Be the Best in the World/C1 Six mystical heavenly book
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Be the Best in the World/C1 Six mystical heavenly book
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C1 Six mystical heavenly book

Yunyang City, Sima Family!

A white-robed youth stared coldly at the courtyard. He was only seven years old, but despite the hellish scene in front of him, there wasn't a single ripple in his heart. Only his eyes remained as cold as ever.

"Kill! Kill all the Sima family members for me!"

Following the order, a thick stench of blood spread throughout the inner courtyard. Dozens of people from the Sima family had died on the spot.

The Sima Clan's Patriarch, Sima Yi, seized the opportunity to rush to the front of the youth after he had swung his sword to repel the Heaven and Earth Fiends. Just as he was about to carry the youth and flee, the Heaven and Earth Fiends that had just been repelled followed closely behind him.

"Pu ci …"

Following which, the sharp swords of the Heaven and Earth Tri-baleful Blade directly pierced through Sima Yi's body, and fresh blood dripped down along the sword blade that was filled with cold light.

"Feng'er …" "Let's go …"

The youth looked at Sima Yi in front of him, and the rage and resentment in his heart immediately soared to the peak of the Ninth Heaven.

Rumble rumble rumble!

Suddenly, an arm-thick bolt of lightning streaked across the sky. Then, two, three...

In the blink of an eye, a densely packed sea of lightning appeared in the sky.

As the Heaven and Earth Fury Fire saw that Sima Yi was already dead, it drew out its Serpentine Sword. At the same time, the blood within Sima Yi's body gushed out like a torrential flood, splashing onto the youth's face.

"Eh? This young man's talent is really high? "

When the Qi Sha looked at the youth, it was immediately apparent that the youth's talent was extremely high. Perhaps in just a few years, he would become the ghost of the youth's subordinate.

As he thought of this, he saw the cold eyes of the young man, completely fearless of the current situation. This made Qian Sha shudder in fear, as he knew that he had to eliminate the root of the problem.

Just as Qian Sha was about to attack, he was stopped by Kun Sha.

"This child's nature is very thin. Even when he grows up, he might not necessarily help his family take revenge. Moreover, how can we understand the hatred we have for the Sima family by simply killing them all?"

Kun Sha's tone was full of playfulness, and Qian Sha instantly understood what he meant.

"Since this child's talent is extremely high, let's destroy his talent. It must be very interesting to see him crawling around in the mortal world step by step and watching his nemesis get close and helpless …"

This was very cruel, but the Heaven and Earth Fiends liked it. After all, they had done this sort of thing quite a few times in the past.

Following that, the youth cried out in pain. His meridians and dantian were both shattered by the Heaven and Earth Sword.

The youth lying in the pool of blood watched the back of his enemy as he left. His eyes were filled with obsession, but in the end, because his dantian had been shattered, his seven meridians and eight meridians were feared to be severed, causing him to lose consciousness from the pain.


"Stinking brat, you're f * cking lazy again, hurry up and feed me a horse!"

This was the horse farm of the Under Heaven City, and the person who beat up Fu Lingfeng was the helper of this stable.

The pain from over ten years ago had caused Fu Lingfeng to be tormented. After his injuries were healed, he could only come here to work for a living. However, his body was like a cripple, unable to resist anyone at all.

"F * ck, you actually dare to glare at me, pa pa pa!"

The stable boy looked at Fu Lingfeng who was glaring at him. He took out his horsewhip and struck Fu Lingfeng violently. The blood-red mark of the whip also appeared on his body along with the whip.

"Bro, I think you must be tired of living like this every day. How about this, I'll give you a knife to kill yourself."

At this time, another assistant in the stable saw the suffering Fu Lingfeng crawling towards the stable. He stepped in front of the stall, pulled out a dagger from his waist, and threw it in front of him, saying with a face full of ridicule:

"Brother Li, you forgot, he's a cripple. Even if you give him a knife, he probably won't have the ability to commit suicide, right? Hahaha …"

bullied, humiliated, scolded...

Fu Lingfeng looked at the daggers thrown in front of him, and the helpers laughing together. In his heart, other than anger, there was nothing he could do to them.

However, over the past few years, his character had become as hard as ice and filled with hatred towards anyone. Therefore, whoever hit him would use their ice-cold eyes to stare at that person, and then remember their appearances, and wait for the day when he would stand up strong, and then kill all of them!

At the same time, along with Fu Lingfeng, during these dozen years, there was another mysterious phenomenon, which was that every time he was bullied, a scene would always flash before his eyes. This time was no exception, but it was also the same as the past times.

The scorching sun that was high up in the sky suddenly came across a bunch of dark clouds, directly blocking out the scorching sun. In the blink of an eye, the night turned dark, and the dark clouds that covered the sky cleverly appeared the mysterious phenomenon that Fu Lingfeng saw.

From the clouds in the sky, two figures appeared. One of them was wielding a large blade, and the other one was wielding a sword in one hand, appearing very ethereal, as if he was an immortal from the heavens.

"Could it be that the Six Profound Heaven Book that was passed down for a thousand years is about to be born?"

When Fu Lingfeng heard the words "Six Profound Heaven Manual", he instantly frowned.

According to the legends of ancient times, not only did the Six Profound Heaven Manual record divine techniques, it also recorded a divine medicine that had the effect of reviving the dead. If one could obtain this heavenly book, then they must kill all these people in front of them, and kill them all …

At the same time, in another part of the city, the Hegemony Palace …

"City lord of the world, your strength is extraordinary. You have unified the world and spread it for tens of thousands of years!"

Qiu Tianxiong sat on the throne as the overlord of the high platform, listening to the tens of thousands of sect disciples below shout in unison. His expression and eyes were incomparably cold and his body was even emitting cold rays of light.

Even though he was now the City Lord of the Under Heaven City and had already become the overlord of the Mysterious Sky World, the strange phenomenon in the sky and the Six Profound Heaven Book that had been passed down since the Primordial Era made him feel completely uneasy.

"God of Clothes, do you think this old man will still be able to reign supreme after the descent of the Six Profound Heaven Book?"

Although the cloth-clothed god could calculate, but there was a way to accompany a tiger, he had no choice but to bow and fan Qiu Tianxiong.

"Xingfeng Yun, eternal hegemony …" The birth of the City Lord's Six Profound Heaven Manual should be the first to congratulate you. "

"What do you mean?"

"City Lord, look at the clouds in the sky, it seems like there are two human figures, one is a blade and the other is a sword." City Lord, look at the clouds in the sky, it seems like there are two human figures, one is a blade and one is a sword.

As soon as the cloth-clothed god finished speaking, before Qiu Tianxiong could think anymore, a ray of light quickly descended from the sky and attracted everyone's attention. And the place he landed on was precisely the horse farm in the world city …

The grass was shady, and the birds were singing and the flowers were fragrant. This was the horse farm of the Under Heaven City, but because of its arrival, everything had changed.

With a rumble, the silver light, which was hard to see with the naked eye, landed on the stable in the city.

This was a gigantic beast called the Jade Qilin Ice Dragon Beast. Other than having a similar appearance to the dragon, there were sharp thorns on its spine. The moment it fell on the horse farm, the temperature of the surrounding dozens of miles plummeted. It was as if winter had come.


At this moment, it released deafening howls, intimidating everyone in the area. It was as if it was hinting to everyone here that it was going to become the overlord of this place from now on.

When the hundreds of horses in the stable heard its howls, they panicked and scurried away, but in the next moment, they were swallowed into its stomach at a speed that was difficult to see with the naked eye. At the same time, it also shocked Fu Lingfeng who was at the side. As for the helpers, they were so scared that their legs were trembling. They didn't even have the strength to run anymore.

After devouring hundreds of horses, the Jade Qilin Ice Dragon Beast realized that there were still living creatures around him, so it looked towards Fu Lingfeng and the few helpers at the stable and moved towards them …

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