero, but you are going to die! "

At that moment, a dozen or so mercenaries surrounded them. Seeing this, Chen Lang frowned.

The leading mercenary looked at Chen Lang who was riddled with wounds and could not move at all. His eyes revealed a look of admiration, and then revealed a taunting look: "What's the use of Chinese soldiers being brave? You have too many traitors! "

Chen Lang's heart jumped, he looked at the young master, and frowned: So it's you, you bastard! I say how the other side can be so clear about our actions! Why? Why did you betray me? "

That young master laughed crazily and said, "Only fools like you would sacrifice yourselves for China, I don't want to be a Chinese! I can get twenty million dollars when this is over, and then I can emigrate to the United States! "

Chen Lang suddenly raised his right hand and grabbed onto the right hand of the young master who was holding onto the gun. The young master was startled, and quickly pulled the trigger. Chen Lang used his strength to pull, pulling the young master down in front of him, grabbing his neck, then taking his gun, he pointed it at his head! The young master was scared out of his wits!

When the mercenaries saw this, they were shocked and immediately prepared to attack, but the mercenary leading them stopped them.

When the young master saw the gun pointed at his forehead, the man's eyes were full of killing intent. He was scared to the point of peeing his pants and shouted, "What, what are you doing? My, my uncle is Hall Master Li! "

Chen Lang said coldly: "Even more so." Then he pulled the trigger. - Pah! - The bullet went through the head of the young master. The young master died a violent death. There was a look of jealousy and fear on his face. Chen Lang revealed a look of disgust and let go of the Young Master.

The leader of the mercenaries said, "Hand over what we want and I will let you go."

Chen Lang glanced at the leader, and laughed coldly: "If you're alive, say that again." He then pulled the safety ring on his Glory Bullet. The so-called 'Glory Bomb', as the name implies, was a grenade used by Chinese special forces to kill their enemies at the last moment.

When the mercenaries saw this, they were greatly shocked. The leader cried out in alarm, "Not good!"

BOOM! With a loud bang, flames rolled out! However, something strange happened. A faint ball of light wrapped up Chen Lang, eliminating the power of the explosion and blowing up all the mercenaries, but Chen Lang was not affected at all.

Chen Lang saw that he was not dead and was extremely surprised. He then realised that the alloyed box in front of him had disappeared without a trace, and the meteorite fragment was floating in mid air as if it had released a halo of light that had wrapped around him. Just when Chen Lang was feeling surprised, the halo of light produced by the meteorite changed again. The initially blue halo of light quickly dimmed to become something like a black hole, and then Chen Lang felt himself being sucked in by the black hole.

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