Beautiful CEO's First Boyfriend/C16 Don't Touch Me
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Beautiful CEO's First Boyfriend/C16 Don't Touch Me
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C16 Don't Touch Me

"I'm looking for a wild girl?"

In Cheng Qingshan's mind, what happened today at the entrance of the shopping mall and restaurant flashed across his mind.

Immediately after, he looked at Tian Tian with a cold smile, "Then tell me, who is that dog-man that was with you today at the entrance of the mall and the entrance of the restaurant?"

Tian Tian's expression immediately changed, "You followed me?"

"I don't have the leisure to follow you around!"

Cheng Qingshan coldly snorted, "I just happened to see you off when I was sending you off. Tian Tian, didn't you say you were going on a business trip for a week? Why did you come back after just a few days?"

"Where did you go this afternoon? You're holding hands. From an outsider's point of view, you two seem more like a couple!"

"… …"

"Damn you, Cheng Qingshan, so you don't believe me?"

Tian Tian glanced angrily at Cheng Qingshan. "Alright, I'll tell you today why I'm in the city today!"

"Last night, the head of the company called me in the middle of the night and said that there was an important client here who wanted me to go negotiate, so I came back."

"Today, Director Peng and I are going to the mall to buy gifts for our customers!"

"Accompanying him to a restaurant is also about accompanying a customer for a meal!"

"When I came out, he helped me up because I was a bit drunk from the afternoon wine. He was only supporting me because he was afraid I would fall down!"

"How far are you watching us? Who was the wild man beside me? I'll have to trouble you to look carefully before you speak! "

"If you don't believe me, I'll go to the company tomorrow and show you the receipt for the gift and the one for the treat!"

"But you, why didn't you explain who the wild girl beside you is?"

"I, Tian Tian, ask myself in my heart. Up until now, have I ever done anything to let you, Cheng Qingshan, down?"

"Besides not having children for you, have I ever done anything to let you down!?"

"If you want to divorce me and go with a wild girl outside, just open your mouth and I'll definitely agree!"

It was obvious that Cheng Qingshan did not expect Tian Tian's prepared explanation to be so plausible. He instantly became speechless.

"I don't want to quarrel with you!"

With that, he turned and walked back to the bathroom.

After taking a bath, Cheng Qingshan put on his pajamas and laid on the bed.

Not long after, Tian Tian had finished showering and put on her pajamas to sleep on the bed.

During this time, neither of them said a word.

"… …"

Cheng Qingshan was lying on the bed, lost in thought as he watched Tian Tian's back.

He remembered how sweet it had been when they were first married.

How did things suddenly turn out like this?

He tried to approach Tian Tian slowly, and reached out to pull her into his embrace.

"Don't touch me!"

Tian Tian immediately struggled in Cheng Qingshan's embrace. "Cheng Qingshan, if you don't give me an explanation, then don't touch me anymore!"

Feeling the warmth in his embrace, Cheng Qingshan's tensed heart gradually softened as he said in a warm tone:

"Wife, the perfume on my body belongs to a female passenger in the car. She got drunk outside, and it was me and her friend who helped her into the car. That's why I got stuck on her."

"For people like me, other than you, who else would like me?"

"I apologize for misunderstanding you today."

"I misunderstood you, can you forgive me?"

Whether or not what he had previously guessed had happened.

Right now, he just wanted to properly manage his marriage.

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