Beautiful Police's Body Guard/C12 Color First!
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Beautiful Police's Body Guard/C12 Color First!
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C12 Color First!

The spring night in Skysea City arrived especially quickly.

Not long after six o'clock, the sky completely darkened.

The faint yellow light from the street lamps dragged a quiet figure along, reflecting on the ground for a very long time.

It was a deserted alleyway, its mottled corners seeming discontented with the green moss that stretched from the top of the wall to the bottom. The branches on the other side of the wall cast shadows on the ground under the illumination of the street lamps.

The surroundings were very quiet, with only the clatter of high heels on the ground and the occasional chirping of insects. It was the sound of crickets in the spring.

The alley was long and narrow, and there seemed to be a few furtive figures at the other end.

Normally, Serenity would be somewhat worried, but for other paths, it would take at least another half an hour or so.

However, his calm heart was very calm today.

Because she heard footsteps behind her.

Because she knew the arrangement.

To steal sex, isn't it?

The corner of her mouth curved into a pretty curve.

She even thought, if they reached the end of the box, would those people jump out and shout for help, or would they shout for help?

The road seemed a bit long, and the footsteps behind him seemed to be many and messy. They were in a hurry, and they could vaguely hear someone shouting.

"Hey, it's in front. Stop! "Don't run!"

The silence quickened. It wasn't because he was afraid, but because he was secretly delighted and looked forward to it.

With so many people, it meant that Lu Xiaofei still cared a lot about him and could be one of his helpers.

Although the situation was out of control, Lu Xiaofei had rushed over a little too early.

However, this did not shake her tranquil state of mind. She did not dare to turn her head back, as if she did not hear the words behind her, or was afraid of the pursuers behind her.

As expected, there was someone lying in ambush ahead.

When Serenity was about to run out of the alley, a few shadows opened their arms and stopped her.

"Hey, girl! So late, where are you going so soon? "

These people were obviously not good people. The one in the lead was a fatty with a comb through his hair. Both sides of his hair had been shaved off and he had a mocking smile on his chubby face. His pair of eyes were especially small.

Serenity really wanted to shout at the top of her lungs: "molestation, save me!"

Then, if there was no surprise, the actors they invited would laugh.

"Shout! Even if you shout until your throat breaks, no one will come to save you!"

This is what the script thinks, and Serenity wants to do the same.

She had clutched her bag to her chest, her back pressed against the wall, as if she were a frightened fawn.

However, she had overlooked one problem, which was that she had run too fast and was now out of breath. She opened her mouth, but found that her mouth was dry and she could not utter a sound.

As such, the original plan changed.

Perhaps the actors hadn't expected this either. Although the calm posture was very tempting, the leader of the group seemed to have some hesitation on his face. He did not speak any of the lines that he had planned out.

Instead, he was stunned.

Sigh, I don't care!

Hearing that the footsteps behind her were getting closer and closer, Jing Jing became more and more anxious. She finally managed to catch her breath after much difficulty. She steeled her heart and tried her best to straighten her chest as she spoke.

"Aren't you going to have sex? Hurry up, what are you waiting for? "

She closed her eyes quietly, but in her heart, she was complaining about her best friend, Lin Xiao Man.

Who are you inviting? Isn't his acting too terrible?

You even want a girl to take the initiative!?

Unexpectedly, after a long period of time, the other side still had not taken any further action.

Quiet opened his eyes.

However, he found out that the hoodlums were looking at him with fear, and seemed to have taken a few steps back.

"Boss, are you sure?" This girl told us to hurry up? "

There seemed to be a little brother who pointed at his own nose in surprise. "Look at me, look at you."

The tranquility was even more intense!

If Lu Xiaofei arrived and it hadn't even begun, how would he save the beauty as a hero?

Then what should he do next?

Quiet And Steadfast simply took another step forward. With a ripping sound, he ripped open the sleeves near his shoulders, revealing his white skin and a sling.

"What are you waiting for? Come on!"

This time, the eyes of the plane nearly popped out of its head.

"Are you sick?"

Following this cry of surprise, he and his subordinates all took a step back.

A lackey said as he forcefully swallowed his saliva.

"Boss, this can't be an Immortal Jump, right? "I've heard that clashing porcelain has not been popular recently. It can't be that it has changed its lusts, right?"

"That makes sense!" What logic is there to send yourself to my doorstep of your own accord? "

Quiet seemed to have heard these murmurs.

"Miss, are you alright? Don't lie to me. I didn't do anything! "

The leader of the aircraft solemnly nodded his head and spread out his hands.

What was going on!?

Quiet And Steadfast was on the verge of tears.

He heard footsteps getting faster and faster behind him.

"Stop, don't run!"

they said angrily.

"Big Brother, we didn't do anything!"

The fear on the plane's face became even more intense. He quickly waved his hands and suddenly shouted. Then, he turned around and ran away.

It's over!

Silently, she covered her eyes and felt her cheeks burning red.

He had been seen through by Lu Xiaofei!

Such a big joke!

He was so ashamed that he wanted to find a hole to hide in.

However, once again, the development of the situation went beyond his expectations.

A group of people panted like dogs. After taking a few deep breaths, a Ruffian's laughter suddenly sounded out.

"Hey, girl! Not bad! Why did you run so fast? Accompanying your bros in having fun! "

Why does this line sound so familiar?

Quiet And Steadfast opened his eyes wide and realized that Lu Xiaofei was not inside.

The people in front of him were all wearing red fur or earrings. They were slowly approaching him with sinister smiles on their faces.

"Isn't that group of people just now? Instead, it's you two? "

Quiet seemed to have understood everything at once. She pointed at the back of the plane and then at the group of people in front of them.

The leader was a thin man wearing a gold chain. He was also stunned for a moment.

"That's not right!" Miss, you should be shouting at this time! "

He seemed to resent the unprofessionalism of the silence.

"Bastard!" Why did you guys only arrive now! "I nearly …"

Quiet And Steadfast was truly in tears this time.


A loud shout suddenly came from the front.

It was the head of the plane, which had just escaped a moment ago, rolling and crawling back to where it came from.

However, the voice was not coming from them. Instead, it was coming from behind them.

"What, what is this situation!?"

Quiet and the thin man looked at each other.

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