Beast Cop In Romantic City/C19 Deep Sea Police Academy
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Beast Cop In Romantic City/C19 Deep Sea Police Academy
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C19 Deep Sea Police Academy

The small backpack was already packed since yesterday, and it was getting hotter and hotter. Lee Chui heard that there was no need to bring too much training clothes after entering the school, so there was only two things to change into: a change of clothes, underwear, and some toiletries.

After thinking for a long time, he finally decided to bring that Butterfly Knife that had accompanied him for eight years.

Arriving at the Deep Sea City Public Security Bureau to report, there were already more than twenty people waiting there. Carrying bags of varying sizes, there were more men and more women.

"Hey, beauty." Lee Chui walked towards her. Lin Cong smiled. "Hello, it seems like we will be colleagues in the future. You are so knowledgeable. Please advise us."

Lee Chui laughed heartily. "You can't even talk about giving advice. Let's study together." Lee Chui noticed that the fat Siyan also came. His backpack was smaller than his own, and he still looked like a dead man, so he didn't talk to anyone.

There were still people arriving one after another. Some of them were sitting in luxurious cars, so it was easy to tell that they were wealthy with heavy backpacks. There were also some parents who came along with them, giving them constant instructions and stuffing large amounts of money into their children's pockets.

Lee Chui felt sad. No matter how old they were, they were still small children in his parents' eyes.

The man in the lead was wearing special black boots, black sunglasses, and a wide belt. His short, flat hair was like a steel wire, marking him as a man of earnest and meticulous work. The people behind him were also dressed in the same attire, except that there were not as many barbed flowers on his shoulders as the middle-aged man, which made him look majestic and imposing.

Immediately, some Municipal Bureau staff members invited the random bystanders out. Standing separately, some of them seemed to have been to a police academy before, while some of them stood straight. Lee Chui stood at the back, looking a little lazy.

The middle-aged man took off his sunglasses, revealing a pair of bright eyes, and stood at the very front as he said, "Hello everyone. First of all, I would like to congratulate everyone on reaching today, and we are about to set out for the Deep Sea Police Academy to train. Three months will pass in a blink of an eye. Second Lieutenant, after working as a police officer for 15 years, I'll take the captain of your training course and also your police training instructor! "

A person who looked like his subordinate was the first to clap. Everyone understood and followed the clapping, welcoming the newcomer to the arena. "Hahahaha!" "Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!

Suun Yan pointed to a valiant looking woman beside him and said, "This is Chief Inspector Zhou Caifeng. She is a basic police officer with a lot of experience. She will be your vice captain and will be in charge of the female students."

The crowd burst into applause once again. At this time, the city's police chief came out with a bunch of encouraging words. Suun Yan said, "Next, I'm going to do a roll call. Whomever I call, they will run to get into the bus. Do you understand?"

"Understood." Lee Chui shouted excitedly along with the crowd. He was about to enter the police academy, how exciting.

"Zhao Shanhe!"

"Here." He was the first to run to the bus with his backpack on his back. Lee Chui turned around and saw that it was Siyan. He looked gentle and refined, but he called out a generous name.

"Liu Guozhong!"

"Here." A burly student ran over — —

While waiting anxiously, Lee Chui didn't hear his name until the end when everyone left. Lee Chui stood alone on the spot and felt a bit uncomfortable, but he didn't think too much about it.

"Lee Chui!"

Finally, Lee Chui called out for himself. He stepped forward and shouted, "Here we are!"

Suun Yan glanced at him and deeply remembered: "He is Lee Chui, hmm, Old Bian had called before."

After Lee Chui shouted, he prepared to run to the bus. This bus could seat more than 40 people, and Lee Chui was the last student to get on the bus. He did have a seat, so he was afraid it wouldn't be very good.

When Lee Chui heard Suun Yan calling for him, he immediately stopped and turned around.

"Lee Chui, do I need you to leave now?" As a reserve police officer, you have to obey orders from your superiors all the time, understand? "

Lee Chui was confused. Everyone left like that just now, so how did he change? But he knew he couldn't leave a bad impression on his boss in the coming months. He respectfully stood straight and said loudly: "Understood."

"Mm. Let's go up." Suun Yan thought: "Other than the fact that this Lee Chui looks a bit older, the others are not bad and he seems to be sensible."

After getting on the bus, he did not expect Lin Cong to specifically give him a seat so that he could get on the bus.

Lin Cong secretly pointed at Suun Yan who was standing in front of her and said, "You don't know, but this Suun Yan is very powerful, he was once the champion of the Deep Sea City Police Force in free combat, and his skills are very good. I heard from someone that he is very serious in his work, and his eyes cannot tolerate sand, and he has very strict requirements on his students.

"Is that so? "Strictly speaking, we're still police officers after all. If we can't learn anything, how can we catch thieves?"

The Deep Sea City Police Academy was located outside the outer ring of the deep sea south, in a remote environment with no buildings in the vicinity. There were only two restaurants that were neither hot nor cold in front of the school gate.

Two hours later, the bus arrived. Lee Chui was at the very back. As he looked at the school in front of him, his heart was filled with reverence, especially the huge police badge in front with the words Deep Sea Police Academy written below and the inscription of a certain leader at the end.

The Deep Sea Police Academy was an undergraduate school. Inside, there were thousands of students, all dressed in uniform. They talked and laughed in groups of three or five. They looked full of vitality, which made people feel that they were looking forward to them.

As new students, they were also new students. At the entrance of the school, there was a recruitment center, which was specifically responsible for the life of the new students, such as the allocation of dormitories, the introduction of schools, and so on.

This time, a total of thirty-five people were recruited, ten female students, and twenty-five male students. There were originally four beds in the dormitory, which could accommodate six people.

For the sake of easy distribution, it was divided into five rooms. Lee Chui looked at the list of students and found it funny. He was actually with that Siyan, Zhao Shanhe, and the other three students.

When they arrived at the dorm and saw the clean and new military bed, Lee Chui suddenly felt that it wasn't as if he was here to train, but for the military training when he just joined university. It was almost exactly the same scene.

After tidying up in the room, it was time for lunch. This time, Vice Captain Zhou Caifeng led everyone to get their meal cards processed and then ate together. They had two hours of free time at noon, so they had to gather for a roll call at two in the afternoon.

Lee Chui took out a new lunch box and ate to his heart's content: "The food at the police academy is pretty good. The ribs are very cooked and the rice is also quite chewy. It's neither loose nor soft nor hard. A meal without money is always delicious."

He was secretly delighted while picking his teeth with a toothpick as he returned to the dormitory. Just as he was about to enter the dormitory, he suddenly heard voices from inside.

"Hey, Siyan!" What about you? Do you see my watch from West Iron City? Thousands. "

"That's right, this is a police academy. If you steal something and are seen by the higher-ups, you will be directly expelled."

Lee Chui stopped. His watch was stolen? It can't be that Siyan did it, right? He remembered that they had almost gone out together. He had only come back a minute earlier, and this minute didn't seem to be enough.

On the other hand, he thought that Siyan was being too cocky, so he ignored him.

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