Battle Planet/C8 Straight as a Wandering Dragon
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Battle Planet/C8 Straight as a Wandering Dragon
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C8 Straight as a Wandering Dragon

"Photon, it's you." said another voice, equally melodious.

Then a man's voice said, "You guys came first, first come first serve. Let's go to the other room."

Just as the two of them were about to turn around and leave, they suddenly heard a "Clang Dang" sound. The four of them then simultaneously opened their mouths. "Who is it?"

It turned out that one of Ji Kang's shoes had fallen to the ground. The items in his hand were quite numerous, and with the added nervousness, it was accidentally exposed.

Ji Kang flashed his flashlight, and the five pairs of eyes immediately locked onto each other. On the other side, two people were leaning against the wall. The boy was bare-chested and showed off his muscular body, which made Ji Kang remember that he had seen him twice. The last time they fought at the bathing center, today, they were at the basketball court, so the conspicuous yellow mask definitely belonged to him. The girl beside him was only wearing a three-point dress, even her shoes were off, and her two slender and graceful legs seemed to be breathing in the fresh air. Looking at her face, she was even more beautiful than the pink sweater woman she had seen earlier, except that there was a seductive smell coming from her body, which was clearly different from the elegant and fresh temperament of the red sweater woman. There were two people near the middle bookshelf. The man was small, not even 1.7 meters tall, and as the saying went, 1.7 meters was a dividing line for men, less than 1.7 meters. One could tell that this short man was wearing a blue sweater and was staring unblinkingly at Ji Kang. The girl he was facing wasn't tall, not even 1.6 meters, but by classical aesthetic standards, she was even more beautiful than the girl named Nana. These four people's clothes were disheveled. They stared blankly at Ji Kang, who was holding a flashlight in one hand and a leather shoe in the other.

After a moment of silence, the small person closest to him mumbled, "Old... Teacher, you … You're not from the Moral Education Bureau, are you? "

Ji Kang paused for a second, then waved his hand while holding his shoes. He replied, "No."

"Then... Then please don't tell the teachers of the Moral Education Bureau, okay? We won't dare to do it again. "

At this time, the yellow-faced young man suddenly said: "It's you! I saw you when I was out with Big Li and the others. Are you a new teacher? "

"Yes." Ji Kang replied weakly.

"Please." The four of them gave a deep bow to Ji Kang, then quickly put on their clothes and ran out. Nana was in a rather sorry state. She put on her shoes and socks, then put on her bell-bottomed pants, and in the end, she was the last one to run out. From Ji Kang's point of view, his appearance wasn't comical, but cute.

Un, the girls here are so beautiful. If I didn't come from another time and place, I might really be stuck here.

Thinking of the yellow-faced man from before, Ji Kang couldn't help but break out in a cold sweat. It can't be, he had just done such an intense exercise on the sports field, and now he's doing this again. He probably hasn't even taken a bath yet, but the beauty called Nana actually doesn't mind.

Ji Kang hurriedly left the library and ran towards the small building in the security post.

When Ji Kang returned to the front of the house, he grabbed a bowl of lunch. He paid attention to the hot water in the room and quickly ran back to his room.

The night here wasn't as cold as the night outside. Ji Kang thought that maybe there was a temperature regulator or something inside that could control the temperature.

After the meal, Ji Kang went to get some hot water. After pouring the water, he walked into his bedroom and sat on his bed. He found a large 19-inch TV on the side of the bed and pushed the switch.

A picture of a middle-aged man appeared on the television as he said, "If our decision to invest in outer space is not approved by the Assembly of 5,000, the Joint Chiefs of Justice will not be discouraged. We will continue our persuasion work in the next season. In any case, it is to be hoped that the people will understand that what we are doing is in line with the principle set forth in article 1 of the Constitution, namely, that the right of any person to freedom is sacred and inviolable, regardless of its scope, but does not affect the freedom of others. "

The television went on to the next scene, and the female broadcaster's voice said, "Recently, some university students in Zhongjing organized a small scale demonstration. They shouted out the slogan 'Young people also want sex, the moral education department of the school, f * * k off' and vented their dissatisfaction. It is estimated that 80 to 90% of the high school representatives in the capital participated in the demonstration. As the students did not act too aggressively, the local police were advised not to interfere. "

This was supposed to be a news station. After more than half an hour of watching and listening, Ji Kang understood that the highest authority here was the local elections for the assembly of 5,000 people, the legislation and the appointment and removal of the principal officials would be held during the session, the specific executive body for the authority would be a joint meeting of the judges, composed of seven justices, who could only be elected by the assembly of 5,000 people, and could only be created from two occupations: lawyers and public servants. In recent generations, the Lord Chancellor has served as a well-known lawyer or district chief. The Chief Justice was the most popular man on the planet. There was no army in the Sphere, only the police, and the Chief Justice not only had supreme powers of adjudication, but he also supervised the local administration and was the supreme head of all the police. The office of the Joint Chiefs of Justice is the equivalent of our State Department, Supreme Court and Public Prosecutor's Office in one. He also learned that the Chief Justice's name was Chen Tianqiang, and that Yukon, Cao Bangchuan, and Paddy Field had been informed on the news by several other justices. Ji Kang firmly memorized these names, but he felt that the name 'rice field Ben Liang' was a bit strange.

Ji Kang suddenly felt like crying. Ever since he came to this planet, he first stayed in the space center for a short while before falling into Huang Fan's hands. Through observation, Ji Kang found out that there were TV sets, phones, and other communication tools here, but this uncle actually didn't have anything and couldn't ask him. It wasn't easy to get here, and Ji Kang felt that he had taken a big step towards becoming completely accustomed to the life in the Heavenly Sphere.

Ji Kang found a hard card paper on the bedside table with the numbers of the school branches on it. In the small space between the desk and the bed, there was a line hanging from the wall like a small turtle hanging on the wall. Ji Kang didn't realize this until now.

After the news was broadcasted on the television, Ji Kang found that the advertising here was very well done. There seemed to be no tobacco advertising here, Ji Kang found that there is a campaign to promote a beautiful girl's cigarettes.

Ji Kang picked up the remote control and randomly pressed a button on a channel. The scene that appeared before his eyes immediately made his face flush red.

In the upper left corner of the screen, there was a circular mark, followed by four symbols — XXOO. In the video, a woman was squatting in the middle of a man. The man was sitting on the sofa, while the woman's mouth was moving nonstop.

Ji Kang had seen quite a few Japanese movies back at school, but he didn't expect there to be something like this on TV. Adding to the excitement earlier today, he felt as if some part of his body was about to collapse.

Thus, he started to move erratically.

There was a public bathroom at the corner of the first floor. After Ji Kang cleaned up, he took a hot bath and went back to his bed. There was a dryer in the drawer. After drying his hair, Ji Kangmei fell into a deep sleep.

Early the next morning, Ji Kang got up to get ready. Just like yesterday, he seriously commanded the robots to clean every area. At dawn, Ji Kang came to a park near what seemed to be the teachers' residential area.

He suddenly heard the sound of "shua shua shua".

Ji Kang turned around a tall bush and found a lady in front of him. She was practicing swordplay. The reason he called her a lady was because of her temperament. Her appearance was beautiful, with white teeth and bright eyes. She was as beautiful as the girls from yesterday. However, her figure was relatively plump. Her mature and mature temperament was completely different from the lively and flirty girl she met yesterday.

Ye Ci could see the sword dancing close to her body. She could vaguely see layers and layers of sword shadows beside her. Her sword dance was so fast that Ji Kang couldn't see the hilt. Her movement technique was also superb, making people want to clap and cheer for her. Ji Kang looked at her with rapt attention as he thought to himself, "There is only one way to describe her and her sword, and that is to be as agile as a dragon."

Ji Kang also practiced a bit of swordsmanship in school, but compared to this lady in front of him, it was nothing." Ji Kang thought as he watched. Her swordsmanship seemed to be a mixture of the quintessence of the ancient Chinese swordplay, the Western Attack Sword Technique and the Japanese Sword Truth. It had a very high practical value …

Suddenly, the lady turned the tip of her sword and pierced towards Ji Kang's throat. Ji Kang jumped in fright. He thought, "I definitely can't hide anymore. Am I going to die here just like this …?"

The sword stopped about a third of a centimeter away from his throat. The sword's body was still trembling, emitting a buzzing sound. Ji Kang was already sweating profusely by this point.

He was finally able to clearly see that the sword hilt was white. This sword was snow-white all over, and extremely beautiful. It was just that he did not know what material it was made of.

The sword finally stopped shaking. Ji Kang realized that ever since the sword stopped at his throat, her wrist hadn't moved the slightest bit. The sword was like an extension of her body, perfectly coordinated and natural.

"Hello," the lady said first, "Your name is Hua Jian, right? My name is Chen Jiangxue. You can call me Teacher Chen. "

Ji Kang was stunned, he thought to himself, how did she know my name? He heard Teacher Chen saying, "Officer Chu has already faxed the news about all the departments, although I do not know what you look like, but seeing you here early in the morning with a remote control, I know you are not far from it. "Don't treat us teachers the same way those silly students do, especially those girls with big chests and no brains. They definitely won't be able to guess who you are …"

When Ji Kang heard the words "big chest without brains", he couldn't help but glance at Teacher Chen's chest. Wow, her chest wasn't as ample as her body. The concept of airport appeared in Ji Kang's mind. Hmm, could it be that there was jealousy in her words?

"Hey," she said, apparently seeing Ji Kang's confusion and raising her voice to remind him.

"Ah," Ji Kang replied.

"It's about time the school's seven restaurants started serving breakfast. How about having breakfast with me? "

Seeing Ji Kang hesitating, Teacher Chen said, "Relax, I'm treating you to a meal."

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