Back to the Three Kingdoms/C11 Little maid
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Back to the Three Kingdoms/C11 Little maid
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C11 Little maid

Seeing Juan'er like this, Chen Lang felt confused and asked, "Juan'er, what's wrong?"

Juan'er looked at Chen Lang pitifully and sobbed, "Master doesn't want Juan'er, he must think that Juan'er is bad!"

Chen Lang couldn't help but become depressed. He didn't know what to say anymore as he said to Juan'er, "Juan'er, men and women need feelings when they're together. We didn't even know each other before, how could we sleep together? " Juan'er looked at Chen Lang with a puzzled expression, his large eyes extremely clear and pure. Seeing her like this, Chen Lang felt that he was simply an evil big bad wolf. He didn't know how to explain it to this pure girl, so he could only say, "Juan'er, I like sleeping alone. If someone sleeps on my bed, I'll feel uncomfortable." Hearing Chen Lang's words, Juan'er let out a "oh" and immediately wanted to leave. However, when she thought about Gan Ning who was still here, she couldn't help but feel troubled, and her face flushed red.

Chen Lang understood Juan'er's difficulty, and said snappily to Gan Ning: "I say, brother, you should go back and sleep too!" Gan Ning smiled sinisterly and nodded: "Understood, understood!" He thought that the wolf brother was about to do something, so he turned around and left, closing the door behind him.

Juan'er quickly got out of bed. Seeing Juan'er's naked appearance, Chen Lang only felt a ball of fire rise from his lower abdomen before he hurriedly turned his head away. If he continued to watch this scene, he was afraid that he would really become Uncle Wolf! Chen Lang closed his eyes, and once again entered into the land of dreams while his imagination was running wild.

Early morning of the second day, Chen Lang woke up from his dreams. He looked at the ceiling with a perplexed expression. Just then, shouts came from outside, which immediately reminded Chen Lang of when he was in the army, where everyone practiced military body boxing together every morning. Chen Lang couldn't help but sit up, preparing to go out and take a look.

At this point, Chen Lang suddenly saw that there was a small bed on the floor beside the bed. Juan'er was curled up on it, sleeping. Juan'er was sleeping soundly. She was as quiet as a cute kitten, and her soft breathing could be heard again and again. Chen Lang only felt that the softest place at the bottom of his heart had been touched and couldn't help but smile slightly. Chen Lang got down from the bed and gently covered Juan'er with his blanket. Chen Lang put on his clothes and left the room.

At this time, the sun was rising in the east, and heaven and earth were in high spirits. On the empty ground by the water side, Gan Ning was leading the Sailfish s under him to practice his blade techniques, with hundreds of long blades shining under the light of the rising sun, the cold light was breathtaking. Chen Lang's heart could not help but surge with pride, and muttered: "If I can't go back, then I can't. I'll just do my best in this world!"

Chen Lang observed for a moment, seeing Gan Ning dance with his curved blade like lightning, although he looked at a distance, he could still feel a burst of cold Qi, which made him feel like he was suffocating. As a special elite, Chen Lang had a unique understanding of fighting techniques, and upon seeing Gan Ning's blade technique, he could not help but exclaim. He only felt that Gan Ning was indeed worthy of being this era's famous hero. If he had had a fair fight with back then, his head would probably be chopped off in less than ten moves. Chen Lang's gaze moved to the Sailfish s, seeing that they were all skilled in sword techniques under Gan Ning's tutelage, it was just that they were only practicing their individual sword techniques, there was no teamwork at all.

Chen Lang walked over. Seeing Chen Lang coming over, Gan Ning stopped dancing with his blade and cupped his fists towards Chen Lang: "wolf brother!" All of the Sailfish also stopped dancing with their swords, and cupped their fists as they greeted, "wolf brother!"

Chen Lang praised: "Everyone's blade techniques are exquisite, it has really broadened my horizons!" Everyone could not help but be overjoyed.

Chen Lang asked Gan Ning: "Why do you only practice blade techniques and not teamwork?"

Gan Ning did not understand the meaning of 'teamwork' at all. Thinking for a moment, he thought that wolf brother was talking about battle formations, and said with a smile: "I was born in the green forest, and have never studied before. I have no idea how to set up a formation!"

Chen Lang thought: 'I don't know how the world sends troops to set up the formations, but I can teach them how to fight in the special forces. After thinking about it, Chen Lang suddenly had a thought, and thought to himself: "We might as well train these Sailfish into a special forces! This era was a chaotic one, a special forces like this might be able to achieve something! 'Perhaps I can rely on such an army to create a world of my own! '

When Chen Lang thought about this, he couldn't help but become excited. Suppressing his agitated mood, he said to the crowd, "I can teach you guys some combat techniques." Everyone was overjoyed.

Chen Lang organized his thoughts and started to teach the killing techniques of the special forces. These were all deathblows, which were never seen by anyone in this era. All of them exclaimed in surprise, and their reverence for Chen Lang grew even stronger.

The morning went by without anyone noticing. Everyone dispersed and went back to rest. Chen Lang returned to his own hut. The moment he entered the wooden house, he saw three alluring dishes with steam rising from them on a small square table not far away. Chen Lang was just about to eat his food, but when he saw the dishes, he couldn't help but feel hungry. He immediately walked over, picked up his chopsticks, and started to eat.

At this moment, Juan'er came in from the side door with a big pot of rice in her hands. Seeing Chen Lang wolfing down his food, she couldn't help but reveal a happy smile. He quickly jogged to the side of the table, put down the rice pot and filled a big bowl full of rice for Chen Lang. Chen Lang took the rice and praised, "Juan'er, I didn't think that you would have such cooking skills. These dishes are too delicious!" Juan'er flushed red, not daring to look at Chen Lang. She hurriedly lowered her head, her heart pounding like a little deer.

Chen Lang gobbled up all the food like a tornado and more than half the rice in the big pot. He patted his stomach and sighed, "It feels so good!" Juan'er looked at Chen Lang, her small face revealing an extremely happy expression.

Chen Lang thought of something and looked at Juan'er, asking, "Juan'er, why are you still here?"

Juan'er was stunned for a moment before she asked in puzzlement, "I, I am Master's maid. Of course I am here!"

Chen Lang was greatly surprised, "You are my maid?"

Juan'er nodded, and then her small face turned white. Looking at Chen Lang, her large eyes trembled, as if they were about to shed tears. "Master, does master not like Juan'er?" Chen Lang's heart skipped a beat, and immediately waved: No no no no! "I like it, I like it too much!" Juan'er immediately broke down in tears and smiled when she heard this. Chen Lang couldn't help but feel happy when he saw Juan'er smile.

Juan'er cleaned up the table and left. Chen Lang then walked to the study table by the window and sat down. He wanted to write down the contents of the special forces training so that he could train his subordinates. But when he sat in front of the desk, he found that the familiar pen and paper weren't on it at all. There were only rolls of bamboo slips and a few things that looked like small knives. Chen Lang picked up the bamboo block and looked at it, then picked up his knife and muttered with a frown: "Could it be that this is the brush?" Chen Lang felt his head hurt. Trying to use the blade to carve words on the bamboo block only felt that it was extremely tiring, and very quickly, Chen Lang was unable to work any longer and gave up.

After Chen Lang used the special forces training method to improve his training method, his s' physique, concealing, concealing, hiding, assassination, etc., all the special forces training methods were brought over by Chen Lang. In order to let his subordinates display their greatest fighting capabilities, Chen Lang had even personally instructed the blacksmiths in the water stronghold to create many special equipment, such as steel needles, locks, hooks, etc. In addition, Chen Lang had someone to create a black battle uniform set to replace the original attire of Sailfish. Other than these, Chen Lang also used the military discipline from his era as a military law to restrain his subordinates. In almost a month, Sailfish had completely changed from the inside to the outside. The current Sailfish was not like a thief at all, she was like a small, capable, and elite soldier.

On this night, Chen Lang was talking to Gan Ning. A captain led a man in plain clothes into the room. At this time, the leaders of the Sailfish had already become captains, no longer addressing them as water thieves.

Upon seeing Chen Lang and Gan Ning, the captain immediately bowed and reported: "wolf brother, Big Brother Gan, the scout who went to Lushan River to investigate has returned." Chen Lang reckoned that Sun Ce and Zhou Yu would not let this group of Sailfish go, so they had long ago sent people to Lushan River to gather information.

With that, the leader moved to the side, and the man behind him immediately went forward and paid his respects: "wolf brother, Big Brother Gan, I found out in Lushan River that the Sun family's army only has five hundred people left, the rest have returned to the Changsha Region!"

Gan Ning laughed out loud: "Sun Ce is still sensible, I didn't dare to provoke us!"

However, Chen Lang did not think that way, and thought: "Sun Ce is not a timid and useless person, there must be a reason why he left without killing us. That Zhou Yu is cunning, if not, he will play some tricks with us, we cannot let his guard down. " Gan Ning nodded his head: "What does wolf brother say?" Then he said: "wolf brother, there is one thing that I need you to decide! It's almost winter now, but we don't have enough food reserves, so I decided to rob officials or aristocratic families as per usual. wolf brother, what do you think?

Chen Lang thought about it and nodded.

Gan Ning saw that Chen Lang had agreed and said happily: "Then I will bring my people to Wuwei County on the east side tomorrow. "I heard that Wuwei County's County Magistrate has recently plundered a lot of cream, and it just so happens that he's going to rob the motherfucker!" Chen Lang laughed: "Let's go together." Gan Ning was overjoyed, "That's great!" Gan Ning originally thought that Chen Lang was unwilling to do such a looting thing, which was why he said that he would be leading the group just now. Now that he saw that Chen Lang was leading the team himself, he was naturally very happy.

Chen Lang immediately thought of Sun Ce and Zhou Yu and said, "We must guard against both of them. After we leave, if there is any movement from Lushan River, the people here will immediately leave. " Gan Ning nodded, and said: "I'll listen to wolf brother!"

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