Beast Cop In Romantic City/C1 Maker
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Beast Cop In Romantic City/C1 Maker
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C1 Maker

"One sheep, two sheep — — 381 sheep" Lee Chui lied on the bed with his eyes closed tightly as he thought in his heart.

"Shh!" Finally, with a sigh, he gave up his useless method of counting sheep and opened his eyes, which were dry and dry from nervousness. "Is this another sleepless night?

He turned on the bedside lamp, and the incandescent light made it harder to open his dry eyes. It was still very cold in March, so he put on a coat and sat at the bedside table. He took out the "Encyclopedia of Civil Servants Interview 108,632 questions" and started flipping through it.

The civil service interview will begin tomorrow.

His anxiety made it difficult for him to continue reading seriously. Each word was as dense as a tadpole, making him even more frustrated after reading for a long time.

Then the cell phone beside the table rang, loud and noisy, like a broken gong.

Lee Chui picked it up and took a look, and frowned.

"Turkey!" How many times have I told you? Who calls me at ten in the evening? I'll kill him tomorrow! Do you really have to challenge my patience? "

A weak voice came from the other end of the phone, "Boss, I — I didn't mean for Skinhead Gang to come and snatch territory. Brother Turkey was hacked and injured, so I had no choice but to call you — if you don't come with Shenshui Street, our territory will be gone."

Lee Chui cursed as his eyes turned red. The blood vessels on the back of his hand were about to burst, "I got it!" He hung up the phone.

Three years after Lee Chui graduated from college, he had a lofty and admirable goal of becoming a police officer comparable to 007 and Schwarzenegger.

However, since he had only graduated from a third-rate university, the only way out was to pass the social registration for the police. In three years' time, he had passed the written test three times, yet he was blocked from the interview three times.

The reason was that he had a mild depression! There was also an apparent machismo that made it difficult for him to concentrate on answering the interviewer's questions during the interview.

Male chauvinism had a strong desire to express itself, which perfectly concealed his slight depression, so he could be said to be a contradiction in terms. However, outsiders could not tell, at most, that he was a bit frivolous.

He had been doing a lot of work in the past three years, being a salesman, salesperson, selling insurance, and even delivering takeout, but he had not been doing anything for long. It wasn't because he was afraid of suffering, but because he didn't like being hired.

In the end, he resolutely made a decision. He continued to lead a group of bros from his university days to fool around. In the deep sea, this first-rate city, he became a hooligan and formed a society called "Hammer Gang".

If he had been a gangster, he could have become a big shot, but he also wanted the quiet and exciting life of the police, which made him feel a little disgusted with gangsters, but he was unwilling to leave his brothers behind, so he treated gangsters' work with extreme disregard.

From the beginning till now, Hammer Gang's only territory was the old street, Shenshui Street.

Shenshui Street was located in the center of the city. This used to be England's rent area, and many buildings here still retained the northern European style of architecture. However, due to the old buildings and the development of the new district, most of the people living here used to be the old people of Deep Sea.

The Shenshui Street was about the same as a normal pedestrian street. There were shops on both sides of the street, restaurants, bars, singing halls, clothing stores and even a small market.

Tonight, before eleven o'clock, the alley behind the Shenshui Street was a field of tranquility. Tonight, the Skinhead Gang of the foreign forces will discuss the numbers with the Hammer Gang of the forces on the street.

Countdown is what negotiation means.

The Hammer Gang had already been in the Shenshui Street for more than two years, so the eldest, Lee Chui, had frequently frequented every shop in the past.

After observing for two months, and repeatedly provoking others, he found out that his boss Hammer Gang didn't dare to show his face. He was very excited, and thought that this was a third-rate hoodlum who was preparing to take down this street.

In the middle of the street, two groups of people stood opposite each other. Among them, a group of people were all bald, and could tell at a glance that this was Skinhead Gang. On the other side stood more than twenty young men, their faces still young from just entering society for the first time.

The leader was wearing a black leather jacket and his hair was dyed red. He was holding two watermelon knives in his hands.

Opposite him was a bald man in his thirties, followed by more than thirty people. Behind him were three minivans, which shone with a dazzling light through the cracks.

The red-haired young man squinted his eyes, afraid that he would be outdone by Skinhead Gang boss opposite him. He puffed up his chest and pretended to be arrogant, "Zhang Tian, when did you get yourself a crappy van? Can you lend it to us?"

"Turkey, cut the crap. Is your boss coming or not?"

The red hair's expression hardened: "Brother Chui is someone who does important things, do you still need him to deal with a small fry like you?"

"Hmph, you mean to say that you have the final say here?" Skinhead Gang's Zhang Tian shook his hands, his joints producing cracking sounds, the momentum was terrifying.

"Of course, no matter what, my Dual Bladed Turkey has the Hammer Gang, Second. If you have the guts, then fart."

Yesterday, my little brother came to Shenshui Street bar to have fun. It was you who hit him, right? How are we going to settle this debt? "

Turkey gave a disdainful laugh, "Baldie, your brain is filled with water. Your little brother came to the bar? If you want to find it, go to Hong Gui Fang. The bars on our Shenshui Street are all very formal, no! He was the one who started the fight. I was just trying to stop him from doing that. "

"Hmph, what do you mean by that? Am I supposed to get beaten up for nothing? "I'm telling you, turkey, pay thirty or fifty thousand dollars and set up a dozen or so tables at the Peony Hotel. I'll pretend nothing happened, otherwise I won't stand on ceremony."

"Thirty to fifty thousand?" "Fuck you, give it to me!" The turkey took a step forward, the watermelon knife glinting in its hand. The people behind him also took a step forward, and one after another, they revealed their weapons.

The people from the Skinhead Gang were even more fearless, and relying on their numbers, they began to push and push against the people from the Hammer Gang.

Zhang Tian laughed sinisterly: "Do you mean there's nothing else we can talk about? Brothers, attack! " He rushed up first, his crab-like arms locked around the turkey's arms, making it impossible for him to wield his knives. Plus, he was tall and fat, so the turkey fell to the ground as if it were a little chick.

Hammer Gang saw that their side had been completely wiped out, and all of them rushed forward to attack. At this time, someone suddenly called out: "Boss is here."

Zhang Tian, who was sitting on the back of the turkey, was slightly surprised. Turning around, he saw a fully powered electric car roaring over from behind.

The speed of electric vehicles was not to be underestimated. They could reach a maximum of forty kilometers per hour. For normal people, walking was much faster.

There was a man sitting in the car, his long hair blowing in his head, revealing a nearly twisted face with dark circles under his eyes, red eyes, a high nose bridge, bulging nostrils, a mouth covered with fine stubble, and pursed lips.

"It's boss!" "The boss is here!"

Someone from the Hammer Gang recognized Hammer Gang boss Lee Chui, and his imposing manner was greatly encouraged.

The speed of the electric car did not decrease at all as it passed through the narrow gap between the minivans. After continuously overturning a few Skinhead Gang members, the car crashed onto Zhang Tian who had not reacted in time.

At a speed of 40 kilometers, the electric car had a great momentum. In a flash, Zhang Tian's body weighed more than 180 pounds and the electric car was tilted to the side. The front bumper of the car was deformed and the wheels were still spinning.

Lee Chui jumped down from the car, while the surrounding people were still in panic, he sprinted forward like a bolt of lightning and arrived in front of Zhang Tian. Lee Chui jumped off the car, while the surrounding people were still in panic, he sprinted forward like a bolt of lightning and arrived in front of Zhang Tian.

Only then did the people in Skinhead Gang realize what had happened. Seeing their big brother getting beaten up, dozens of their subordinates revealed the watermelon knives, iron chains, and steel rods in their hands one by one, wanting to fight Wu Tie to the death.

Lee Chui raised his foot and aimed at Zhang Tian's crotch.

"Aoouuu ~ ~ ~"

Zhang Tian shouted like a pig that was being butchered. His face was the color of a pig's liver, his eyes were bulging, and saliva was flowing from the corner of his mouth. His entire body was trembling.

"Don't move!"

Lee Chui took out a handful of Butterfly Knife s from the back of his waist, and quickly and skillfully made a few beautiful knife strokes. He stabbed Zhang Tian in the thigh, fresh blood spurting out from the gaps between the blades.

Zhang Tian cried out again. A strong pain was transmitted to his cerebral cortex. Looking at the blood spurting out from his leg, he was scared and frightened.

"Hammer — Brother, what do you want?" Zhang Tian's heart trembled as he was intimidated by Lee Chui's harsh tactics.

He shook his head and said: "Zhang Tian, my Hammer Gang does not usually allow people to argue with me, but if you push me too far, we are not easy to bully. Remember, rabbits will bite if they are anxious."

"Yes, yes — —" Zhang Tian's forehead was covered in cold sweat as he nodded his head repeatedly.

"Take thirty or fifty thousand tomorrow, and leave it to the turkey at the bar, will you?" Lee Chui pushed it back with all his might.

Zhang Tian's intestines turned green with regret as he cursed in his heart: "Who the hell told me that Hammer Gang is easy to bully — —"

Lee Chui chuckled and moved closer to Zhang Tian. A pair of bloodshot eyes stared at him. Adding on the dark circles around his eyes, Zhang Tian was so scared that he didn't dare to look him in the eye.

"Don't play tricks, understand?"


Lee Chui retracted his blade, pushed the nearly destroyed electric car forward, and left with the members of Hammer Gang.

The two Skinhead Gang brothers hurriedly held Zhang Tian up: "Boss, what do we do?"

"What else can we do? To the hospital! Don't tell your sister-in-law about this — it almost made her a widow. "

Shenshui Street, Charm Bar. The light was dim, and the cello was playing in a low, drawling voice that sounded petty.

Hammer Gang had just won a battle, and supported Lee Chui to come here and order wine.

Lee Chui sat in the middle of the room and looked at the turkey. He said sincerely: "Turkey, you're not young anymore. You can't use such dirty tricks to trick me out every time. Didn't I already say that? No one should disturb me after ten o'clock at night. "

Turkey drank a mouthful of beer disdainfully, "Do you think you're the boss of Hammer Gang?! He had to spend all day in his room reading. Was he really going to become a police officer? Big brother, please, you are a member of the underworld. "

"Brother Chui, I'm sorry, it was my idea. It's not about Brother Turkey." A little fatty with a green tassel was carrying a beer and had an apologetic look on his face.

Lee Chui shook his head and sighed. He thought to himself, "Forget it, I can't sleep at night anyways. Drinking some wine might help me sleep. Aiyaya … I feel a little hungry." Only then did he remember that he had not eaten dinner.

"Saobao Jian, go and buy two servings of Egg Fried Rice, thirty kebabs. I'll charge it to you, so forget about it." I haven't eaten dinner yet. "

Saobao Jian's face twitched and he left unhappily.

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