Beast Cop In Romantic City/C2 I'm Looking for My First Love
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Beast Cop In Romantic City/C2 I'm Looking for My First Love
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C2 I'm Looking for My First Love

Not long later, Saobao Jian returned with two plastic bags. Next to him was a middle-aged man in his forties with a slightly bald head, holding a bottle of beer in his hand.

"Hey, Brother Chui, I heard from Brother Jian that you guys just won a big battle and didn't eat yet. Of course, I'm the one who treated you to a celebratory dinner." The middle-aged man was the owner of the Charm Bar. He used to be a staff member of a state-owned enterprise. Later, he went into the sea to do business. After earning some money, he bought an old set of shops here at the deep sea.

Lee Chui glared at Saobao Jian, who pretended not to see it and shifted his gaze. Lee Chui didn't want to keep troubling the boss. After all, the owner opened the bar to earn money and charged 5000 yuan a month for protection fees and a discount for alcohol.

"Thank you, Boss Duan. Your business is pretty good here, much better than it was two months ago. " Lee Chui opened his lunchbox and started to eat. He nodded his head repeatedly, "En, not bad. These kebabs must be bought from people on the streets, right? "Just based on his family's delicious skewers, this Egg Fried Rice is pretty good. The egg is both tender and smooth." As he spoke, he began to eat.

Saobao Jian looked at Saobao Jian and wanted to take a kebab to eat. Just as his hand touched the table, Lee Chui's knife slapped over: "Get lost Saobao Jian, the boss invited me to eat this. Buy it yourself if you want to."

Saobao Jian's face turned red. He retreated to the side and started drinking with Turkey and the others.

Looking at Lee Chui's food, the bar owner was slightly surprised. It was as if this person hadn't eaten for a few days, he continuously stuffed his mouth full, afraid that others would try to snatch it away from him.

It was only 10 minutes later that Lee Chui finished eating all 30 kebabs of the two boxes of Egg Fried Rice. After eating, he felt much better and his mood became calmer, no longer as anxious as before.

"Boss Duan, what do you want to talk about?" I ate here for a long time and you just watched me for a long time. Lee Chui picked up his toothpick and picked at his teeth, his mouth shining.

The owner of the bar chuckled: "Brother Chui's observation skills are admirable. I heard that Brother Chui became a civil servant and wants to be a police officer in the future."

Lee Chui nodded and said, "That's right, don't worry about Boss Duan. When I become a police officer, I will be able to openly protect your bar and it won't cost me any protection fees."

"No, Brother Chui, actually, you're doing pretty well in this business. As a police officer, what's two to three thousand yuan a month for? In a big city like the deep sea, you might not even be able to buy a house in your entire life."

Lee Chui thought to himself, "Two or three thousand isn't a small number. What do you know?" Although the monthly protection fee was around 100,000 yuan, it was actually very little. Just the consumption of the society of 20 or so people was already a huge sum, like drinking in a bar. 10 dollars for a glass of beer, that was the complete discount.

In addition to eating, fighting, injury, seeing a doctor, and so on, the monthly expenses were 50,000 to 60,000 yuan, and the remaining former Old Li didn't have to take it all for himself. After all, he promised his bros that as long as they had food, they would share it equally with each other, so he only had a little more than 1000 yuan in his hands.

It was very pitiful to say it out loud.

But the owner of the bar didn't think so, he gave five thousand yuan a month, it would take two to three years, and there were so many merchants on this street, so he had to earn a lot of money no matter what. This wasn't the key, the key was that he got along well with Hammer Gang, and five thousand yuan was nothing to him, he could earn it in one night.

Furthermore, there were many gang fights that were very unsafe. This was also why his bar business was much better than others. One word was for him to be safe.

If Lee Chui left, Hammer Gang would not be able to be brought up relying on turkey, and when the Skinhead Gang announces itself here, the unlucky one would naturally be the merchants here. Not to mention the bar owner paying more protection fees, I heard that people in Skinhead Gang never pay for alcohol, so if that's the case, then his bar doesn't need to be opened anymore.

Therefore, he didn't want Lee Chui to leave.

"Brother Chui, do you want me to pay more protection fees?" The owner of the bar started to adopt a monetary strategy. He made up his mind that even if he paid one more time, it would be worth it as long as he could convince Lee Chui to stay.

However, he didn't know Lee Chui. If he was greedy for money, he wouldn't have shared the protection fee with his brothers and would have already become a rich man.

Lee Chui shook his head and laughed: "Boss Duan, you are the first one to ask for a higher protection fee, this is good too, leave it to Turkey next month, you are such a good person, there will be no problem, once I become a police officer, sooner or later I will beat up Skinhead Gang, at that time —" He thought of Hammer Gang, at that time what would happen to these brothers? We can't destroy the bridge after crossing the river, can we? Ah, we'll talk about it when the time comes.

At this time, a ruckus came from not far away. Lee Chui and Boss Duan looked over and saw a drunk middle-aged man pulling a waitress and shouting that he wanted to have his first love.

Lee Chui smiled bitterly. The bar was like this, when it comes to boring people like this, it was impossible for them to be few. Lee Chui smiled bitterly, when it came to bars, it was possible that there would be a lot of boring people like this.

"Boss Duan, I'll go take a look." Lee Chui stood up, tidied up his dirty coat, and sat beside the man with a beer glass in his hand. "Big brother, this is a formal bar. Don't mess around."

He was in his forties, reeking of alcohol, with a red face and blurry eyes. He glanced at Lee Chui with disdain: "I am here to have fun, who are you? Who cares! " As he spoke, he continued to pull the waitress, and her pair of fat hands began to carelessly touch the waitress's hands.

The waitress didn't dare to offend the customers and just kept struggling. She knew Lee Chui, and she knew he was the boss of this street.

Lee Chui grabbed the guy's wrist and twisted it. Then, he pushed the guy's hand away and said to the waitress, "You can leave." The waitress quickly left.

Seeing that the woman had left, the man became angry. He threw Lee Chui's hand away and poured half a glass of beer on Lee Chui's face.

"I want my first love, how dare you let my first love go! Do you know who I am? "I'm from the Eastern District Police —"

Without waiting for him to finish, Lee Chui, who had a face full of liquor, threw a punch at the middle-aged man. Lee Chui, who was sensitive and anxious, could not stand the insults and provocations of others.

"Who are you? I don't care, in Shenshui Street, if I don't call you Brother Chui, how dare you splash my wine!" Lee Chui grabbed the neck of the middle-aged man and pulled him out. Suddenly, the middle-aged man's fat hands grabbed Lee Chui's wrist and pulled and twisted it.

Lee Chui could only let go of his hands in pain, "Piggy, I didn't expect that. I've trained before, come out and fight one on one!"

The middle-aged man covered his eyes with one hand and pointed at Lee Chui with the other as he scolded, "Bastard, I'm afraid of you."

When the Hammer Gang found out about the situation, they quickly surrounded the area.

When the middle-aged man saw Lee Chui's eagerness, he hesitated for a second. He thought of the big matter tomorrow, and how it would be a violation of the rules to come out today. If the higher-ups knew about this, it would be troublesome, so he called out, "Good boy, you have guts. You must have a lot of people. Okay, let's see what you can do." He secretly noted Lee Chui's face and thought about when he would have time to get back at him.

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