Beautiful CEO's First Boyfriend/C2 Female Eighteen Changes
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Beautiful CEO's First Boyfriend/C2 Female Eighteen Changes
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C2 Female Eighteen Changes

Hearing the woman's words, the expressions of Sun Lei and the others changed. Looking at her, they flattered, "Zhao Xue, aren't we just joking with our class monitor?"

"This wine, we drank it ourselves, we drank it ourselves."

Sun Lei, who was the leader of the group, quickly put away the money in his glass and started to drink the beer in front of him one by one.

"What about you guys?"

Zhao Xue then glanced at the two people on the other side.

"We'll drink, we'll drink too!"

The two of them raised their heads and followed Sun Lei as they picked up the wine cups on the table.

The three of them were the students who had a bad grade in the class and loved to hang out with them. Since then, they had not been able to deal with Cheng Qingshan.

In the end, he relied on his family's connections to study at a university. Then, he relied on his family's connections to enter the government office and inherit the family property. He became one of the best students in the class.

However, they really couldn't afford to offend this woman in front of them!

Cheng Qingshan stared blankly at the woman who suddenly stood in front of him and spoke up for him.

Why didn't he remember that in his class, there was a girl with such an outstanding appearance and overbearing aura?

"What? Don't you remember me?"

Zhao Xue turned around and gave Cheng Qingshan a wink.

"You are... Zhao Xue!? "

Seeing the somewhat familiar face in front of him, Cheng Qingshan, who had pondered for a while in his mind, finally exclaimed.

When he heard Sun Lei and the others mention Zhao Xue earlier, he did not dare to match the person before him with the Zhao Xue in his memories.

In his memories, Zhao Xue.

In the class, he was always plain looking and didn't have a high sense of existence. Other than him, who was sitting at the same table, he didn't even have any close friends in the class.

On the night he graduated from high school, there was something he hadn't done yet because of his family.

Afterwards, he heard from other students that Zhao Xue had left the country after graduating from high school.

Who would have thought that after so long, the ugly duckling from before would now turn into an unreachable white swan?

It was really a change of a woman's looks!

"Alright, let's find a place to sit first before coming back to reminisce about the old days."

Zhou Wei stood beside the two of them, then he brought Cheng Qingsong and Zhao Xue to sit at the table.

The dishes in the restaurant gradually started to arrive.

After the initial incident, the group of students at the table became lively once again.

However, the majority of them were surrounding the people who were looking for trouble with Cheng Qingshan.

As for class monitor Cheng Qingshan from high school, other than his best friend Zhou Wei from high school and his tablemate Zhao Xue, no one else was interested in him.

Halfway through the wine.

Cheng Qingshan could no longer stay.

The feelings of high school students had long since changed after so many years in society.

He had come this time because he could not stand the invitation of his best friend from high school, Zhou Wei. That was why he had come to chat with him.

Now that he had spoken, Cheng Qingshan was satisfied with not contacting his tablemate that he had not been in contact with for a long time.

"Old Zhou, why don't you all continue chatting? It's so fun. I still have things to do, so I won't be accompanying you guys for now."

Cheng Qingshan smiled as he stood up from his chair and slowly left the banquet hall.

At this moment, most of the students in the class were surrounding a few students who were doing well, so they didn't care about Cheng Qingshan, who was just a taxi driver.

If he left, so be it!

Looking at Cheng Qingshan's expression, Zhao Xue hurriedly got up from her seat and followed behind him.

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