Battle Planet/C13 The Memories of Kawasaki
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Battle Planet/C13 The Memories of Kawasaki
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C13 The Memories of Kawasaki

They got some natives from the area, and one of them spoke English and helped them carry their arms. In return, Kawasaki promised them a reward of $500. The group of people were drenched in sweat and gasping for breath. Jing Zi had even taken off his shirt, revealing his snow-white body. While he was walking, a strong wind suddenly blew away some not very heavy objects. At the foot of the mountain and a few of his underlings were about to chase after him, Kawasaki stopped them. With a flash of light and a "boom" sound, heavy rain began to fall. Everyone had no choice but to embarrassedly find a big tree to shelter them from the rain. Just as they were wiping off their sweat and rain with their clothes, they suddenly heard a clanging sound that shook the earth around them. Everyone looked towards the source of the sound and saw a native hiding under a tall tree not far away from them. "The natives looked at Kawasaki with a peculiar glint in their eyes.

After the rain stopped, they urged the natives to continue their journey. They climbed over a small hill and waded across a shallow river. Thus, they stopped and walked. Finally, after three days, Kawasaki told everyone to stop. He looked around at the surrounding rivers and dense forests. He thought that this was a good place to hide, so he called for the natives to open up a clearing and set up camp.

When all the work was done, the native, who knew English, walked slowly to Kawasaki and said in a hoarse voice, "Money, we are here." Kawasaki called out to Liu Jun, "Liu Jun, take the money..."

Before he could finish, a red bar suddenly appeared around Darky's neck, and his astonished eyes tried to turn his head to see who was doing such a thing to him. However, as his neck turned, the head moved away from its normal position and moved away from his neck with a gulu sound.

Those natives were shocked and ran. Kawasaki thought to himself, Damn Will. Liszt, however, didn't say anything. He pulled out his gun and shot at the natives, the close range bullets all had good penetrating abilities, but none of the natives managed to escape, all of them turning into ghosts in the forest.

A bespectacled man ran up to Kawasaki, grabbed him by the collar, and shouted, "Why kill? Why kill? Why? Didn't you promise that this voyage would be absolutely peaceful? However, just now … Just now … Why kill them? Didn't they just help us? "

With the gun in his hand, Kawasaki allowed Saito to shake his body. He didn't show any expression on his face.

Liu He pulled him away from the ground, and Kawasaki said slowly, "Saito, sometimes you are too weak and can't do anything. You must learn to endure. "

"Fuck, I don't want to work anymore." Sato said angrily.

"Brat, do you think you still have a chance to choose? "Don't you think about your sister who is still studying at Dong Dong University?"

Sato fell silent.

In the tent they had set up, everyone rested for a while. In the afternoon, under Kawasaki's urging, they began to get busy again. Kawasaki was patrolling the area. Suddenly, he noticed that Will, who was sitting on a protruding rock in the middle of the tent area, had a crafty look on his face, as if he was staring at someone. Kawasaki looked in the direction he was looking and saw that Jinjiko was sitting by the river, her hair in a shawl, her white legs soaking in the clear water. She stood up, bent over, and began to wash her hair.

Will's eyes were fixed on Jingzi, who was washing her hair. Her jeans had also started to set up a tent, and she was completely engrossed in it. She didn't even notice the approaching Kawasaki. Suddenly, he felt something cold on his neck. He looked down and saw a shining dagger on his neck.

Kawasaki looked at him coldly and said, "Will, if you dare to touch her, our cooperation ends here. If she is missing a single hair, I will definitely fight you to the death!"

Will carefully used his fingers to move the blade apart. With a bit of caution, he smiled apologetically and said, "I wouldn't dare, wouldn't dare, I definitely wouldn't dare."

F * ck, I've grown hairs on my lower body in these few days without touching a girl. F * cking hell, what does this woman have to do with me?

Will was a good killer and a maniac, and every time he went back to trade with a prostitute, he was so battered that the Chicago whores were so scared by his name that they didn't want to earn any more money from him. After a few steps, Will heard a small voice coming from inside the room, but he, with his sharp ears, was still able to hear the young lady calling him a pervert and a barbarian. That night, he took the right opportunity to break into the Miss's place, raped and killed her bodyguard, and from then on, he fled to Japan, where he met Yizhong.

Kawasaki walked lightly to the water's edge. Looking at the lively Jing Zi in front of him, he slowly brought back his memories of the painful past …

Kawasaki was born into a middle-class family in Nagoya, Japan. His only son, whom his mother had sternly urged him to study since he was a child, had enrolled in the physics department of the University of Tokyo, studying astrophysics. Life was so happy that in the future, he could find a good job, meet a woman who was neither beautiful nor ugly through matchmaking, and marry her and have children with her.

This was where Kawasaki's happiness ended. His father's small company went bankrupt, he borrowed money from the underworld, and one day, after being beaten to death by the debt collectors, he drank a lot of bad wine and was run over by garbage trucks on the street. Kawasaki asked for leave to go home and take care of his mother, but the people who were collecting debts came to visit him every day on time. The mother and her son, who were unable to pay their debts, had to be bullied. Chuanqi had no choice but to sell off all the properties, but he was still far from being able to pay them off. Since he couldn't stay in school any longer, everyone knew that he had a relationship with the underworld. The despairing Kawasaki also wanted to commit suicide, like his mother. One midnight, when he was drunk on the streets of Tokyo and was about to crash into a car, he noticed two burly men not far away were fighting a girl. The girl was dressed very lightly, and her body was riddled with wounds. Seeing that the girl had lost her consciousness from the beating, the two of them did not have any intention of stopping. They were clearly prepared to fight to the death. For some reason, Kawasaki couldn't control his steps as he moved closer. He held the broken glass bottle in his hand and suddenly smeared it on the neck of a big man. The big man looked at him in surprise, and the white shirt in front of his chest was immediately dyed red by the fresh blood that gushed out. The other man panicked and fished out a pistol from his pocket. Kawasaki quickly rushed towards him, and with a "bang," a gunshot rang out, the bullet went through Kawasaki's right abdomen. However, he also threw his opponent to the ground, his hand repeatedly jabbing at the big man's face with glass shards.

When Kawasaki woke up, he found himself lying in a shabby apartment, his wounds already dealt with simply, but the bullets had not yet been taken out. The girl brought him breakfast, oatmeal and bagel, and Kawasaki learned from the girl that the girl's name was Yasukawa, originally the daughter of a gang leader, but that his father had lost his life because of the gang fighting, and that his father had escaped, but that his opponent was preparing to cut the roots and had been searching for her in the vicinity of Tokyo.

After lighting the candle, Jingzi dabbed the dagger with alcohol, waved it towards the candle, simply dispelled the poison, and helped Kawasaki remove the bullet. In his pain, Kawasaki vaguely remembered what happened last night, and thought that perhaps this was fate, since he had not committed suicide and had also killed someone else, he asked to go with Jingzi.

Kawasaki, who had stabilized his group in the middle of the field, gradually began to make a good job of it. He put his mind to the best of his abilities, made great contributions to the organization, was recognized by the field, and finally had a place in the leadership. He even planned an operation to completely eradicate the small gang that had released his father's loan sharks.

However, Kawasaki was not happy in his heart. He spent his days indulging in debauchery, while the women in the field had always had good impressions of him. Kawasaki became more and more dissatisfied with Tanaka's brutal style of doing things, and matched up with her by getting engaged with her.

On a fortuitous occasion, Kawasaki got to know the young scientist, Saito, whose erudition and cleverness had made him feel ashamed of himself, and as the relationship grew closer, Kawasaki slowly discovered that Saito was extremely gifted in science, but was basically an idiot in the world. He could easily tell an outsider what he should not have told others — such as privacy. Whether it was a matter of human and material difficulties, Kawasaki tried to help Sato solve them. Sato trusted him more and more, introducing him to his sister, Photon, who was in his first year at Tokyo University.

And for Will. Liszt, Kawasaki didn't like it. His vulgarity and savagery was extremely annoying to Kawasaki. Kawasaki had drunk too much during one of the drinks, so he had leaked the secret, and Will had been there. Later, unable to bear Will's pestering, Kawasaki told him the secret. He had not expected that this extremely lustful and cruel person would actually have a bit of adventurous spirit, and he showed great enthusiasm for it. When he heard that these creatures were exactly the same as the people on Earth, he was even more excited to give it a try. Perhaps he thought there was no underworld there and that he would be a godfather.

Soon, night fell.

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