Beast Cop In Romantic City/C18 Exquisite Acting Skills(2)
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Beast Cop In Romantic City/C18 Exquisite Acting Skills(2)
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C18 Exquisite Acting Skills(2)

Saobao Jian said, "Turkey, can you not be so direct? If you need anything next time, don't look for me. Peter, don't listen to his nonsense, I'm just here to serve those who need it. I can see that you're dressed neatly, you must be a slut, haha, don't be shy, I, Saobao Jian specialize in this business, I can see that it's not strange, I know a few uniformed personnel, do you want an introduction, please? At most, I won't charge you for your intermediary fee; it's my first time meeting you. "

"Forget it, forget it." Sweat trickled down Peter's forehead as he shifted his gaze to Chen Qian. With some complications, he said, "Xiao Qian is always with these people. Will she turn bad? Just now, I saw Li Jun taking drugs, could she have … "If that's the case, father and the family will definitely not agree. Also, there's this Saobao Jian, to actually do this kind of work, will little Qian be affected by him …"

At this moment, a waiter walked in with a few beers. Everyone was stunned.

The waiter took a look and immediately apologized, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I walked the wrong path."

"Come back!" Lai Qiang slowly stood up from his seat and held a bottle in his hand: "Did you go wrong? Are you doing this on purpose? Are you a spy? "

"NO!" Brother Lai Qiang, I'm not. " The waiter looked very scared.

Peter and Huo looked at each other and thought to themselves, "This person didn't say much just now. Why is he always afraid of the police?"

Lai Qiang grabbed the waiter's collar and said with eyes that looked like he was about to eat someone, "Speak! Are you a cop or a spy? I hate the police the most. "

"I'm not." The waiter was frightened to death. His body swayed due to Lai Qiang's sudden fall and something fell out of his pocket.

Saobao Jian's eyes were sharp. He picked it up and was shocked when he saw it: "He's a policeman, this is his police certificate!" As he said this, he purposely changed the photo in front of Peter Huo's eyes. The latter clearly saw that the photo on the ID card was exactly the same as the waiter's, and his mind buzzed.

"You are a policeman! Tell me why you're here! " The bottle exploded, glass fragments flew everywhere, and blood flowed out from the head of the waiter who was mixed with the liquor inside the bottle. Lai Qiang collapsed weakly onto the ground, but he still couldn't control himself, so he held the bottle's mouth with a sharp bottle tip and forcefully poked a few times into the waiter's stomach. The waiter trembled a few times and then lost consciousness.

Peter Huo was completely shocked, "He killed someone, and he even killed a policeman! These people are crazy. " He just sat there with his legs shaking and for a moment he didn't know what to do.

Saobao Jian pulled Lai Qiang up naturally. The turkey and Bao Jiu came over to help, while the four dragged the waiter outwards, leaving a long trail of blood-red blood on the ground.

At this time, Lee Chui seemed to have taken effect due to the drug's effects. He laughed out loud in an unnatural manner. Peter Huo, who was already panicking, was even more shocked.

Lee Chui stood up from his seat and went to the singsong platform. He ordered a classic love sale and snatched the microphone from Chen Qian's hands. At the same time, he held her in his arms and shouted hysterically, "Sell my love and force me to leave … Love is not something you want to sell! If you want to buy it, you can sell it! Let me get away! Let me know! Let go of your love! "

Peter - Huo went mad, his two hands scratching his neat hair into a mess, "Madmen, they are all madmen, a bunch of madmen." He did not have the time to greet Chen Qian as he ran out the door. Thinking about how Lee Chui and Chen Qian were twisting around in an ambiguous manner, he felt a chill in his heart as if he had eaten a worm: "Both of them must have had something going on." In his heart, he no longer wished to interact with these people.

He got out of the nightclub, drove the Audi A8, hit the gas, and disappeared.

At the entrance of the nightclub, the four people of turkey and the waiter who was beaten to death smiled at each other. When they returned to the private room, Lee Chui and Chen Qian had already quieted down.

This was Chen Qian's and Lee Chui's plan, to let Peter Huo see their ugliest and even twisted side, and automatically scare him away.

Bao Dating took out a bottle of milk from his pocket and said with a smile, "I didn't expect this guy to be so ignorant that he couldn't even differentiate between the pills and the milk."

Lee Chui shook his head and smiled bitterly. He took out 200 yuan from his pocket and gave it to the waiter: "Zhang Zi, take this money. It's all thanks to your cooperation this time."

"Thank you, Brother Chui. Thank you, Brother Chui." The waiter wiped the chicken blood off his head.

The wine bottle was just a prop that had been prepared a long time ago. The waiter had a chicken blood bag installed on his head, the nightclub room was dimly lit, and with Lai Qiang blocking Peter Huo's view, all he could see was Lai Qiang smashing the waiter's head and hearing the sound of breaking glass.

Chen Qian changed her wineglass once again and let out a long breath. "Thank you, everyone."

Bao Dating said, "Dr Chen is too polite. We also need to thank you for treating Brother Chui's heart that is riddled with holes. Otherwise, we would be the ones to suffer."

"Hehe, I guess that Peter Huo will never bother you again." said the turkey.

"Thank you everyone. From now on, everyone will come to my center to take a look at psychology. I'll give you all a discount."

"Forget it." Bao Dating shook his head: "Just cut down on Brother Chui's money in the future."

"Alright, it's already so late. I'll treat everyone to a supper. Un, let's go to the streets and buy some homemade skewers."

After the midnight snack, Turkey and the others left. Lee Chui and Chen Qian both drank a lot of wine. After all, they were both in a good mood. Lee Chui got what he wanted and went on to become a civil servant.

The street lights were dim and there were very few people on the road. Chen Qian didn't dare to drive as they were drinking. They walked in a crooked fashion while leaning against each other.

Suddenly, Chen Qian seemed to have thought of something, "Big Hammer, I used to be your therapist, but in these past two years, I still feel like I can't see through you. You …" We're all brothers. If you have anything to say, just say it out loud. If you hold it in, you won't be in a good mood. "

Lee Chui was also a bit drunk, but his mind was still clear. He hugged Chen Qian and felt that she was not a woman but his good brother. She was just a bit thinner, so he smiled: "Xiao Qian, didn't I also not see through you? "Hehe, I thought you were just like that. You were born into poverty and could buy a car in the deep sea realm in just two years. How enviable was it in the past, but then Peter Huo came out and found out that you had a rich dad."

"It's not the same. These are all things that I obtained myself. I didn't rely on my family at all. Big Hammer, in the future, I won't allow you to speak of me like this. We are all the same. We are all paupers, hahahaha." Chen Qian was really drunk as she laughed unrestrainedly.

Lee Chui, on the other hand, was clear-headed. He understood that the pauper Chen Qian spoke of didn't have money, but was instead a love trust. Chen Qian must have something that she wasn't willing to talk about; otherwise, how could a normal person have such hobbies.

Lee Chui didn't feel like a pauper at all. On the contrary, he felt that he possessed the best and most beautiful wealth in the world. At least, this was what he thought in his heart at this moment.

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