Beast Cop In Romantic City/C12 Occultation
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Beast Cop In Romantic City/C12 Occultation
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C12 Occultation

At the police station in East District, police officer Bian Guoren brewed a cup of steaming hot tea and browsed the internal police information website on his computer.

"Oh? The civil servant interview results have been released? " He quickly moved the mouse over and opened it. He could not help but get angry.

"Impossible, impossible, it's impossible! He can't have succeeded, and he's still first place! There's no justice in this world!" Bian Guoren felt infuriated and incredulous when he saw Lee Chui's name on it. He took a gulp of hot tea out of anger and almost burned his tongue off.

He quickly put the cup on the table and rubbed his eyes to take a closer look. It was still true, Lee Chui was the number one in the general management position! If you pass the physical fitness test, you will be assigned to the East District.

"How can such a scum enter the police force? Impossible, this is impossible." Bian Guoren's words that two were impossible and his actions just now alarmed the other colleagues in the office.

"Police Officer Bian, are you alright?" a thirty-something-year-old female police officer who looked very capable asked.

"Ah?" "Vice Chief Zhouwei, it's fine, it's fine."

"I will be going to the police academy in a few days for the new students' training. Please take care of the work here, Police Officer Bian."

"Of course, of course."

Bian Guoren immediately suppressed his excitement. He was the middle-aged man who was originally interviewing Lee Chui. He clearly gave 59 points and read the scores together. The interview result was only 60 points, how could it be more than 80 points?

"Someone is cheating!" If you don't believe me, I have to go to Municipal Bureau to expose this kind of behavior. I have to talk to the chief, Lee Chui, this exam candidate's conduct is not up to standard, how could a hooligan become a police officer? "

Bian Guoren immediately did as he was told. He closed all web pages, put on his police uniform and hat, then got into the police car and rushed to Municipal Bureau. He found the bureau chief's office and found that there was a meeting going on.

He waited for the meeting to end and walked in.

"Yo, Old Bian, why are you here?" The director was a middle-aged man in his fifties.

Municipal Bureau were not something that anyone could casually enter, but Bian Guoren had his methods up his sleeves. There were many people he knew in Municipal Bureau, and they had been in the police force for many years, so their qualifications were very old.

Bian Guoren saluted respectfully and said, "Director Jiang, I have some things I need to report to you."

Director Jiang laughed and said, "Hur Hur, take a seat first."

Bian Guoren sat down and said, "Director Jiang is like this. This year, a civil servant had an examinee called Lee Chui. Back then, I was his interviewer, but this examinee did not have the overall qualities to be a police officer.

Director Jiang chuckled and said, "Oh, Old Bian, I know about this. I and the other leaders agree with that Lee Chui."

"What!" Bian Guoren was scared in his heart and thought: "Don't tell me that Lee Chui and Director Jiang have relatives, could it be Director Jiang's brother-in-law? It can't be Director Jiang's nephew, right? "

Director Jiang said, "Old Bian, I know that someone will ask about this. I don't mind saying that I have no relationship with Lee Chui and that he passed because of a single person. It's not convenient for me to say who this person is because it involves some secret case, but Old Bian, you didn't do well in the beginning either. When we were interviewing each other that day, I saw the entire process.

"This —" Bian Guoren's forehead was covered in sweat, as he regretted coming to see the bureau chief. He originally wanted to get rid of that woman this year and have a chance to become the deputy police station's director, but now he had left a bad impression on the bureau chief. It was too bad.

Director Jiang laughed, "Hur hur, Old Bian, I know you do things seriously. This is also the reason why I chose you to be interviewed. Don't worry, I won't be prejudiced against you because of this matter."

"Yes, yes." Bian Guoren had a bad taste in his heart as he asked, "Director Jiang, it seems that Lee Chui, this examinee, should be able to pass the exam, right?"

Director Jiang shook his head: "Not necessarily. If I can't pass the physical fitness exam, I can't do anything about it, but I think the physical fitness exam is usually not a problem."

"Hmm, actually, I think the quality of this examinee, Lee Chui, is quite good." Bian Guoren thought about that night when he dueled with Lee Chui. If such a person couldn't pass the physical fitness test, then no one in this world could. Suddenly, he thought of something. "It seems like I can't stop this kid from entering the police force, but I can't let him be arrogant. If I become his leader, then wouldn't I be bullying him as much as I want? Director Jiang also said just now that this guy has nothing to do with him. As long as I don't offend Director Jiang, this matter will be easy —"

"Director Jiang, personally, I think that it's best for a police officer to start training at the grassroots level, and only leaders who have experienced the grassroots level are good leaders." Director Jiang, personally, I think it's best for a police officer to start training at the grassroots level, and only leaders who have experienced the grassroots level are good leaders.

Who doesn't like listening to something nice when they don't wear anything at all? Besides, Director Jiang was quite good at it at the grassroots level back then. He was nicknamed the Artillery! Saying that he was impartial and unselfish, or else he would not be able to become the police chief, he said: "Old Bian, what thoughts do you have? It doesn't matter if you say so. "

Bian Guoren nodded and said, "Director Jiang, you were once my most beloved Bureau Chief. You know how straight my words are! "Therefore, I hope that you can hand over this examinee, Lee Chui, to me so that I can bring him around. Only by experiencing the basics can I understand the meaning of the word 'police'."

Director Jiang slightly frowned and thought to himself: "Old Yang just said he wanted to do an exam first, he didn't say that he must do it. The young people really need exercise, hmm, Old Bian is very straightforward. Although he is greedy for small advantages, he is still quite serious about his work."

"Hehe, Old Bian, I'm sorry for troubling you. In the future, I can retire to a police academy and become a teacher. Alright, let's wait for him to pass the physical fitness exam then." In fact, even if you didn't say anything, I would have arranged for him to go to the East District's sub-bureau. It's very possible that the head of your sub-bureau would assign him to your station.

"Director Jiang is really sharp."

Lee Chui sat in front of the computer, closed the people of Deep Sea information network, and opened it again after a few minutes.

"Perhaps tomorrow I will become an excellent police officer. When that time comes, I will be able to punish evil, help the young and help the poor, and serve the people for the rest of my life. I cannot continue to be so unrestrained. From now on, I want to return to society, I want to be a useful person, a person who is above vulgar interest. "

"Yes, just like that." Lee Chui got up and walked in front of the mirror, and looked at his unshaven self: "Only a face full of vicissitudes can show the face of a police officer like me, no, the police are the people, I should have a good image. Hmm, my hair shouldn't be so long, and I can't have unshaven myself. The room should also be cleaned, otherwise, a colleague will come home and leave a bad impression. "

He took out his phone and dialed Saobao Jian's number. The other party was still awake.

"Hey — what's the matter, Brother Chui?" Didn't you say that it's impossible to have a son without butts if you disturb others' sleep? "

"Saobao Jian, I order you to get up now, come to my house in ten minutes, clean up my clothes in half an hour, and tomorrow I will become a police officer. Image is very important, do you hear me?"

"Yes." Saobao Jian said lazily and suddenly became clear-headed: "If Brother Chui wants to be a police officer, is it really like what the bureau chief said, that he passed the interview? "No, I have to talk to Brother Turkey about something this big."

Lee Chui hung up the phone, put on his clothes and walked out of the room, ready to change his appearance to match the image of a police officer.

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