Battle Planet/C18 Memory Transplantation
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Battle Planet/C18 Memory Transplantation
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C18 Memory Transplantation

Ji Kang nodded as he listened, thinking, "Chu Feng's father is really too smart." Chu Tianshu then said, "Ji Kang, lie down on the chair."

Ji Kang asked with doubt, "What are you doing?"

Chu Tianshou said, "I will transfer the memories of the Yellow Emperor and his mother to you. You must know that even on the Sky Ball, only those who have graduated from the Sky Space University will receive this honor."

Ji Kang lay doubtfully on the chair, Chu Tianshou continued, "The entire process will only take about an hour." As he spoke, he connected the thread to Ji Kang's skull.

Ji Kang felt as if there was an electric current flowing through his brain, but he didn't feel any pain. Not long later, scenes appeared in front of his eyes like a movie.

He saw a vast expanse of land, green and overgrown with tall trees, and a small river running not far away. The river was so clear that the unnamed fish swam merrily in the water, and a figure was reflected in the water. A woman with long hair and a shawl was carrying a jug of water. She was wearing a bikini, or rather a bikini made of animal skin, and her feet were bare. She bent down to soak up a full can of water, then went back singing a beautiful tune.

Suddenly, a glowing round object flew over from the sky. The woman panicked and started running, the flying object got closer and closer, the air below seemed to be stirred up by the flow of air, the woman accidentally tripped over, fell to the ground, the water jar fell to the ground and shattered, clear water flow all over the ground.

Then there was a blank space, and a moment later the scene began to play again. The woman saw several green-skinned monsters staring at her with their small eyes, and one of the green-skinned monsters stroked her slightly bulging belly with a hairy hand. Then there was an uncomfortable jolt, and when everything was quiet, the monsters lifted her out of the vehicle. As soon as she arrived outside, the woman widened her eyes in shock. What a beautiful planet! There were colorful plants everywhere, green trees, red trees, and yellow ones. The grass on the ground was also colourful, like a huge carpet, and not far away, the beautiful grotesquely shaped bird gave out strange cries, the silly little animal she had never seen on Earth, not far from here, outside a circular building, where the women were put down, and where every day the chattering guys who said "It's West Mark Abik, Gurney Murk Love Luke" took good care of her, even when she wanted to go outside and breathe in the fresh air and take a look at the beautiful scene, she couldn't help but they even walk with the women.

In the blink of an eye, autumn and winter came, and the weather grew colder and colder. The house was warm from something unknown, and it could be said that naked women no longer dared to go out, and the green-skinned fellows also had clothes on, and their clothes were all large underpants, and they brought new bikinis made of this cloth for the women to wash and change. Outside, they wore white cloaks to protect themselves from the cold. The woman was about to give birth, and under the watchful gaze of a group of green-skinned monsters, after a burst of heart-wrenching pain, a brand-new Earth life was born. The woman hugged her son in her embrace, and as she looked at that adorable little face, she kissed him on his forehead.

From time to time, the aliens would take the mother and son into a small room, using various instruments to check their bodies and the large machine that could steal people's consciousness. One of the instruments could clearly see their internal organs through the observation mirror.

In addition, they were friendly, and one of them even made a grotesque toy for the child to play with. Thus, under the careful care of his mother and a group of strange uncles, the child was growing up healthy and happy.

From time to time, the mother would tell the child something about our captivity and our absence from home. The child was very smart, as if he would never forget anything that he had seen or heard. The strange uncles seemed to make a decision, and then the children were educated as if they were going to school. Through these aliens, he learned a lot about the mysteries of the universe and the principles of space.

One day, when the child was wearing underpants and throwing rocks on the ground, he saw the sky suddenly turn black, and then the aliens all became extremely nervous. A day later, they saw a red-haired, ugly man with long, disgusting hair, long, disgusting teeth, and a pair of yellow underpants chasing after an Abbeke. The green-skinned man was probably injured, but in a moment he was overtaken, and the red man's nails, like steel, shone with a black light, and as soon as they tore at the Abbey's chest, the green skin cracked open, oozing a pale green liquid, and the horrible red-skinned man tore a heart-shaped organ from his mouth and began to chew.

When they reached the house, each of them had a gun that could fire a beam. When the red-skinned man caught up with them, numerous beams of light hit him, but he still walked on unscathed until they were close enough to fall down, bleeding red blood. The few people from the Abbey discussed for a while. After they nervously prepared enough food and water, they left on one of the largest aircrafts, passing through the wormhole to arrive at a desolate planet. The temperature difference between day and night on this planet wasn't that big, but the surface of the planet was completely stone. During the day, the mother and son duo were so hot that they could not stay inside the tent for even a moment longer. At night, they once again curled up within the tent and refused to come out. Everyone was dispirited. Slowly, the food and water dwindled. After a few days of caring for the two of them, when the mother and son became ill from the ion collider, the two of them discussed how they were going to kill the two of them and the children heard their words. The children and the mother were fully prepared to use their tactics to kill all of the people on the planet and to take everything from them.

There was another burst, and then the scene was back. The mother and son came to earth in a spaceship, and they landed on a prairie. It was summer, and as the boy stepped out of the spaceship, he saw the golden lights squinting his eyes, and when he turned to look in the direction of the backlight, he saw a small black bug flying towards him. The boy grabbed the bug and sniffed it, and a special stench caused the boy to throw it far away. It was a bug, the first small life the boy had encountered since returning to Earth.

The mother and son, finding that there were mountains blocking their way to the south, and a flat road to the north, boarded their flying machine and flew north. They were delighted to see the herd of animals below them. Arriving at a three-sided ringed mountain, near a green grassland in the middle of the basin, the mother and son decided to use this place as their first home to go back to Earth.

There were a lot of wild animals in the pasture, wolves and the like, but the boy was more concerned about the running animals he had seen earlier, so he walked out of the basin and beat a few cows and sheep to come back.

After cooking, the mother and son ate heartily as if they hadn't eaten meat in a long time, so that the boy would go out every day with at least one sheep, and not long after, the boy saw some people with strange haircuts at the mouth of the valley, talking in a language he didn't understand, shooting weapons at them made of metal, but they were all nimbly evaded by the boy. When they caught up with him, the boy turned around and ran back home with the weapons left behind by the Abik. So the boy took off their clothes and went home to talk to his mother about traveling around. The mother agreed, and the two of them changed into their clothes, took their weapons, hid the ship, and headed north through the pass.

After passing through an endless desert, the mother and son gave up hope that there would be no one in the north. They turned around and walked towards the south.

Slowly, they came upon people who looked exactly like themselves, and they rode fast animals. After a long period of immersion, they gradually learned some of the language of the earth, and, as they headed south, the weather grew warmer, and they came across many large tents, from which, from time to time, some people came, and the boy took a great interest in what they called girls, and once a hospitable family invited them to their house because he had killed a wolf and brought them cream wine and tea, and delicious lamb legs, and the boy enjoyed the Mongolian girl's beautiful dance, nibbling on the delicious lamb leg.

They went south again, but this time the mother and son rode on horses given to them by the Mongols, and as they sailed through a river called the Yellow River, it suddenly became lively. Because there were more and more people, the Mongols gave them a lot of gold and silver, and they also learned a language called Chinese. His mother claimed to be Mrs Liu. Their clothes had changed completely into the Chinese style.

However, after seeing this unfair situation, Yanggang was disappointed. For example, some people did not work, but instead enjoyed the fruits of others' labor, and even ordered others to be ordered around, and even killed those who exploited them. Those servants would easily hit and kick those who defied the rules, and Yanggang would always try to come forward and fight them, but sometimes he would succeed, but sometimes he would be stopped by his mother, because there were too many people on the other side.

They continued to head south, continuously heading south. After crossing a large river, they arrived at a place called Lin An. Yanggang decided to stop there.

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