Battle Planet/C12 The Night of Milan
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Battle Planet/C12 The Night of Milan
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C12 The Night of Milan

After everyone greeted each other, they sat down. Will said, "Kawasaki Jun, your plan is quite exciting and grand, but it seems like you need quite a bit of money."

Kawasaki said thoughtfully, "Yes, although Sato has mastered the art of making wormholes and extracting heavy water from the sea, the raw materials and instruments he wants to buy will also cost a lot of money. Plus, the amount of money needed to build a space shuttle would be huge. "Wil, what do you think?"

Will smiled slyly. "I thought about it for a while, too. We can rob them of the money. "

Everyone was stunned for a moment, and then a few of his subordinates let out small, mocking laughs.

Kawasaki thought, This pig's head thought for a while and came up with this idea? and so on...

Kawasaki nodded as if he had understood something. His expression froze for a moment before he smiled slyly, "Everyone, I have a plan." As Will said just now, snatching is a good idea, but we can't rob banks and formal business companies, because it would cost billions of dollars, which would attract the attention of government departments. It wouldn't be fun if we attracted the attention of the military. For this reason, I decided to start with the same thing we did. Now that the government officials were so confused by the mob, they were likely to stay out of it. We use kidnapping to implement it on some of the big shots in the United States, Italy, Japan and South America, and a big shot can get us at least $100 million so we can do it very quickly. "

A voice sounded out, "Boss, is your plan really that good? We were doing well on Earth, why did we have to go to that unknown world? "

With a "pa" sound, Liu Gan smashed his fist on his subordinate's head and said: "Shut up, you actually dare to doubt the decision-making ability of Kawasaki Jun. Are you tired of living?"

The man held his head in pain and said no more.

A few days later, it was drizzling in Milan, Italy, and a few people in black raincoats were hurrying along the streets. Walking in front was a Japanese man of medium height with a beard on his fair skin. Beside him was a burly Italian man who was about 1.9 meters tall and had a fierce gaze. The few people following them were all yellow, and one of them was a woman.

They stopped at the entrance to what appeared to be a rather shabby building. Kawasaki turned around and said, "Go in."

This was an apartment for the poor. Not long ago, he had rented it out through a local tramp, and upon entering a room that was not too big, but with broken furniture and furnishings, Kawasaki said to Liu, "How is it? Have you asked around? "

Liu said, "Yes, boss. Felipe is staying at a four-star hotel called Sun-Holiday. He goes there almost every once in a while and calls a call-girl from the Metropolitan Club, and he's so fresh that he always asks for a new baby at the club, which gives us an opportunity. "

Kawasaki said to the only girl in the room, "Jingzi, it's all up to you tonight."

Yasuko nodded resolutely.

The night in Milan seemed to be filled with the heat of art, especially on a rainy night like this, which added a touch of gentleness and gentleness to the baroque style of the hotel. At the entrance, a dashing yellow female, wearing a pink raincoat, raised her head to look at the grayish-white sky, took a deep breath of air, and then walked in.

On the twelfth floor, there were two guards guarding the entrance to the elevator. One of them was holding a testing stick as he swept it over the girl's body while the other one was moving his hand up and down the girl's body. The girl shook her hair and raised her arms above her head, allowing the man's big hands to slide across her pink dress.

On both sides of the corridor outside the presidential suite, there were more than ten bodyguards with live ammunition. Under the thief's gaze, the girl leisurely walked into the presidential suite.

At this moment, the leader of the gang, a man in his fifties, was lying on the bed in his bathrobe. He looked very happy, as if he had just taken some medicine, and when he saw the girl come in, he seemed very excited.

The girl who came in was none other than Jingzi, who was swinging her waist and dancing alluringly. Her left hand slowly pulled down the red strap on her left shoulder, revealing her fair and alluring shoulders, and her high heels hitting the ground gracefully.

Then, in Italian, he said: "Don't think we Italians are so romantic. Now go to the bathroom."

Beijing seemed to understand. She stopped dancing, kicked off her shoes and walked towards the bathroom obediently.

Hearing the sound of running water inside, Freudian closed his eyes suddenly, as if he was brewing something.

Takeuchi Mikiko came out to the bed, removed the bathrobe for Lao Fei, and pressed it gently on his back. Suddenly, a buzzing sound could be heard. Old Fei raised his head to listen for a sound, only to see Jingzi retreat towards the end of the bed, grabbing onto one of Old Fei's legs and dragging him towards the place where she was dancing.

Old Fay was a typical fat man, weighing at least one hundred and eighty pounds. He could not imagine that this girl would have such strength. Her fat body was dragged across the floor, and the carpet was scrunched up under the friction.

At the same time, a large hole appeared in the spot where Jing Zi had been dancing. Jing Zi threw Old Fei down and jumped, and at that moment, Jing Zi heard a gunshot, and a big hole appeared in the door handle. The bodyguards outside felt that something was wrong upon hearing the sound, and then they heard Old Fei screaming like a pig being butchered. When they rushed in, they were surprised to find that a large hole had been made in the floor by a large cutting machine. The boss and the girl were both missing.

Just as he looked down the hole, he smelled the smell of burnt wires. He saw a flash of fire jump out of the hole, almost causing the bodyguard to cry.

It turned out to be Kawasaki's plan. After catching him with a cushion, they quickly knocked him out, then filled the cushion with a high concentration of burning oil. Liu threw a lighter on it and fired a silent pistol, and everyone rushed out.

The plan was perfect.

An hour later, his family received a phone call asking them to raise a hundred million dollars in two hours and deposit it in a designated account at a Swiss bank.

Feruperney's family and subordinates had been too afraid to call the police, and a hundred million dollars was affordable for a huge gambling and drug trafficking empire, so they were prepared to do so.

After talking to his Swiss subordinates on the phone, Kawasaki confirmed that the money was in his possession, and then he called to inform Feruperney's family to come to the designated place to pick him up.

When his men anxiously found him on a road near the outskirts of the city, they saw him shivering naked by the side of the road, his eyes blindfolded, his hands tied behind his back, his mouth stuffed in a piece of cloth.

By this time Kawasaki and his men had boarded the express to Paris, where they would fly to their next stop. Not long after that, more reputable gang leaders from all over Western Europe, the United States, South America, Japan, and Southeast Asia were kidnapped and asked to pay ransom. These scum didn't even know who did it, and all they could remember was the appearance of a beautiful Oriental girl.

Unbeknownst to them, the FBI's secret investigation had been brought to the attention of senior FBI officials. Although dealing with these gangs had made them racked their brains, and sometimes they had even run for their lives, it was not guaranteed that this would be a massacre. If there was a global gang, then it would be troublesome for them.

The immediate consequence of this incident was a failure of an operation in the United States. While extorting a Seattle gang leader, Will. The father of the girl he had raped immediately took a group of people from Chicago and flew to Seattle to fight him, while the FBI detectives, surrounded by a group of powerless men, fled Seattle in a sorry state and made their way back to Japan by stowaway.

In the basement of an ancient house, Liu Ming took a drag of his cigarette and asked Kawasaki, "Big Brother, what should we do now?"

After a moment of silence, Kawasaki said, "Let's go, we can't stay in Japan any longer. We will go to Africa first, where Sato will continue to complete his work. He has accumulated a lot of money, but we still need the money to build a space shuttle."

"Then what should we do?" Will asked, waving his hand helplessly.

"Let's go to Africa first." Kawasaki said.

A few weeks later, Kawasaki's gang, which always did illegal undercover operations, arrived in Cape Town, South Africa, by plane. Soon after, an oil tanker bound for South Africa from Japan stopped at a port with Kawasaki on it. After a short rest in Cape Town and supplies, they drove north across the border in big trucks, heading for the uninhabited rainforests of central Africa.

When they arrived at the pathless area, more than thirty people got off the car. Each of them had to carry an average weight of several dozen kilograms. The weather was hot and humid. After walking for a while, a few of them actually fainted.

Liu Xin stomped his feet anxiously. Kawasaki looked at him and said, "Alright, looks like we need to spend some money to hire guides and laborers."

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