Back to the Three Kingdoms/C9 Chieftain
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Back to the Three Kingdoms/C9 Chieftain
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C9 Chieftain

Seeing Gan Ning like this, Chen Lang could not help but be shocked, and thought to himself: Did they really kill him? How could that be?

Chen Lang quickly asked, "How do you feel?"

Gan Ning opened his eyes and looked at Chen Lang resentfully, then said weakly, "I, I seem to be about to die. "However, my body doesn't seem to be that cold anymore. It's much better now."

Chen Lang muttered: "Seems like the dosage is a bit too heavy." He then said to the leader in charge of preparing the medicine, "From now on, halve the quantity of the medicine." The leader did not dare agree immediately and looked at Gan Ning. Gan Ning said snappily: "If it's not cured, then it's a dead end. I, your father will give it my all! You, you just have to listen to what Big Brother Chen says! " The leader cupped his fists in response.

In the next few days, bowls after bowls of green artemisia selengensis medicinal juice were continuously placed into Gan Ning's stomach. Gan Ning was tormented to the point of wanting to die. However, luckily the effects of the green artemisia selengensis liquid had manifested, Gan Ning's condition actually improved every day, and after five days, he could actually walk on the ground. The high fever had already subsided, and the cold feeling had also disappeared. Seeing this, Chen Lang could not help but secretly heave a sigh of relief. If Gan Ning was really killed by him, he would feel guilty.

This morning, Chen Lang came to see Gan Ning as he had a few days ago. Seeing that Chen Lang had arrived, Gan Ning hurriedly pushed the woman who was feeding him away and got off the bed. She knelt in front of Chen Lang with a thump. Chen Lang was startled by Gan Ning's sudden action. Gan Ning kowtowed three times and said gratefully, "If not for Big Brother Chen, my life would not have been saved! Big Brother Chen is my savior! "

Chen Lang helped Gan Ning up, and laughed: "It's not a big deal, you don't have to worry about it."

Gan Ning said with a stern face, "We shall repay the grace we have given you by saving and reconstructing our lives! Furthermore, Big Brother Chen had just spared my life. I owe Big Brother Chen two lives, and I am unable to repay you in any way. Then, he knelt down and kowtowed three times towards Chen Lang.

Chen Lang immediately held Gan Ning up, and laughed: "I don't need you to repay me, you don't need to do this." Gan Ning shook his head with all his might, and said loudly: "A manly man will repay kindness with grievances, Brother Chen, how can I not repay you for your kindness!" Seeing Chen Lang's troubled face, Gan Ning became angry. He actually pulled out the curved blade and placed it on his own neck, and said loudly: "If Big brother Chen is not willing to accept me, I will return this life to Big brother Chen! I, Gan Ning, will never owe others a favor! "

Seeing how intense Gan Ning's actions were, Chen Lang could not help but be surprised, and then he could not help but sigh inwardly: "Isn't this man from the Han Dynasty a little too hot-blooded! A knife at any time! "Damn!" Then, Chen Lang thought back to what Gan Ning had just said, "If you don't accept me, then," and the corners of his eyes twitched, he felt that it was extremely strange.

Chen Lang knew that a man like Gan Ning would definitely be able to do what he wanted, so he nodded: "Alright, from now on, we are brothers!" Gan Ning was overjoyed, he immediately threw away the curved blade and pounced on Chen Lang, giving him a big bear hug, but Chen Lang only got goosebumps.

Gan Ning had gathered all the leaders and subordinates to announce that Chen Lang was his master. From today onwards, the boss of the Sailfish was Chen Lang. All the Sailfish s had long seen how powerful Chen Lang was. When they heard Gan Ning's decision, they didn't find it hard to accept it either, and quickly paid their respects to the new boss. As a result, Chen Lang who came from the 21st century became the boss of the Sailfish in the last year of the Eastern Han Dynasty.

In the dead of night, Chen Lang sat by the water's edge, staring blankly at the stars and moon in the sky. At this moment, he still could not believe that he had actually come to the ancient times, and had actually become the head of the Sailfish. Chen Lang laughed bitterly and sighed.

At this time, Gan Ning walked behind Chen Lang, and cupped his fists: "wolf brother, I've prepared all the things you wanted me to prepare."

Chen Lang stood up and walked towards his own hut, Gan Ning following behind him.

Arriving in front of the wooden house, a few leaders were waiting there to greet him. "wolf brother, Big Brother Gan!" The hut Chen Lang was currently living in was not Gan Ning's wooden hut, but the wooden hut beside Gan Ning's wooden hut. Gan Ning originally wanted to give his own wooden house to Chen Lang, but he refused to take anything Chen Lang said. After all, the wooden house had been stinky for several days already, so Chen Lang didn't dare accept it even if he had a shadow in his heart. At this time, there was a table in front of the hut. On the table were wine and a dozen or so memorial tablets, each of which had the names of Chen Lang's special forces, rhinoceroses, monkeys, and more written on it.

Chen Lang walked up to the altar, and swept his gaze across the names on the tablets. Then, a fresh and lively figure involuntarily appeared in Chen Lang's mind. Chen Lang picked up the jar of wine and poured a bowl of wine into the bowl, put it down, picked up the bowl, and said to the brothers: "Brothers, it wasn't until today that I had the time to say goodbye to you all. "If you keep on making progress, we'll still be brothers in the next life." He then brought the bowl to his mouth and took a sip, pouring the rest of the wine onto the ground in front of the altar.

Chen Lang returned to the hut and took out the pile of broken meteorite fragment, a thoughtful expression on his face: "The reason I came to this world, was definitely because of this meteorite fragment. 'How did the meteorite fragment's energy come out? ' When Chen Lang thought back to what happened that day, he felt that his own 'Glory Bullet' had stimulated the meteorite fragment's energy. In other words, if he caused another explosion of a similar intensity, he might be able to recreate the meteorite fragment's energy and open a black hole in space and time so that he could once again travel through time!

When Chen Lang thought of this, he could not help but become excited. Even though he had come to this world some time ago, he still kept thinking about returning at all times. Chen Lang immediately thought of another problem: Even if the energy of the meteorite was used to open up the black hole, who could guarantee that the black hole would lead to his future world? Perhaps it would lead to a new time and space that was even more alien to the future world!

Chen Lang could not help but hesitate, but then he made up his mind: No matter what the result would be, he would bet this gamble!

Gan Ning walked in from outside. Chen Lang looked at Gan Ning and asked: "Gan Ning, is there gunpowder here?"

Gan Ning blinked his eyes in confusion, and said: "Gunpowder? What is gunpowder? What kind of treatment is it? " Then, he tensed up and asked anxiously: "wolf brother, you're sick!"

Chen Lang was startled, then rolled his eyes, and thought: "How can I follow you!" Chen Lang was a soldier, and although he did not know the history of gunpowder in detail like the experts, he had a general understanding of it. Chen Lang remembered that gunpowder only appeared after Han Dynasty, in this era, there should not be any gunpowder. Chen Lang could not help but feel troubled. Suddenly, Chen Lang's eyes lit up, and muttered: If I don't have the available ones, am I not good enough for it? It's not like it's a complicated matter to mix gunpowder. " Thinking about it, he was extremely happy, and immediately said to Gan Ning: "Brother, I need some things, can you get them for me?"

Gan Ning didn't even think before slapping his chest: "Whatever wolf brother wants, feel free to tell me.

Chen Lang thought for a moment, then reported a string of names. "Sulfur, saltpeter, and charcoal, the more the better."

Gan Ning thought for a while and said: "There are a lot of sulphur and saltpeter in the charcoal water stronghold. I have heard of them before, they seem to be medicine." Then, he cupped his fists at Chen Lang, "I will do it right now!" Then he hurried off.

Early morning on the second day, Gan Ning personally led a large group of Sailfish s and left the water stronghold on a wooden boat with a brocade sail. Not long after, the citizens of the nearby towns were horrified to see the terrifying Sailfish rushing in like a pack of wolves and tigers. However, the citizens quickly discovered that these Sailfish were completely ignoring them. They swarmed into the medicine stores, took a large amount of medicinal herbs, and left. The employees of the medicine store were all crying their hearts out while the commoners looked at each other in confusion.

Gan Ning and a few other leaders of different sizes looked curiously at Chen Lang concocting a kind of black powder. Gan Ning could not help but ask, "wolf brother, is this gunpowder? What is it for? "

Chen Lang smiled while configuring it, "This is a very powerful weapon." Everyone looked at each other. Some of them whispered: "Is this black powder a weapon? Am I hearing things? "

Chen Lang saw that he had enough gunpowder prepared, so he stopped his concocting. He carefully placed the black gunpowder into a bamboo tube he had prepared beforehand with his spoon, then placed a lead wire into the tube and took the tube to the empty space in front of the house. Gan Ning and the others naturally hurriedly surrounded him.

Chen Lang had a little leader bring a torch over, and immediately said to everyone: "Get out of the way, get far away." Everyone was confused and looked at each other. Chen Lang shouted, "All of you, retreat thirty steps!" Although no one knew what was going on, they didn't dare disobey Chen Lang's orders and quickly retreated to a distance of 30 steps away. Everyone looked over in curiosity.

Everyone watched as Chen Lang used a torch to light the fuse and then quickly ran over. Everyone was baffled and baffled.

Seeing Chen Lang running over, Gan Ning could not help but ask, "wolf brother, you are …" Chen Lang gestured to everyone and shouted: "All of you, get down!" As he spoke, he was the first to lie down. When everyone saw this scene, they also quickly fell to the ground.

Just as everyone was feeling baffled, a loud sound rang out, startling everyone! Almost at the same time, everyone saw a ball of raging flames rise up from the center of the open ground. When had everyone ever seen such a scene? They were all so shocked that they couldn't stop grinning! A leader could not help but shout out, "My mother! What, what is this!? "

Seeing that the effect of the explosion was perfect, Chen Lang could not help but be very happy. Gan Ning and the others finally regained their senses, and couldn't help but look at Chen Lang with eyes full of respect. It seemed as if they treated him like a god.

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