Beast Cop In Romantic City/C9 Suitor
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Beast Cop In Romantic City/C9 Suitor
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C9 Suitor

Lee Chui sat in the middle and drank two mouthfuls of someone's beer.

Turkey took out the twenty thousand yuan he got from the baldie Zhang Tian and placed it in front of Lee Chui: "Brother Chui, this is the Skinhead Gang's gift, we have discussed it before, if not for you, I'm afraid our Hammer Gang would have been swallowed up by the Skinhead Gang, so we decided to give this money to you."

"Really?" If it's that good, then there must be a conspiracy. This money can't be fake, right? " Lee Chui was in disbelief.

Bao Dating said: "Brother Chui, as the boss of Hammer Gang, you look at the dirty clothes you wear all day long. A shirt takes three years to wear, and they don't even wash properly.

"Yes, Brother Bao and Brother Turkey are right. Brother Chui, your life is very bitter, and it's all for your brothers. Everyone knows, you live in that old town, and the house is broken, and it's dirty inside. Why don't you take this money to get a girl and wash your clothes when you come back? Don't let me wash every time —"

Lee Chui was moved: "Who said that the underworld was heartless? I have a bunch of good brothers, 20,000 yuan! All of a sudden, I've become a rich man. With this much money, how am I supposed to spend it? "

"Cough cough, actually, you know that I don't like money. After so many years, I can be considered a person with many experiences. It's better to give our brothers some of the money." Lee Chui really wanted this 20,000 yuan. The suit he wore for the interview was borrowed from Chen Qian, but thinking about it, the others were almost the same as him.

Turkey directly picked up the money and stuffed it into his jacket pocket, "Brother Chui, since we defeated Skinhead Gang this time, many shops are very happy, this month's protection fee should be increased, Boss Duan has already decided to pay 10,000 yuan every month, take this money, no one will say anything about it."

Lee Chui was so touched that tears almost came out of his eyes. He thought to himself, "Humph, tomorrow I'll return the money to Chen Qian. What's so great about that, I just owe you a few hundred yuan."

Suddenly carrying a huge amount of money, Lee Chui felt a bit uneasy, "That — Old Bao, remember to look at my car at Dogskin's place. I still have some things to take care of, you're not allowed to call me tonight. Not to mention Zhang Tian, even Godfather of West City can't disturb me."

After saying that, he quickly left, the excitement and happiness in his heart not hidden in the slightest.

Turkey looked at Bao Dating and asked, "How is Old Bao?"

However, he seems to have offended someone, and some people even intentionally picked a fight with him during the interview. However, Brother Chui can be considered to be safe because today, we are moved by him and maybe we can win some chips for him. Sigh, Brother Chui's life is indeed a bit short on cash.

"Brother Chui cannot be a police officer!" Seeing that everyone was looking at him, he said, "He's my idol, he's someone I want to surpass all my life. If he was willing, Godfather of West City would definitely be his, but... Brother Chui is not a god, but we can help him become a god."

"That's right, remember that time, if Brother Chui had opened his mouth, then the entire West City would have belonged to our Hammer Gang. That wretched Chen Jiacai, he would have been the one to lick the soles of Brother Chui's shoes."

Turkey frowned and said: "You can't put it that way. Brother Chui might have his own ideas. What he wants to do is his own choice, so let's not interfere too much —"

Back at his home, Lee Chui was on tenterhooks. The money from the club was always given to the turkey to manage, but this time, there was suddenly so much. It was like a dream.

"Twenty thousand yuan. Hmm, this is two hundred big bills and two thousand small bills. That's enough for me to eat two thousand servings of beef noodles. If it's a single piece, how much would it be?"

Lee Chui walked into the room excitedly and found an old box under the bed. He took out a few old photos and carefully looked at them under the lamp.

At this moment, he looked so gentle, with the concern of a big brother.

He sighed, "Give it back to Chen Qian for eight hundred yuan. Give her one thousand yuan as living expenses. The rest should be divided between us."

After a long while, he smiled. This smile was filled with happiness and gratification. He then took out the letter from the drawer and wrote on it.

It was not that Lee Chui didn't know how to use a computer, it was just that the place where he accepted the letter didn't have a computer. It was only this kind of ancient method.

That night, Lee Chui slept more soundly. He woke up the next day and quickly cleaned himself up. He took the money and six letters and ran to the post office.

There were a lot of people at the post office. Coming out of the post office, it was almost morning.

"Aiyaya, the weather today is really good. I should go to Chen Qian's place and return the money to her. Who knows, maybe you might even treat me to a big meal."

Lee Chui took the bus to an office building that was more than thirty stories high. Chen Qian's psychological diagnosis and treatment center was located on the seventh floor, and when they arrived, there weren't many people there. Chen Qian was wearing a business suit and was reading a book on criminal psychology.

"Mr. Lee is here." A woman waved at Lee Chui.

Everyone here knew Lee Chui. After all, he often came here and he would stay for a long time. Sometimes, he would not even leave.

"That's right, Aunt Zhang. It's been a few days since we last met. Your cheeks are red, and you're young. I assume it's the result of Uncle Zhang's hard work."

"F * ck you, it's not like Auntie is a small matter. Dr Chen is inside, so you can go in."

Lee Chui grinned and walked to Chen Qian's office. He threw One Thousand Yuan there and arrogantly said, "Dr Chen! This is the money I borrowed from you. It was originally eight hundred yuan, I'll add two hundred interest for you.

She didn't really want Lee Chui to pay back the money. Yesterday, she only found an excuse and said: "Big Hammer, you're rich. Oh, in that case, you should pay me back the medical fees that you owe me several thousand yuan. Save it."

Lee Chui immediately softened and said, "Big Sis, stop messing around. I will chat with you while you treat me. I even helped you clean the floor and change the light bulb. I also helped you wash your clothes last time. That's enough to cancel it."

Chen Qian blushed and said, "I didn't ask you to wash it yourself. Besides, you were the one who looked at my underwear, so you should compensate me. It would be nice if I didn't bother with it."

Lee Chui poured a glass of water for himself, sat opposite her and said, "Comrade Chen Qian, you know I'm a dignified mafia lord. It's embarrassing to tell people that I washed your underwear, but it's more than just a few thousand yuan."

At this moment, Aunt Zhang came in from outside and said, "Dr Chen, Mr. Huo is here. Should we invite him in?"

Chen Qian frowned and hesitated slightly.

"Hmm? What's wrong? Who is Mr. Howe? Your patient? "

Chen Qian shook her head. "No, Aunt Zhang should invite him in."

A young man in a suit and a red suede tie walked in. His short hair was neatly trimmed and he looked very energetic. He was tall and powerful. He was a few centimeters taller than Lee Chui. He held a bouquet of bright and glistening red roses in his hands.

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