Beautiful Police's Body Guard/C20 The School Belle's Bodyguard(1)
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Beautiful Police's Body Guard/C20 The School Belle's Bodyguard(1)
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C20 The School Belle's Bodyguard(1)

Luo Xiaowu's home was very big!

This was Lu Xiaofei's first impression. It was located in a very quiet area near the western part of Skysea City. It was very quiet along the way, surrounded by villa areas. The most typical building is a golf course that covers dozens of acres.

Over half of Skysea City's rich and powerful people were gathered here. At least, that was what Luo Xiaowu did.

It had its back against the forest of the western mountains. There was also a small river that was gently flowing by the side of the mountain. Luo Xiaowu's home was in a villa halfway up the mountain. It took up about a thousand square meters. There were guards patrolling the entrance twenty-four hours a day. After entering through the gate, one could see Emmie's lawn and the fountain in the middle. There was a pool nearby. The water was clear and the blue light reflected off the lights.

Passing through the grass, he saw a three-storey villa that was decorated like a castle with a pointed clock tower. Two servants stood by the door and pushed it open.

"Miss, you're back!"

Upon entering the hall, one could see the resplendent chandelier above their heads, with a banister winding upwards. The bedroom was on the second and third floor. The living room was very big, about 300 square meters, and it was quite ingenious as it was divided into several areas. Such as meals, coffee, and leisure areas. Lu Xiaofei even saw a small bar.

Compared to the large space in front of him, it was much colder here. There were only a few servants in total, as well as a few bodyguards standing by the door. However, the bodyguards could only move about at the door and in the living room, and could not go up to the second floor or above. No wonder Luo Xiao Wu didn't want to go home.

"Where's your family?"

Lu Xiaofei sat on the living room's sofa and drank a mouthful of tea that the servants had brought over before asking casually.

Actually, he already knew the answer. Lu Xiaofei's data clearly showed this. Luo Xiaowu was seven years old and had lost her mother. She was now one of the leaders of Tianhai's underworld society. She had never remarried, but the information showed that she had an intimate relationship with several women over a long period of time.

"Not home! "He doesn't usually come back!"

As expected, when Luo Fang was mentioned, Luo Xiaowu's expression became somewhat unsightly.

"Who knows which vixen he's spending the night with?"

As a mafia leader, Luo Fang had to attend to gangs all year round, so it wasn't strange for him to not be home. He gave Luo Xiaowu money at regular intervals every month and would occasionally return home. However, as a father, this was far from enough. Luo Xiaowu's grief was also within reason.

Sigh, this child is truly pitiful!

Lu Xiaofei did not ask further. She suddenly felt pity for Luo Xiaowu in her heart.

The Wealthy Class had their own difficulties. Even if one was rich, it was difficult to buy family love.

This kind of lamenting continued until midnight. Lu Xiaofei did not disappear even as he lay in bed. There were many rooms on the third floor. Luo Xiaowu had already introduced Lu Xiaofei to the servants and arranged for him to sleep in the room next door.

Perhaps because he was not used to the new environment, or because he was deep in thought, Lu Xiaofei could not fall asleep no matter how he tossed and turned. A peaceful and resentful face would always hover in his mind.


In his daze, Lu Xiaofei felt someone gently shake his arm.

"Get up, slob!"

Lu Xiaofei woke up from his stupor and subconsciously grabbed someone's wrist. He was about to pull her over to the foot of the bed when he saw Luo Xiaowu's pained face.

"Let go! It hurt so much! What are you doing? "

Lu Xiaofei retracted his hand in embarrassment. It was all instinct.

"I'm sorry, it's just a conditioned reflex!" Does it hurt you? "

Lu Xiaofei blamed himself in his heart. From the looks of it, he had been tormented by Luo Xiaowu last night. Normally, if there was even the slightest movement, Lu Xiaofei would wake up on guard. However, today he had lost his standards.

"Hey, Uncle!" That shouldn't be necessary! It's true that you are an expert, but in my house, you don't have to do this! "

Luo Xiaowu rubbed her arm as she breathed in the cold air, full of dissatisfaction.

"Who let you into a man's room! Don't you know how dangerous it is? "

Lu Xiaofei looked at his watch with an aggrieved expression.

"It's only six o'clock, what are you doing up so early?"

Before dawn, the rustling of the wind could be heard outside the window. Wind was blowing through the bamboo forest, and a few bamboo branches were swaying on the curtain.

"Uncle, hey, he's a student? "The exam is going to start today!"

Fortunately, Lu Xiaofei noticed it early and did not exert himself. Luo Xiaowu wasn't injured, so she replied unhappily.

Under the soft light of the lamp, Lu Xiaofei realized that Luo Xiaowu had already washed off her smoky makeup. He had short hair that fell to his ears. She wore a blue and white suit and a short skirt, revealing her white thighs and the black stockings on her calves. "She was wearing a pair of white sneakers and looked youthful. She was dressed like a well-behaved schoolgirl.

"You even know how to go to school!"

Lu Xiaofei joked, but his eyes quickly scanned the room and he nodded in agreement.

"Not bad, he looks just like a student!"

"Dashu, you're OUT! Currently, every student is dressed like a chicken, while the chicken is dressed like a student, don't you know that? "

Luo Xiaowu pouted and tugged on Lu Xiaofei's arm.

"Hurry up, we're going to be late!" "Uncle!"


The truth proved that no matter how pure Luo Xiaowu's dress was, it could not change her enchanting appearance.

Half an hour later, Lu Xiaofei, who had finished washing his face and rinsing his mouth, was sitting on a red sportscar with his hand on the steering wheel. The car belonged to Luo Xiaowu, who was said to be her fifteenth birthday present. Logically speaking, since Luo Xiaowu wasn't old enough to drive a car, she would normally be escorted by her bodyguards. Obviously, Luo Xiaowu had informed Dou Dou last night that Lu Xiaofei would be the escort.

Luo Xiaowu, who was beside him, was holding a bottle of yogurt and sipping it nonstop. She was like a kitten when she was quiet, but she would occasionally bared her fangs and brandished her claws, revealing her sharp claws.

"Hey, hey, Uncle!" "This way, do you know the way!"

What a joke, how could Lu Xiaofei not know the way? Lu Xiaofei clearly remembered that Luo Xiaowu was a high school student in Tianhai Affiliated High School. Lu Xiaofei could even find his way to Tianhai's Affiliated High School with his eyes closed.

"Isn't this going to Tianhai Affiliated High School?"

Luo Xiaowu rolled her eyes.

"Who said they were going to Tianhai Affiliated High School?" This way! "

He knew that since the girl got up so early, nothing good would happen to her!

Lu Xiaofei slammed down onto the steering wheel. With a 'chi chi' sound, the sound of tires scraping against the ground rang out. The sports car spewed out a cloud of black smoke as it swayed and lost its head.

"Uncle!" You're so cool! "Drifting Water!"

Luo Xiaowu instantly stood up and shouted out to the wind as she waved her arms in the air.

"Tell me, where are we going?"

Lu Xiaofei stepped on the accelerator.

"Where else?"

Luo Xiaowu looked Lu Xiaofei up and down with disdain.

"I'll buy you some clothes first!" "Uncle, with your dressing, if you tell others, you will embarrass me!"

Lu Xiaofei nearly choked to death.

Rich people were amazing!

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