Beautiful Police's Body Guard/C14 Bad Acting!
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Beautiful Police's Body Guard/C14 Bad Acting!
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C14 Bad Acting!

The acting of Serenity was very clumsy.

Her arms were wrapped tightly around Lu Xiaofei's neck, and her head was stuck in his embrace like an ostrich. She was crying nonstop, as if she had truly suffered a great grievance.

But as she cried, the tranquility quickly realized that something was wrong.

If Lu Xiaofei were to ask about the details, how would he explain it?

Thus, Serenity simply tilted her head, pretending to cry out of exhaustion and fell asleep.

Alright, for any girl to encounter such a situation, crying was inevitable. Even if he were to fall asleep, the exhaustion in his heart wouldn't go away.

But can you tell me what that thumping heart beat and the fluttering eyelashes that look like butterfly wings are like?

However, Lu Xiaofei did not notice at all.

When the tranquil and fragrant body entered his arms, Lu Xiaofei smelled the faint body fragrance. When he looked at the person in his arms that inadvertently revealed a sliver of white, and felt that astonishing softness, Lu Xiaofei's heart began to rumble like a train running.

How could he pay any attention to such details?

At that time, one person snuggled in the embrace of another person, breathing in the strong male hormone, feeling almost drunk.

The other seemed to have stepped on cotton and flew into the clouds.

Coincidentally, both of them wished that this road would never end, that the time would always stop at that moment.

However, no matter how far the journey was, there would still be an end; no matter how long it took, there would still be an end.

Moreover, the peaceful house was not far from here.

Like this, Lu Xiaofei passed through several alleys with a tranquil atmosphere. After about half an hour, they finally arrived at a tranquil district.

The inevitable moment of parting arrived. Lu Xiaofei was serene and at a loss on what to do. Fortunately, it was night and not many people passed by, otherwise, Lu Xiaofei's face would be as red as a monkey's ass.

Quiet And Steadfast's breathing quickened. If she didn't wake up at this moment, Lu Xiaofei might really have a hard time.

"Idiot! The key is in the bag! "

Quiet And Steadfast blinked his eyes like a mosquito.

"You're awake?"

Lu Xiaofei heaved a sigh of relief as he walked into the elevator with Jingjing in his arms. He pressed the button for the fifth floor while trying to find something to talk about.

"Oh, you woke up when you stopped!"

The two of them had their own thoughts, so they didn't notice anything unusual about each other.

The door opened. Lu Xiaofei walked past the living room, and under the quiet guidance of the master teacher, he entered the bedroom and switched on the lights.

A soft pink light illuminated the bedroom. It was a large bedroom, about forty square meters. To the right of the door was the bathroom. Inside, there were a few black colored insides that made one's blood boil.

"You idiot, you're not allowed to look!"

When Serenity discovered Lu Xiaofei's abnormality, her face was as hot as fire. She spoke with both anger and anger, but there was also a hint of coquettishness in her tone.

Lu Xiaofei calmed himself down and walked on. The first thing he saw was a large crimson bed with a huge HELLOKETTY standing on top of it, smiling at him. The yellow wooden closet was carved into the shape of a shutter, covered with all sorts of cute stickers. To the right of the closet, across from the bed, was a glass window, drawn back by blue-green curtains. On the windowsill were neat stacks of books. Lu Xiaofei found them familiar, most of them novels and essays he bought from his own stall. "A vase of lilies bloomed quietly, giving off a faint fragrance.

Above his head was a flower shaped lampshade. Pink colored lights quietly illuminated every corner. Lu Xiaofei was like a peach forest in the spring, his eyes were filled with red hearts.

"Rest well!" "I'm leaving!"

Lu Xiaofei turned his head, not daring to meet the serenity in his eyes. He bent over, intending to gently place it down.

Unexpectedly, Serenity did not let go. Instead, the ring tightened. Lin Xiao Man's warning seemed to ring in his ears.

"Attack, we have to attack!" A man like this, you don't take the initiative. Who knows, maybe some fox spirit will lure me away! "

She quietly bit her lips and said with charming eyes.

"Don't go! Will you stay with me? I'm so scared! "

It wasn't easy for her to finish her sentence. It was as if Serenity had lost all of its energy, and her entire body felt soft.

Lu Xiaofei's body stiffened, his hand paused mid-air. At that time, the two of them were very close. When he turned his head, he saw that Serenity had her eyes half closed, her nose was flapping, and her breathing could be heard. Her red lips parted slightly, revealing her small, white teeth. Especially that half fruity shoulder, from this angle, one could just make out the barely discernible ravine beneath the half-drooping sling.

Lu Xiaofei felt a tug on his heart, nearly causing him to bleed out of his nose.

He understood Serenity's intentions very well. It was impossible for a man to not be tempted by a situation like this. He was eager to give it a try, and the small act of raising his head and sticking out his chest was the best proof.

However, Lu Xiaofei knew his identity. He could only resist the pounding of his heart as he spoke in a faint voice.

"I'm sorry, I was worried that I wouldn't be able to give you the life you want …"

Lu Xiaofei's lips were covered by her index finger before she could finish speaking.

"Don't say you're sorry! I understand what you mean, and you also understand me.

But Quiet And Steadfast believed that Lu Xiaofei was worried that his identity and past work did not suit him. From her point of view, she was a lecturer in Tianhai Affiliated High School while Lu Xiaofei was just a laborer with a stall set up. Moreover, there were family conditions too, so she was worried that Lu Xiaofei would feel inferior because of this.


Lu Xiaofei smiled bitterly. He knew that peace was not the sort of person who coveted vanity. All she wanted was for them to be together and live a bland life together. However, this was exactly what Lu Xiaofei could not afford.

One of them was running around in the rain of bullets, while the other was an agent with a mission. He did not deserve such a quiet life.

He had the urge to tell the truth.

However, the tranquility once again obstructed him.

"No buts, hug me tight!"

The tranquility completely cast aside all reservations. With a slight tug of his hands, he tilted Lu Xiaofei's head and slowly lowered it.

Go to the fucking mission, to hell with it!

Lu Xiaofei leaned on the bed with both hands, lowering his body. Watching the tranquility with his eyes closed, his lips slowly moved closer.

Lu Xiaofei roared in his heart. His red lips felt as if they were filled with tempting candy, sweet and irresistible.

His lips moved closer and closer. He could clearly hear their heartbeats, and they were about to touch.

Suddenly, a bell rang from the pocket at his waist.

"A call came in. Hurry up and answer the call!"

Lu Xiaofei woke up with a start, shaking his head vigorously as he fished in his pockets with one hand.

"Don't answer it!"

A small hand pressed down on Lu Xiaofei's phone.

Lu Xiaofei pressed the reject button and casually threw his phone to the side.

The atmosphere between the two got closer and closer.

Unexpectedly, the phone kept ringing.

"Sigh, I think it's better if I answer the phone first!"

Lu Xiaofei heaved a long sigh.

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