Beast Cop In Romantic City/C13 Before Parting
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Beast Cop In Romantic City/C13 Before Parting
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C13 Before Parting

Lee Chui was dragging a pair of cotton slippers. He was wearing a black blazer and a black suit. His hands were in his pockets, "I'm going to be a cop soon. I still need to talk to the neighbors about such an important matter.

He walked to the door of a room on the same floor and knocked: "Uncle Gen, Uncle Gen, are you home?"

"Who is it?"

The door opened and Uncle Gen stuck out half of his head to look at Lee Chui. He quickly opened the door and said, "Lee, you don't need to sleep after waking up so early?"

Lee Chui held onto the door frame with one hand. "Uncle Gen, there's something I need to inform you about. Finally, I, Lee Chui, have lived up to my expectations and passed the interview. Tomorrow, I may become a police officer."

"Really?" Uncle Gen quickly pulled Lee Chui into the room. Lee Chui didn't hold back and picked up the banana from the table and started to eat: "Of course it's real, where's Aunt Genji?"

"Chatting with a few old women down there, Lee is amazing, he actually broke through the civil servant's army test, and also licked our Shidai New City. Don't leave at noon, I'll buy some ribs for you to stew."

Lee Chui quickly waved his hand, "Leave the ribs for the evening. Uncle Gen, remember to buy two bottles of liquor for drinking. I'll come find you tonight. I have to go out later."

The two chatted for a while. Lee Chui walked out of the house and went down to a barbershop in the corner.

This kind of community barbershop was very small, and the people facing them were mainly the residents of the whole neighborhood. Naturally, the price of this kind of community barbershop was very cheap, and this kind of barbershop only had two barbershop seats.

He still had a cigarette in his mouth, and the smoke floated up, causing him to squint. At the same time, he mumbled, "Sister Sao, since I helped you with this hairstyle, I'll take care of your business in the future. Maybe I'll also visit."

"Oh, that can't be any better. Sigh, I'm getting on in age, and I rely on my youth to do this profession. I'm already in my thirties, so I guess I won't be able to endure much longer."

When the two saw Lee Chui walk in, they greeted each other.

"Brother Chui, my haircut. Take a seat first. Sister Sao will be ready soon."

"Big Brother Chui, it's been a long time since I last visited someone's business. When did you come? I learned a few moves and kept you safe. Also, we're all at the neighborhood. I'll give you a twenty percent discount."

Lee Chui casually sat down, fished out a cigarette from the table, put it in his mouth, and lit it up. May took a drag, "Sister Sao, I'm not talking about you. At an age, just find a man and marry him.

"Tsk, Saang Biao's haircut is alright, but forget about being a man."

"That's right, Sister Sao has good eyesight. How could a nobody like me be worthy of her? Alright, Sister Sao, take a look."

Sister Sao looked into the mirror and played with her head. She took out five yuan and placed it on the table. "You're getting on in age. You don't look good with a nice hairstyle."

"What hairstyle does Brother Chui want?" Saang Biao brushed away the hair on the table.

Lee Chui said while lying on the shampoo, "Short hair, a policeman's hair."

"Wah!" "It's not Brother Chui, your hair has been growing for two years, normally you wouldn't even pay for a centimeter if you cut your hair short, but this time you actually have to cut your hair short." Saang Biao limped over to Lee Chui and washed his hair.

Lee Chui said, "I might be a police officer tomorrow. Brother Pang, isn't your leg good enough?"

Saang Biao smiled wryly. "What should we do?" Sigh, it's already good that I can live. Anyway, if it wasn't for Brother Chui, then my life wouldn't have been as simple as crippling a leg. "Actually, haircut in the community isn't bad. Every day, I earn a hundred yuan, a cripple. Back then, when you used to chop people with a knife, now you use it. Hur Hur, I, Saang Biao, will never leave a knife.

Lee Chui smiled, "Brother Pang, to be honest, I think you and Sister Sao are quite suitable. A former underworld worker, now a former maid, now a suitable store, not young anymore, after two years, you won't be able to do it anymore, don't regret it when the time comes."

Saang Biao smiled bitterly: "Forget it."

After his hair was cut, Lee Chui looked much more energetic. With his short hair and thick eyebrows and big eyes, he looked full of righteousness. He didn't want anything from Qian Saang Biao and could only keep it.

Lee Chui came to the shed, got on a newly repaired electric bike and slipped out of the community. Not long later, he arrived at Chen Qian's mental health clinic.

"It has been two days since I last saw him. Has he recovered?" Chen Qian reprimanded him.

Lee Chui laughed, "No, are you free at noon, Dr Chen?"

"For what?" Chen Qian put down her book and looked at him.

"I'll treat you to a meal." Lee Chui sat opposite him and lit up a cigarette with a very proud expression on his face.

Chen Qian looked at him in shock. "Big Hammer, tell me, are you sick again today? Are you treating me to a meal?" We've known each other for more than two years, but this is the first time. "

"Ahem, there's always a chance for you to say those words. It's just that you're too busy." Lee Chui faked it.

Chen Qian smirked. "You didn't rob the bank, did you? "Well, since you're so sincere, why don't we go to the French restaurant we had last time?"

Two hours later, Lee Chui drove Chen Qian's bug to a stall.

"Comrade Xiaoqian, it's not that I'm stingy, the French food isn't tasty at all. The rice is just for filling the stomach, and all kinds of dishes are created by the people during labor. That's why it's the most classic way to cook."

Chen Qian held her breath and followed him into the dirty food stall. She thought that this fellow had gone crazy and wanted to treat her to a meal. To think that it would be a street snack.

"Face-pulling Chen!" "Give me two bowls of beef noodles, one is the size of a small bowl, the other is filled with two servings of meat and the smaller one is filled with one serving of meat. Don't be stingy with that bit of beef of yours, I'll bring you more customers later." Lee Chui said to a chubby chef.

This guy was stingy, he always sneaked over to Back Kitchen to add a few slices of beef each time and also frequently got credit, but — There was a gang who came here to collect the protection fees, and it was Lee Chui who stopped them, so the chef was more or less grateful to him. However, in the following month, Lee Chui came to eat and drink for free almost every day, the protection fee was 500 yuan, and he had spent more than 400 yuan just to eat and drink.

Lee Chui and Chen Qian found a clean table and sat down. Lee Chui earnestly said, "Dr Chen, according to many years of research, people eating beef is good for body strengthening. There's something I haven't told you yet, sigh — I've already interviewed people."

"It's true!" When Chen Qian heard this, the unhappiness in her heart was swept away. As his good friend, she was naturally happy for him.

"Of course, but there's still an individual that can be tested. Look at me." Lee Chui stretched out his arm: "I'm afraid I can't pass without any meat, so I have to make up for it by eating beef." Lee Chui stretched out his arm: "I'm so skinny, without any meat, I'm afraid I can't pass, so I have to make up for it by eating beef.

Chen Qian nodded. "Big Hammer, in order to congratulate you on your success, how about we drink a bottle of beer?"

"Of course not, we drove here. You can't drive after drinking, as a citizen you have to follow the law, but you can drink at night."

At this time, the chefs carried two bowls of noodles. One of them was large, while the other was thick with only a few thin slices of beef.

Lee Chui put the big bowl in front of him naturally and said, "I've said it just now, I need to make up for it now, right? Comrade Chen Qian, you can have two or three pieces of beef."

Chen Qian rolled her eyes and took a sip of the soup helplessly. The taste was not bad, it was pure and fragrant.

Lee Chui purposely picked out beef to eat and quickly finished it for Chen Qian: "Comrade Chen Qian, I think you've gotten fatter recently. You should lose some weight."

"Really?" Chen Qian believed this to be true. Recently, she had been sitting here constantly and felt that there was indeed more flesh on her stomach.

Lee Chui nodded heavily: "As a good friend, I need to warn you that you shouldn't eat meat or high-calorie foods from now on, especially beef. Sigh, for the sake of your body, I will reluctantly make the sacrifice for you." He stuck his chopsticks into Chen Qian's bowl, took a piece of beef and stuffed it into his mouth.

"You-shameless." Chen Qian was not angry, but she did not care about her image as she quickly ate the beef in her bowl.

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