Beautiful CEO Falls in Love with Me/C6 Alarm of mother earth tiger
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Beautiful CEO Falls in Love with Me/C6 Alarm of mother earth tiger
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C6 Alarm of mother earth tiger

The next morning, I arrived at the company. Before I went in, I saw Fatty Chen outside the office gates.

This guy had his butt pointed at me, sneaking around by the door. I didn't know what he was doing.

Following his gaze, I looked over curiously, and immediately understood eighty percent of it. Or else, if the dog does not change its way to eat feces, this fatty was still thinking about Han Fei!

Today, Mother Earth Tiger was wearing a light blue suspender belt and tight pants. Not only did it perfectly match its figure, it even made the 36D big white rabbit look dazzling. The girl was in the middle of the office lecturing, her voice cracked, but it was of no use — because everyone, including me, had their eyes glued to the magnificent Twin Bees.

However, it was enough for me to enjoy such a beautiful scenery by myself. Holding onto a typical civilian's mentality, I patted the Fatty Chen in front of me and said unhappily: "Vice President, what are you doing? Are you not going to work?"

Fatty Chen was very unhappy to be disturbed by someone. He turned his head and was about to curse, but when he saw that it was me, he immediately shut his mouth.

He's still so cowardly, I finally have confidence. Based on this b * stard's character, he'll probably apologize in the future!

Not expecting the fat guy to not apologize, he coldly looked at me and sneered before turning around and leaving without a shred of fear for me.

These two laughs made my hair stand on end as I thought to myself, What's wrong with this b today?

"Aiya, I hate you!" While he was thinking, he heard his colleague, Wang Fen's, rebuke him from behind.

I turned my head and saw that it was Fatty Chen who bumped into Xiao Wang who just came back to work, and touched her buttocks.

Looking at Fatty Chen's back figure that was leaving so casually, I was so shocked that my eyeballs almost fell to the ground, "This damn fatty ate the wrong medicine today?"

Xiao Wang glanced at Fatty Chen in embarrassment. After getting dressed, he turned around and entered the office, "Big White, don't worry about this damn hooligan, go in quickly. You'll be late later!"

I thought about it, still couldn't understand why Fatty Chen changed so much in just two or three days.

The business was in a hurry today. It was said that they were going to conduct a summer performance raid, so they quickly busied themselves throughout the entire morning. When it was noon and I was eating, Han Fei suddenly called me over to fix the computer - because I had some background in the entire PR Department.

To be honest, I'm not afraid of brother's jokes. Ever since the nude photos were taken, mother earth tigers have always kept a distance from me. Even at home, she didn't pay much attention to me. This made this wolf very anxious. After all, it was a form of torture to watch such an alluring body wander in front of its eyes every day without being able to eat it.

This was an opportunity!

"What's going on?" I asked absently, looking at the computer on my desk.

Because all of Big Brother's attention was on her!

Han Fei held her forehead in frustration and swung her chest, causing me to gulp.

"System is broken, opening files can slow you down, hurry up and fix it!" This was Han Fei's style in the company.

Speaking of which, this girl wasn't the same as she was on the first day of our mission. It's just that I heard that she found her face and figure unconvincing, and only knew how to lure wolves. It was because of this that he had been wrapped up and turned into such a irritable girl that no man could stand up straight.

"Understood, let me take a look!"

I promised to sit on the boss's chair and play around with him, but my thoughts were not there at all. Han Fei's clothes were too provocative today, if you think about it, she just so happened to be dressed in such a vulgar manner … Can this make This Wolf work properly?

In the end, under the pressure of Han Fei, I started to get serious and started to work on the computer. After fumbling around for a while, I found that there were too many fragments of the hard drive, and even believed the bullshit of a large number (360), deleting some important programs. The task was simple, I chose the deleted document and started to recover, then laid on the chair and took credit while looking at Han Fei.

What can I not be rewarded this time?

But who knew that when Han Fei looked at the computer, not only did it not praise me, it even wanted to kick me out of the office!

F * ck, this is f * cking destroying the bridge after crossing the river.

"You don't have to be like this!" I said unhappily.

"Let's go, let's go quickly!" Han Fei wanted to push me again.

While we were arguing, I saw the documents on the table. It was a large picture that was opened using a random code — it was the beautiful photos Han Fei had given Fatty Chen!

No wonder I felt that the background was so familiar. She was shot from a computer camera here!

My heart skipped a beat. It tickled me to think that this girl had been flirting with me where I was sitting now.

Seeing my expression, Han Fei's face became even redder, and with some unknown source of strength, he pulled me out of my seat. "Han Dabai, get out! Now, immediately, immediately! "

"Alright, alright, alright. Remember to use the crushed files to clean up the photos. Otherwise, it can be restored." I resisted my laughter and ran out of the accessory chamber.

When I got back to my desk, I was still thinking about the photos. The diagram on the computer was much clearer than my lousy phone. Han Fei's full, big white rabbit could be said to be completely revealed to me just now.

But very quickly, I was suffering because I spent a lot of time studying my computer just now, which caused my work to progress slowly. It was already 7 PM and my colleagues were already home from work.

I had been working so hard these past few hours that when I looked up I saw that I was the only light in the big office, and it was quiet, like a graveyard. I shivered and didn't want to stay any longer. I picked up my bag and was about to go home.

"Huh?" When I got up, I saw that the lights were still on in the accessory chamber across the long corridor, I couldn't help but to be suspicious, could it be that Han Fei had also been busy all this time and hadn't gotten off work?

That's great, big brother can also go home with her and develop their relationship!

After making up my mind, I walked towards the accessory chamber. As soon as I got close, I noticed that something was wrong.

"Vice President, don't be like this …"

It was Han Fei's voice, with some difficulty in her breathing.

"Hehehe, don't be like that, huh?" The perverted laughter unique to Fatty Chen also reached my ears.

A moment later, the sound of pushing and shoving could be heard from inside the door.

F * ck, I'm so angry that I'm about to die from blood rushing to my head. You have to understand that I, the white brother, have long regarded this Han Fei girl as my woman. Now that I see the Fatty Chen like this, how can I not be angry?

But I haven't lost my mind yet. Today, Fatty Chen's reaction was very strange, as though he wasn't afraid of me at all. Did he have a way to deal with me?

If that's the case, then I definitely can't charge in now. There's no helping it, I might even be fired, that way I can say goodbye to the big-breasted girl!

Anxious, white brother is too anxious.

Was he really going to stand outside and watch Han Fei getting messed with by the Fatty Chen?

In desperation, my IQ went online and I kicked the door hard. Then I sprinted to the big trash can at the foot of the stairs and squatted down to observe the situation.

Sure enough, this kick of mine created an opportunity for Han Fei. Less than five seconds after I kicked the door open, Han Fei ran out of accessory chamber with her bag in her hands and a red face, her clothes all messed up.

Seeing that I had finally saved Han Fei, I heaved a sigh of relief. Just as I was about to leave, I was hit by Han Fei.

"I …" I didn't know what to say at this time. I wanted to ask her if she was really done for by the Fatty Chen, but I wasn't stupid enough to ask.

"Let's go downstairs first …" "We'll talk about it later."

For Han Fei to be able to rely on her own strength to become a vice division member, her brain naturally wasn't bad. In an instant, she understood that I was the one who helped her.

For one thing, it was too early to get off work, so there was no one in the PR department. Secondly, even if others found out, they wouldn't meddle.

In a hurry, Han Fei and I went downstairs. I turned my head and saw that the Fatty Chen had not caught up to us.

Han Fei seemed to have finally relaxed, she straightened her clothes, and her eyes reddened.

"Xiao Bai, thank you …" His voice was choked with sobs.

Seeing her like this, a bad premonition arose in my heart. In the end, I still asked her that question.

"Big Sis Han, were you given to that by the Fatty Chen?"

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