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Back to the Three Kingdoms/C20 Iron-blood division
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C20 Iron-blood division

Sun Mo said: The Yellow Bandits has two hundred thousand people, we will definitely not be able to match them. If we are to die here, it would be better for us to leave this place before it is too late! The cloud of saints; a gentleman without danger! Gongzi Zhou, I advise you to leave quickly! Otherwise, it would be too late for regret! "

Zhou Yu was furious, and shouted: "Master, do not do this!" Sun Mo did not listen and went back into the cabin.

Zhou Yu only felt that there was nothing he could do as he helplessly watched the huge fleet leave the pier one after another. Zhou Yu frowned, he rushed back to his own residence and ordered: "Gather all our men, prepare to retreat!" A few of the officers acknowledged and ran off. Zhou Yu said to another officer: "Immediately go to Qiao Family and lead him to the pier." The military officer replied and ran down the stairs.

Zhou Yu's five thousand elite soldiers quietly arrived at the dock. The citizens in the city were completely unaware that the city's defenders were quietly retreating. They had been completely blinded by the news.

Dozens of horse carriages appeared on the dock, and Zhou Yu immediately went to welcome them. Dozens of carriages stopped as Old Master Qiao's mother, Big and Small Qiao alighted from two separate carriages. The big and small Qiao wore the full moon White House uniform. His figure was elegant and charming. Under the moonlight, he was like a fairy.

Zhou Yu bowed to the three of them, "Uncle, Miss."

The Old Master Qiao asked in puzzlement: "Why did the Gongzi Zhou send people to bring us here so quickly?" Zhou Yu said: "Let's talk about this later, everyone get on the boat." He then led everyone to a boat docked at the side, and then the servants of Qiao Family carried boxes of various sizes onto the boat. At this time, Zhou Yu's five thousand elite soldiers were also boarding the ship.

Zhou Yu led the group into the cabin. Although Zhou Yu had already seen his countless times, he still couldn't help but feel stunned and mesmerized when he saw his again. Zhou Yu came back to his senses and said, "What happened was like this." Frowning, "I originally planned to protect Lushan River with Sun Mo's army. But Sun Mo was as timid as a mouse, upon hearing about Yellow Bandits's situation, he immediately led his troops and fled! With him gone, it is impossible for my five thousand men to defend Lushan River, so I can only give up on Lushan River and return to the Changsha before anything else! "

Only now did the people of Qiao Family know about this, and could not help but feel at a loss.

Xiao Qiao could not help but ask: "If we leave, what about the people here?"

Zhou Yu sighed, and said: "We can't care about them! Hopefully, they would be able to escape this calamity! People who achieve great things must sometimes give up. This is also something that cannot be helped! " Xiao Qiao lowered his head and did not speak.

The sky had already brightened, and the five thousand men had already boarded the raft. At this time, the citizens of Lushan River had already realized that the army that had promised to protect them had escaped.

The two of them stood on the side of the ship and watched this scene, feeling guilty. Xiao Qiao could not help but say to Da Qiao: "I think that Zhou Lang should not have done this! As a soldier, we should guard the earth and the people. How can we retreat while fearing difficulties? "

Da Qiao sighed, and said: "Perhaps what he said is true, but this is all because of no other choice!"

At this moment, the fleet had already started moving upstream. Just then, someone suddenly shouted, "Yellow scarf thief! "Yellow scarfed thief!" The two of them were shocked and hurriedly looked towards the distance. They saw that the horizon was covered with dust and endless yellow waves rolling towards them. The two of them could not help but pale in fear.

The commoners all ran out of Lushan River City, but ran into the army of yellow scarves, and were immediately scared out of their wits and scattered in all directions! When the army of yellow scarves saw this many citizens, it was as if they were hungry wolves that had seen their prey. They howled as they pounced on them! In the flash of a blade, the common people suffered heavy casualties, and their property and young women were taken away by the xanthopanax as spoils of war. A child was lifted up high by a yellow scarfed soldier who was laughing like a wild beast!

Seeing such a miserable scene, Young Master Qiao could not bear to watch it any longer, and did not dare to do so. Xiao Qiao ran over to Zhou Yu's side and begged: "Zhou Lang, please send troops to save them! They are too pitiful! " Zhou Yu frowned: "I am also extremely angry at such a scene! But I can't save them! "

Xiao Qiao could not help but be annoyed, "Why? Aren't officials supposed to save the people? "

Zhou Yu felt a little ashamed, he did not dare look Xiao Qiao in the eye and said: "Right now, the Yellow Bandits that was initially in the Central Plains in chaos has spread to the south, while Master Sun and Brother Sun are leading the main forces to the Central Plains to fight against the xanthopanax. The guards in the Changsha Region are weak, I have to bring these five thousand elite troops back to the Changsha Region to guard the Changsha Region! If the five thousand elite soldiers were to go all out here, and the Yellow Turbans army were to attack Changsha, wouldn't that put our base in danger?! Those who achieve great things should know how to give it up. In order to keep the Changsha, I must give it up here! This is a last resort! "

Xiao Qiao said angrily: "I do not understand these principles, I only know that your actions are very shameful!" Zhou Yu's head shook, after that he saw Xiao Qiao running away. Zhou Yu could not help but be furious in his heart, and thought to himself: Is Xiao Qiao also as unreasonable as the other girls?

Xiao Qiao ran back to his sister and threw herself into her embrace while crying. Da Qiao held Xiao Qiao's shoulder and comforted him, "Zhou Lang might have his reasons!" Xiao Qiao felt that what her sister said was reasonable, but she just couldn't let go of it in her heart. This was because the heroes in her heart should not only be gentle and gentle, but also be like the heroes of the ancient times, able to save lives!

"Eh? Whose army is that? " someone suddenly shouted, pointing to the shore.

The two girls could not help but look over at the shore. They saw that an army had appeared out of nowhere and was rushing towards the xanthopanax from the side. Xiao Qiao opened her eyes wide and asked: "Whose army is this?" Da Qiao vaguely saw a few big words on the flag, and said in shock: It's, it's Chen Lang's army! Xiao Qiao could not help but reveal a surprised expression.

They just saw Chen Lang personally leading two thousand infantry s to charge into the two hundred thousand army of yellow scarves without any hesitation. The two sides engaged in a fierce battle, blade light, sword shadows and blood flying everywhere! Chen Lang was like a mad tiger, waving his long blade and rushing forward with all his might, while his soldiers were all fighting with their lives on the line, their feet were drenched in blood, roaring and roaring like a tiger or a bear, the blades moved forward, even though they were heavily injured, they would still carry their enemies and perish together, their valor was truly world-shaking! The courage and ferocity of the Korean Army far exceeded the imagination of the xanthopanax, directly slaughtering the Yellow Turbans' corpses until they bled all their blood, causing them to tremble in fear, the two thousand people actually messed up the Yellow Turbans' formation!

The people on the boat could not help but feel their blood boil in shock when they saw such a gruesome scene. On the other hand, the two big and small Qiao were already in tears.

Although Chen Lang's Korean Army was exceptionally sturdy, but the number of people approaching them was only 1%. Although it had disrupted the formation of the xanthopanax, as Sun Zhong pushed his army to attack them, Chen Lang and the rest became more and more disadvantaged! The two hundred thousand yellow scarves army surrounded them as they attacked from all directions. Chen Lang's army formed a battle formation and fought their opponent to the bloody end! The angry roars echoed through the sky, as the xanthopanax continued to attack with all his might, but his corpse remained, unable to defeat Chen Lang and the others! At this time, the people of Lushan River who were originally being chased by the xanthopanax finally found an opportunity to escape into the nearby mountains.

Xiao Qiao ran to Zhou Yu's side and begged: "Zhou Lang, please lead the troops to support them! If this goes on, they will all die! "

Zhou Yu was furious, and shouted: "I have made my decision, you are a woman, so say nothing!"

Xiao Qiao only felt wronged as she cried and ran down the stairs.

However, Zhou Yu's anger had not dissipated. Looking at Chen Lang who was leading a battle to the death with his army, his eyes revealed an endless amount of jealousy and hatred. He wished for nothing more than for him to immediately die. In truth, Zhou Yu had already planned to lead his troops to attack, but the sudden arrival of Xiao Qiao made his heart burn with anger, and he immediately dispelled his original plan and scolded Xiao Qiao angrily. At that moment, Zhou Yu's idea was to wait until Chen Lang's side was more or less dead before attacking xanthopanax. If he wanted to obtain the achievement of destroying xanthopanax in one go, then Chen Lang would not be able to gain any benefits. In fact, with Zhou Yu's eyesight, he could already see the fighter jet, although there were many people in xanthopanax, they were all aggressive, but most of their spirits had been taken away by Chen Lang, and the xanthopanax was fully focused on Chen Lang and the rest, if they suddenly attacked from behind, it was very possible that he could defeat them in one fell swoop!

Zhou Yu stared at the battlefield intently, waiting for the moment he would make his wish come.

Suddenly, one of the officers pointed to the west and shouted, "Gongzi Zhou, look!" Zhou Yu looked in the direction he was pointing and surprisingly saw a two thousand man cavalry! Zhou Yu was very surprised.

Da Qiao also saw the cavalry army that suddenly appeared, and immediately pushed Xiao Qiao who was crying in her arms, and shouted: "Little sister, look, reinforcements have appeared!" Xiao Qiao immediately stopped crying and raised her head to look towards the direction where his sister's finger was pointing at. As expected, she saw a cavalry unit, and her eyes lit up, following that, she clenched her fists. She was extremely nervous, and hoped that the appearance of this cavalry unit could save Chen Lang and the rest who were trapped in the encirclement.

Who was this cavalryman that had suddenly appeared? That's right, it was the two thousand cavalry that Guan Yu and Chunyu Qiong were leading. The two tiger riders took the lead, the two thousand cavalry soldiers galloped like a pack of wolves, their killing intent soaring straight into the heavens, straight towards xanthopanax's back!

Sun Zhong suddenly saw the cavalry army and was shocked, he immediately shouted at the top of his lungs to stop them. Tens of thousands of xanthopanax s hurriedly turned around to respond. Seeing the Korean Army Cavalry soldiers rushing forward like tigers and leopards, with an imposing and fearsome might, the entire army was already retreating before the battle even started!

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