Back to the Three Kingdoms/C2 Aerial descending wolf
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Back to the Three Kingdoms/C2 Aerial descending wolf
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C2 Aerial descending wolf

Chen Lang was sucked into the black hole and he only felt darkness in front of him. Just as he was at a loss, he was suddenly enlightened! He could only see the bright stars in the clear night sky, and the shadows of the mountains constantly moving about. He was actually rapidly descending from the sky!

With a loud pa sound, Chen Lang smashed through the roof, followed by a "plop" sound as he fell into a pool of hot water. At the same time, a woman's alarmed cry entered his ears.

Chen Lang hurriedly jumped out of the water. In the midst of the rising steam, he saw an extremely beautiful woman with her hands covering her chest. She was looking at him in fear and trepidation. Chen Lang stared blankly, then couldn't help but have a thought: So beautiful!

The woman's voice suddenly transmitted over: "You, who are you? You, what is your intention? "

Chen Lang couldn't help but feel that it was a little strange hearing her strange words. Soon after, Chen Lang realized that the two of them were in an extremely awkward situation and immediately wanted to dodge. However, just as he stood up from the water, he felt the world spinning around him, and he couldn't help but fall on top of the girl's delicate body. The girl could not help but let out a shriek. His two hands frantically pushed, pushing Chen Lang down into the hot water. The woman quickly escaped from the pool and ran behind the screen. At this moment, embarrassment, anger, and panic filled the woman's heart, leaving her at a loss for what to do.

When the woman heard that there was no movement in the pool outside the screen, she couldn't help but feel that it was strange. She carefully stuck out half of her head to check, only to see that the uninvited guest was still lying on his back in the pool, motionless.

The woman couldn't help but heave a sigh of relief. Then, she realized that she was still naked, her cheeks were red from embarrassment. She quickly grabbed the clothes behind the screen and put them on. A moment later, she walked out wearing a milky-white, narrow waist dress. Her figure was graceful like a swaying jade tree, her hair was loose and there were crystal clear water droplets hanging on her body. Under the dense heat, she looked both real and illusory, just like Chang'e from the Moon Palace, the Immortal Concubine from the heavens.

The woman mustered up her courage and walked to the side of the pool. Seeing the man floating on the water with his eyes closed, she couldn't help but be worried. Are you okay? " However, the other side did not move at all.

The woman hurried over to the pool and reached out to grab his clothes. She used all her strength to pull him out of the pool. Suddenly, the man's clothes were torn off. The woman was caught off guard and fell to the ground.

At this moment, the sound of hurried footsteps came from outside and stopped at the door. Subsequently, a middle-aged man's anxious voice sounded out, "Young Miss, what happened?"

The lady anxiously shouted: "Uncle Qiao Fu, quickly come in and help!"

The door was immediately slammed open, and a sturdy middle-aged man led a large group of people with long sticks and sabers in hand as they rushed in.

The woman pointed at the man in the pool and shouted, "Hurry and get him out!"

Everyone was surprised to see that a man was lying in their eldest miss's bath. They couldn't help but feel astonished. Without giving it much thought, he rushed over and fished the man out of the pool.

Only now did the woman clearly see the man's bare upper body. She couldn't help but be astonished on the spot. The man's body was covered with all kinds of scars. Most of them were old wounds, but there were a few that were new. It was truly shocking! A servant could not help but exclaim, "Good boy! What kind of person was he? There are actually so many scars! " The middle-aged man called Qiao Fu snappily said, "Cut the crap, let's carry him to the guest room first! This person seems to be severely injured. Qiao Mu, quickly go and invite the manor's doctor over! " A young man answered and ran down the stairs. The others then carried Chen Lang away.

Qiao Fu walked in front of the lady, looked at the hole in the roof and the messy pool, and wanted to ask the young miss about it, but felt that it was not appropriate for him to ask about it as a servant, so he bowed and bowed: "The young miss is startled! Miss, please go back to your room to rest! We will definitely find out his identity! "

The lady was in a daze, but recovered from Qiao Fu's words, and nodded her head absentmindedly. Turning his head to look at the hole in the roof, he couldn't help but feel extremely puzzled. After temporarily calming himself down, he turned around and left.

Qiao Fu personally sent the girl back to his room, arranged for a few female attendants, and then went to report to his Master.

Just then, a woman who looked very similar to the woman rushed into the woman's room. When she saw the girl, she hurried forward and asked, "Sister, what happened? Are you all right? " So this woman who looked similar to her was her younger sister.

The older sister held her sister's hands and shook her head. "I'm fine. You don't have to worry."

Seeing that her sister was unharmed, her heart that was originally in suspense could not help but calm down. He then asked, "Sister, what happened?" He turned his head to look at his personal servant, and said snappily: "Xiao Cui came here to report in in a hurry, and didn't manage to say it clearly!" The servant girl called Xiao Cui stuck out her tongue.

The elder sister thought about what had just happened and couldn't help but say with her cheeks, "Nothing much, you don't have to ask!"


When Chen Lang opened his eyes, he discovered that he was in an ancient room. He sat up from the bed, patted his head, and looked around again. He could not help but mutter: "Where am I? Was it a hospital? This doesn't seem like it either! "

Chen Lang thought back to what happened not long ago. He had smashed his way through the roof and fell into a pool. Chen Lang chuckled, and muttered: "I must be dreaming, why would such a strange thing happen to me!" Then, Chen Lang remembered that his brothers had all died in battle. However, Chen Lang quickly suppressed his sorrow. As the proverb goes, a strong warrior would inevitably die in battle, since he had walked this path, this result was something that he had expected for a long time.

Chen Lang calmed his mood. He saw the meteorite fragment on the tea table beside the bed. However, it had already been broken into many pieces. Chen Lang frowned, then picked up a piece of the stone to look at, and discovered that the meteorite fragment had lost its previous peculiar luster, as though it was a normal looking stone that could be seen everywhere, and was no longer different from the others. Chen Lang put the pieces back on the tea table and laughed bitterly: "Damn it! So many people have died, and the meteorite has been destroyed! "

Chen Lang looked at the light shining through the window. It was almost noon. Chen Lang wanted to walk around, so he got off the bed. When his feet touched the ground, Chen Lang felt a little dizzy and pain in his body, but the overall feeling was still good.

Suddenly, Chen Lang realized that the clothes on his body looked weird, as if he had seen it before in a movie or television drama. Chen Lang could not help but scold with a smile, "Damn! What kind of hospital is this, and what kind of weird things are these!? " He put on his clothes and walked to the door. At this time, Chen Lang was surprised to discover that the door was actually not the same as the one he was familiar with, but an ancient bolt-style wooden door.

Chen Lang opened the door with a stomach full of questions. He was shocked to see two strong men, who were also dressed in ancient clothing, standing at the left and right by the door.

Hearing the commotion behind them, the two muscular men turned around at the same time and looked at Chen Lang with vigilance and hostility.

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