Beast Cop In Romantic City/C11 Ecstatic Ecstasy
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Beast Cop In Romantic City/C11 Ecstatic Ecstasy
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C11 Ecstatic Ecstasy

Lee Chui and Chen Qian returned to her mental health clinic and poured two cups of coffee. They sat in the office and worked out a detailed plan. Lee Chui couldn't bear to have this plan, but it was still worth it for Chen Qian and the remaining three hundred yuan.

After the plan was set, Chen Qian gave Lee Chui a psychological test and found that the results were not bad. His condition had improved a bit, but he was not to be proud.

It could be seen that Lee Chui was in quite a good mood today.

The plan was already made, but three days had passed in a row and Peter Huo was nowhere to be seen. He didn't even make a phone call.

Lee Chui also went back to his old life, sleeping during the day and hanging out with a bunch of brothers at night.

On the fourth day, Lee Chui felt like he had just fallen asleep when his phone rang.

"In the bustling towns, in the quiet valleys, the silhouettes of the people's police, accompanied by the sunset of the moon —"

Lee Chui resisted the urge to throw his phone into the toilet. He rubbed his eyes and blurrily found an unfamiliar number on it. However, the caller ID showed that it was a phone call or an area code from the depths of the ocean.

"Hey —" Lee Chui's voice was lazy.

"Hello, are you Lee Chui?"

It was a woman, with a voice like that of a broadcaster's, gentle, delicate, and pleasant.

"Yeah, who are you?" Lee Chui was a bit careful, among all the people he knew, other than Chen Qian, they were all men. Ever since he broke up with his old girlfriend, he rarely came in contact with women.

"I am the Deep Sea City Personnel Test Center. I contributed you. Your interview result is out, 88. 8 points, combined with your written test score 126 points, after the final score of 107. "4 points, passed the exam!"

"Wait a moment." Lee Chui pinched his thigh and felt a lot of pain. He wasn't dreaming. He said, "Hello, hello. You just said that I passed the exam?"

"That's right, the interview result will be announced today, and you can log in to the people of Deep Sea Exam Center's information network to check. With your score of the first round, you have passed this civil servant exam, and more specifically, please check the online publication of the information. Also, please confirm your personal information, that the Shidai New City area's Room B, Room 402, is your address, right?"

"Yes, mine." Lee Chui was stunned, he felt that this was not true. He almost gave up on that interview, he didn't think that he would pass with such a high score. Did that old thing not try to interfere or was laozi's performance too perfect? Or did he find out that a police officer shouldn't go to a bar to find his first love, or was he afraid that I would expose him? Yes, that must be it.

"Alright, Mr. Lee Chui. Please pay attention to the personnel test information website. If there are any changes, I will notify you. In addition, a written notification will be sent to your address within three working days. Please check. Goodbye."

The person on the other end of the phone had already hung up, but Lee Chui was still in a daze: "Is this for real? Heavens, you are fair. I, Lee Chui, have been successful for three years. "Lee Chui, you really are the best."

Lee Chui jumped off the bed and danced for a while before stabilizing himself. He turned on the 17 inch flat computer that he bought in the dorm when he was still in school. It's been six or seven years, 256 memory, and 20 hard drive. It's hard to find the ones with a low mix in the junk market.

Lee Chui felt his blood pressure rising, his hands were trembling as he moved his mouse, logged into people of Deep Sea website, entered his number to apply for the exam, and so on. He opened the page, and in the Deep Sea Police Department's recruitment section, he saw his name for the first time.

The first position in the General Management Office, Lee Chui!

"Ah!" I did it. " Lee Chui was so emotional that tears started to roll down his cheeks. For someone who had been striving for three years in a row, there was no one who yearned for success more than them. They treasured even more the hard-earned results.

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