Beast Cop In Romantic City/C15 Diet
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Beast Cop In Romantic City/C15 Diet
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C15 Diet

The originally messy room was swept clean.

The milky white floor tiles were spotless and could almost be used as a mirror. The cover of the sofa had also been removed, revealing black leather. It gave off an aged feeling. All the sundries on the tea table had been cleaned up and the television set was as clean as new. There was even a replay of a football match playing.

Lee Chui quickly took a step back. If he made a mistake later, he would confirm that it was Room 402. Then, he tiptoed in and heard the sound of running water and the hum of the washing machine.

"Not good, my underwear."

Lee Chui put the knife away and put the ribs on the table. He ran to the washroom and was slightly surprised. There stood a half-bent woman wearing leather gloves. Due to her lowered head and long hair hanging down, she looked like a housewife.

"Chen Qian, you …"

The woman turned around, revealing a beautiful face, "So your family is even sloppier than mine. Old bachelors are old bachelors, they don't even have the ability to take care of themselves."

"Why do you have my room key?" Lee Chui quickly pulled her out of the washroom.

Chen Qian smiled and took out a key, "You left in a hurry and left the key at my place. Since I have nothing important to do in the afternoon, I came over to check if there are any valuable items. As soon as I came in, I thought I had entered a rubbish dump, so I helped you pack up. What are you looking for? "

"Ah?" "No."

Chen Qian took out a pair of underwear from the washing machine with a hint of playfulness. "Are you looking for this?"

"This... "I'm so sorry, I asked you to help me wash it. The most I can do is come to your house and help you wash it." Lee Chui suddenly thought of an even more important question. He rushed to the small table under the TV in the living room and opened it.

"Old Master's classic film …"

Chen Qian walked over and said, "Don't bother looking for it. I've already confiscated those items. You're just a bachelor, it won't do you any good if you see too much of them."

"This... Comrade Chen Qian, you didn't do it well. You have already violated my privacy. How embarrassing. " Lee Chui ran to the bedroom again. Seeing that the sheets were taken off as well, his old face blushed and some of his bodily fluids were smeared on them. Chen Qian saw how terrible it was and immediately looked under the bed.

He opened the old box, took out a jar of Shaoxing Nu Hong, which weighed about four pounds, and pushed it back.

"Wah, what is this? An antique? Is it very valuable? " Chen Qian walked up to him and looked him up and down.

Lee Chui hurriedly sent her out of the bedroom and said, "It's not an antique, it's just a jar of wine. Lee Chui quickly sent her out of the bedroom and said," It's not an antique, it's just a can of wine.

"Do you still have this old earthenware jar?" These past two days, I've been watching Treasure Appraisal programs. These things might be antiques, and one of them could sell for quite a bit of money. "

"Gone, gone." Lee Chui hurriedly pushed Chen Qian out. He wasn't afraid that Chen Qian would take his daughter's red hair, but rather that there were some things that he didn't want others to know.

"The neighborhood's Uncle Gen invited me to have a drink tonight, so we went for a walk. I'll wash my clothes over there." Lee Chui pulled Chen Qian out of the room. This time, he carefully put away the key and locked the door.

Arriving at Uncle Gen's house, Lee Chui was quite surprised that Saang Biao and Sister Sao were also there. There was a lot of delicious food on the table, and Aunt Genji was still busy in the kitchen.

"Wah, who is this beautiful woman, Big Hammer? Not introducing them to us? " Sister Sao quickly pulled Chen Qian over to let her sit beside her.

Chen Qian rarely ate such meals, and since she was a stranger, she was a bit shy.

Lee Chui sat down at the side and opened the sealed paper on the girl's red cloth. "This is Chen Qian, my good friend. Like everyone else, how come you and Sister Sao are here with Uncle Gen?"

Saang Biao grabbed a handful of peanuts and said, "In the afternoon, Uncle Gen came to my place to cut my hair. He said that you passed the police exam and wanted to celebrate. He told me to come with Sister Sao."

"Uncle Gen!" Liu Tie came out of the kitchen with a spatula and an apron on his head, "Lee, wait a bit longer, the Red Braised Fish will be done soon. Aiya, look what else you brought, who is this lady? Don't tell me you're a girlfriend? "

Lee Chui quickly waved his hand and said, "No no, just my good friend Chen Qian." He sighed in his heart, "If only Chen Qian wasn't gay. Having a wife who could earn money and also do household chores is really not bad." Chen Qian greeted him very politely.

Lee Chui pulled Uncle Gen back into his seat and said, "Uncle Gen, it's good to let a woman do this kind of thing. I'll bring a jar of Nu Er Hong, drink it."

"Sister Sao, you and Chen Qian help Auntie." You really think of yourself as a guest, really. "

Unhappily, Sister Sao stood up and carried the pork chop into the kitchen with Chen Qian.

Uncle Gen found a few cups, and poured Lee Chui and Saang Biao full of Nu Er Hong, the smell of alcohol overflowing, especially the aged wine, the smell was strong.

The three of them ate and drank a cup of peanuts. The girl's red had a perfect taste, it was greasy and smooth, not spicy at all.

"That's right, Lee, it's hard for you to hide such good wine. I still have a bottle of Three Whip Wine for you to taste. It's good for your body, especially for young people who have girlfriends." Uncle Gen said as if he was an experienced person.

Lee Chui quickly waved his hand, "Uncle Gen, you misunderstood. Chen Qian and I are just ordinary friends. Today, he helped me clean up, so he had no intention of eating with us."

Saang Biao smiled and said, "Brother Chui, I think that Miss Chen is quite good. Can you develop her a bit?"

Lee Chui cursed in his heart: "What the hell do I do if I don't call a man and have a different hobby?"

After a while, the dishes were ready. Uncle Gen's house was exactly the same as Lee Chui's, they were all two-bedroom, and the living room wasn't too big. The six people eating around the table seemed to be very warm.

A few cups of the woman's red belly down, everyone's mood high, the girl's red degree is not high, but the strength.

"Back in the day, I, Saang Biao, was number one on Old Street. I wonder how many people in the underworld would be frightened by a single cow-blade. Which one of them didn't give me some face when talking about Saang Biao?"

"Tsk, Big Brother Pang, you're out of date, don't spout nonsense. If it were me, Lee Chui, in the Deep Sea Academy duel."

Lee Chui and Saang Biao continued to boast on the table, and Liu Tie also drank quite a bit. Originally, he was very reserved, but after a while his tongue grew big, and he also constantly spat out stars.

After a hearty meal, Lee Chui drank a few bottles of beer from Uncle Gen and left with the three whips of wine that Uncle Gen had given him.

Chen Qian helped Lee Chui into his bedroom and covered him with a blanket. After she finished washing the clothes in the washing machine, she saw Lee Chui sleeping soundly.

She could not help but be curious. She bent down and quietly pulled out an old box with a layer of dust on it. She did not dare to pat the box but slowly opened it.

"What is this?"

A person's curiosity is often very strong, especially when it comes to women.

Although Chen Qian didn't want to infringe Lee Chui's privacy, she took out a letter out of curiosity. Before she finished reading it, her eyes turned red.

Then he continued to read them one by one, until he was crying like he was about to cry.

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